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The best race for Warrior?

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I'm returning to the game after a long break and I'm going to make myself a new character a Warrior.

I love to min-max my characters so what would the best Race for Warriors and why?

Or is there no specific race bonuses (I can't even remember).

Thank you for answers!

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Mechanically: It doesn't matter. All Warriors are the same, whether they be tiny Asura or mighty Norn. What race you choose is almost entirely for flavor.

Lore-wise: Certain races are more likely to flex martial muscle and become Warriors, specifically the Norn and Charr. Humans and Sylvari tend toward professions balanced between martial and magical skills (i.e. Guardian, Ranger, Mesmer), and Asura usually prefer magic (and Engineers) over physical prowess.

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Basically the race which animations, lore, voice acting and look you enjoy the most.

Racial skills provide no benefit and in those 2-3 past situations where players did find some benefit (every time miniscule) Arenanet was very fast in "adjusting" the racial skill short notice. For example when condition damage warriors/rangers would take Sylvari for the elite skill Take Root on fights where their elite skills were all useless (for a net benefit of maybe 2-3k dps), the skills was nerfed shortly after into its now even more useless state.

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