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Echoing Eruption: Leap Finisher?


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Personally I think the skill is fine as is. Ever since the chance to Mace 2 (additional initial burns) and Mace 3 (weakness), the kit feels very strong. I think the blast finisher works better because it allows the weapon to be used as a pseudo-support weapon in large scale WvW. Hanging in the backline and getting a triple water or cleanse blast is extremely good for the energy output, especially with all of Salvation's healing modifiers. It is also nice for might-stacking with Mace 2 (which is harder to come by for condi Rev), swiftness stacking if running with Jalis (a legend that lacks mobility), and of course the mobile AoE blinds will be really nice with the upcoming EtD change. In my opinion, the blast finisher is much more versatile overall.

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