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Anet, Please read this message from a long time D/D condition thief player


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TLDR, but have you considered if the condi from the one prep+the knock down prep might make up for it? Lets say that all the number crunching shows that the chnages equals less condi damage, but perhaps the knockdown, which will be an interrupt, will make your condi hit harder simply because that prep might be a great tool to interrupt condi clenses/heals. Thats why i'm gonna reserve judgement even if it is less condi damage on paper.

It wont effect me really though since I only play physical damage specs.Here's hoping for the best.

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@Cobrakon.3108 said:TLDR, but have you considered if the condi from the one prep+the knock down prep might make up for it? Lets say that all the number crunching shows that the chnages equals less condi damage, but perhaps the knockdown, which will be an interrupt, will make your condi hit harder simply because that prep might be a great tool to interrupt condi clenses/heals. Thats why i'm gonna reserve judgement even if it is less condi damage on paper.

It wont effect me really though since I only play physical damage specs.Here's hoping for the best.

Is this from a pvp standpoint or a pve standpoint? If pvp I think condi thief would be hard pressed to get rid of any of the current utilities, like Shadowstep, for one of the new condi preparations. If pve, then ofc it’s just about what is going to slot in the most damage, but I doubt any of the new preparations will outclass any of the venoms or caltrops in a major way that makes a substantial difference

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@Yasai.3549 said:All I see this as is to focus D/D purely into power.

They are gonna make Sword the Queen of Thief weapons now, because with the new poison trait, yu can effectively play the S/D thief as a Condi, poking in and out and applying the Poison every 5 seconds.

Sword/Dagger with the next patch : Power poking build, Condi poking build, and with some Stealth thrown in, they can have even better Condi poke by Stealthing for Venom and then popping out to apply them.

S/D condi thief was already a thing in sPvP a while ago (I think it got nerfed?) and it was one of the most braindead but effective things you could play. Bringing that back would be a huge mistake.

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@Cobrakon.3108 said:TLDR, but have you considered if the condi from the one prep+the knock down prep might make up for it? Lets say that all the number crunching shows that the chnages equals less condi damage, but perhaps the knockdown, which will be an interrupt, will make your condi hit harder simply because that prep might be a great tool to interrupt condi clenses/heals. Thats why i'm gonna reserve judgement even if it is less condi damage on paper.

The knockdown and needle prep are basically a manual version of the old traps. Seal and Portal have some interesting new potential but the other two are basically replacing what we already had which frankly wasn't great. Few players opt out of ShadowStep. Bandit's Defense is just too good in Dare Devil. The DE Binding Shadow is a boon strip, 15 stacks of vuln, poison, immobilize and usually a knockdown which makes it a virtual I win button if it isn't evaded. Signet of Agility is nearly a must take at least in WvW where condi is sooooo strong. I just don't see any of these working their way onto the bar outside of an occasional gimmick or temporary portal for friends back into a tower.

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The portal would be nice if it had same range as shadow trap as minimum. I agree with you, it will be highly unlikely someone uses them as a permanent mainstay unless it's a niche build (which I will probably make). I think most people will do temp switch out as the situation calls for it. I am still two minds about the manual activation. If you want to trip two at once it's not going to be as smooth as how traps worked before. At best, it will probably advisable to only use one at a time, and only one on your slots or you may be putting yourself at too much of a disadvantage.

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@Straegen.2938 said:

@Cobrakon.3108 said:TLDR, but have you considered if the condi from the one prep+the knock down prep might make up for it? Lets say that all the number crunching shows that the chnages equals less condi damage, but perhaps the knockdown, which will be an interrupt, will make your condi hit harder simply because that prep might be a great tool to interrupt condi clenses/heals. Thats why i'm gonna reserve judgement even if it is less condi damage on paper.

The knockdown and needle prep are basically a manual version of the old traps. Seal and Portal have some interesting new potential but the other two are basically replacing what we already had which frankly wasn't great. Few players opt out of ShadowStep. Bandit's Defense is just too good in Dare Devil. The DE Binding Shadow is a boon strip, 15 stacks of vuln, poison, immobilize and usually a knockdown which makes it a virtual I win button if it isn't evaded. Signet of Agility is nearly a must take at least in WvW where condi is sooooo strong. I just don't see any of these working their way onto the bar outside of an occasional gimmick or temporary portal for friends back into a tower.

Needle trap was great and effevtively put out more damage then a venom. The rest not so much so outside shadow trap which was great when it worked. Stacking needles and a shadow trap and then porting to on trigger was about as I win as you could get. trappers respite on its own was more damage then a binding shadow and our single largest one time condition add as well as being unblockable.

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Guys.. 3 stack of Poison every 5 seconds are nothing: the strength of condi D/D daredevil is that you can put condition continuously. Low burst damage (since they nerfed it), but high pressure.Now, how can you keep pressure on enemy if you add 3 stacks of poison stack every 5 seconds? it's ridiculous.. it'll only benefit Shortbow Choking Gas.Now with Death Blossom you can apply 3 stack of bleeding and 2-4 stack of poison, Dancing dagger applies 1 stack of torment and with a little luck 2 stack of poison.. and what about dagger auto attack chain? How much poison stack do we lost in a fight?

The changes in SA are IMHO ridicolus too: I don't like builds with lot of stealth. Right have access to stealth, but the hit-stealth/dodge stealth builds are ridicolus and absolutly no fun to face.

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I tried it, I think I prefer it the way it is now. Makes all your weapon options relevant and versatile. Dagger/Dagger I have a hate love thing with cause...where you will land with it can be annoying...so now you can pick any weapon and still be relevant, especially ranged wise.

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