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Race-Specific Bonuses

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I know ANET wanted every race to be equal when played.Who really believes a Level 80 Human Warrior is equal to a Level 80 Charr Warrior? Or that a Level 80 Asura Engineer shouldn't have some benefits over a Level 80 Norn Engineer?I'm sure if there were racial bonuses for playing certain professions it would funnel characters into those combinations.

That said: what single bonus (primary or secondary attribute) would you place on each race regardless of profession?

Would you like to see Sylvari with +Vitality or +Healing Power, showing their connection to life?Are the Asura a good candidate for +Precision or +Concentration?Should Humans (the vanilla race) get any single attribute of the players choice?

Please don't get all in a huff about having a hard enough time with balance issues, I just want a discussion on what bonuses you think each race would have. Think creatively.

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If you want to make each race unique, implement racial masteries, with specific bonuses for open world PvE.

For example, norn could get a decent implementation of their spirit forms, and asura could use golem combat suits, like Taimi's Scruffy. Not sure about the other races, but you get the idea, these would make each race feel unique without impacting balance in any way whatsoever, since they would only be useful in open world PvE.

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@"Lonami.2987" said:If you want to make each race unique, implement racial masteries, with specific bonuses for open world PvE.

For example, norn could get a decent implementation of their spirit forms, and asura could use golem combat suits, like Taimi's Scruffy. Not sure about the other races, but you get the idea, these would make each race feel unique without impacting balance in any way whatsoever, since they would only be useful in open world PvE.

or just make them novelties so they don't affect balance anywhere

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As you yourself note, it would be utterly counter to a very deliberate design choice.It they would add an effect, I'd be ok if it was small enough since I never min-max or run full glass. If the bonus were big enough to be noticable however, I'd be a bit upset.

What I would like to see is racial novelties such as cosmetic only Norn transformations available at any time, and skill "skins" so that for instance an engineer can choose current (kind of Charr like) turret design, or the Asura style, or Sylvari style seed/flower turrets etc.

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I think this would be fine as long as it didn't affect combat in any way. For example: Norn get +5% movement in snow; Sylvari get +5% movement in jungle, Asura get a hoverboard that gives +5% movement for 15 seconds anywhere, then must recharge for 15 seconds (or some such).

But if it affected combat then you'd introduce a boat load of other issues, so definitely not.

Realistically, I do think that Norn should get +strength, Asura +concentration, etc, but that would cause issues that I don't think we want to deal with.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:

Who really believes a Level 80 Human Warrior is equal to a Level 80 Charr Warrior?

Everyone in Ebonhawke, including the Charr and the rebels/renegades.

Or that a Level 80 Asura Engineer shouldn't have some benefits over a Level 80 Norn Engineer?

Raven and Snow Leopard. And the Durmand Priory. Also most Norn, who learn and advance just to prove they can do whatever-it-is better than the person showing them.

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