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Chronomancer changes need a hotfixing


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@Me Games Ma.8426 said:

@"Richard Marcinko.5132" said:Between this patch and the Dec. 11th patch it's obvious that someone at Anet is seriously out to destroy this class.

I suspect that Robert Gee, the man behind chronomancer and Mirage, is no longer working on the balance team (or gw2 in general?). On the forums his last post was about the time they(he) did phantasm rework and I believe that's also his last piece of work that went into the game. It's sad to see that a man with the talent to design fun classes is no longer there.

That is what I said back in October in a bit more ardent manor and got infracted/banned from the forums for a bit.

Wait what part of that got you bannes?Were you offensive regarding the other devs?

These moderators are ultrasensitive or just bored at work, just got moderated for saying "don't be mad because mes outskilled you" on a nerf mirage thread.

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@rabenpriester.7129 said:It's the official forums, dude. What do you expect if you underpay some outsourced indian guy?

Yeah these forums are not only worthless for any sort of constructive feedback. But also more heavily moderated than Jews in Nazi Germany.

Pretty much log on, play, laugh at how bad some shit is. Log off. Complaining on the forums is a waste of time. Even if the critique is well thought out, sensible and has good data behind the conclusion drawn.

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@Chorazin.4107 said:

@rabenpriester.7129 said:It's the official forums, dude. What do you expect if you underpay some outsourced indian guy?

Yeah these forums are not only worthless for any sort of constructive feedback. But also more heavily moderated than Jews in kitten Germany.

Pretty much log on, play, laugh at how bad some kitten is. Log off. Complaining on the forums is a waste of time. Even if the critique is well thought out, sensible and has good data behind the conclusion drawn.

You say that, but you'd be surprised how many of the changes that get suggested or even mentioned get implemented. For example, I highly suspect that I'm personally responsible to the changes to Mallyx, because in my baseline tests I lamented that all of the DPS for condi renegade was locked into two skills.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

@rabenpriester.7129 said:It's the official forums, dude. What do you expect if you underpay some outsourced indian guy?

Yeah these forums are not only worthless for any sort of constructive feedback. But also more heavily moderated than Jews in kitten Germany.

Pretty much log on, play, laugh at how bad some kitten is. Log off. Complaining on the forums is a waste of time. Even if the critique is well thought out, sensible and has good data behind the conclusion drawn.

You say that, but you'd be surprised how many of the changes that get suggested or even mentioned get implemented.

That's exactly what scares me.

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@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

@"rabenpriester.7129" said:It's the official forums, dude. What do you expect if you underpay some outsourced indian guy?

Yeah these forums are not only worthless for any sort of constructive feedback. But also more heavily moderated than Jews in kitten Germany.

Pretty much log on, play, laugh at how bad some kitten is. Log off. Complaining on the forums is a waste of time. Even if the critique is well thought out, sensible and has good data behind the conclusion drawn.

You say that, but you'd be surprised how many of the changes that get suggested or even mentioned get implemented. For example, I highly suspect that I'm personally responsible to the changes to Mallyx, because in my baseline tests I lamented that all of the DPS for condi renegade was locked into two skills.

Every single mirage nerf was preceded by a respective "suggestion" as a nerf x and mirage will be fine. Every single time.Some buffs are also taken into account but are fewer.While I suggested and compiled a mesmer community buffs/thread, I would have prefered if ANerf had some competent people buffing and nerfing according to their own vision.

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@"rabenpriester.7129" said:It's the official forums, dude. What do you expect if you underpay some outsourced indian guy?

Yeah these forums are not only worthless for any sort of constructive feedback. But also more heavily moderated than Jews in kitten Germany.

Pretty much log on, play, laugh at how bad some kitten is. Log off. Complaining on the forums is a waste of time. Even if the critique is well thought out, sensible and has good data behind the conclusion drawn.

You say that, but you'd be surprised how many of the changes that get suggested or even mentioned get implemented. For example, I highly suspect that I'm personally responsible to the changes to Mallyx, because in my baseline tests I lamented that all of the DPS for condi renegade was locked into two skills.

Every single mirage nerf was preceded by a respective "suggestion" as a nerf x and mirage will be fine. Every single time.Some buffs are also taken into account but are fewer.While I suggested and compiled a mesmer community buffs/thread, I would have prefered if ANerf had some competent people buffing and nerfing according to their own vision.Give up Mohlla, they now threaten to delete my account :joy:Just let this whine squad and the most c@ncerous/toxic community to finish alrdy dead game, just let it be.I'm done, I suggest you to do the same
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Thank you for making this main post.

I'm also chrono main, and the changes feels awful... I'm trying very hard to "accept" the changes but really this is too much.... the no more shatter just feels awful... not being able to shatter during continum just feels awful. I don't mind so much the distortion removal, it just make the game harder overall, but the distortion on the new F4 kind of make up for it so it's alright. Also as it is right now., core mesmer shatter deal more damage than Chronomancer shatter... that's not right. We've been stripped out of shatter and on top of that the core shatter skill do less damage than core mesmer ?? How does this make sense ???? I know that slow is supposed to make up for it, but really it doesnt.

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Yeah, it really doesnt. The slow + shatter adds 33% and still doesn't make up for the 36% overall damage loss.The 1 second flat distortion rate upon using CS makes it not worthwhile to use it defensively or tactically. It's purely an offensive shatter now. The distortion on CS is 100% superfluous seeing as it's only 1 second regardless of shattering 1 clone or 3 clones.It's okay, I agree, but I'd fine it better to turn it into 3 stacks of stability or something more useful than a stupid useless 1 second evade.There's really no redemption here. It's been a major target in nerfs. This last one did it for me to the point I switched to core mesmer. Sadly I liked the boon sharing and wells.. Being forced to choose between clone generation or wells is not a good idea.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's been some time since the changes and well, I haven't seen a single chronomancer in ANY WvW zerg for some time now. Congratz ANet, you succesfully killed WvW chrono.

The issues are stated above. This is a really good thread to keep track of, but basically what killed WvW blobfight chrono are these:

  • Lack of distinct distortion. Continuum split was mainly used as utility to cast double gravity wells. Without distortion, chrono cannot survive in zergfights.
  • Impossible to cast double gravity well because can't use continuum split. Whoever thinks that it is feasible to use clones in a zergfight is delusional. They die instantly.

So, when are you bringing WvW chrono back?

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@Melian.5368 said:It's been some time since the changes and well, I haven't seen a single chronomancer in ANY WvW zerg for some time now. Congratz ANet, you succesfully killed WvW chrono.

The issues are stated above. This is a really good thread to keep track of, but basically what killed WvW blobfight chrono are these:

  • Lack of distinct distortion. Continuum split was mainly used as utility to cast double gravity wells. Without distortion, chrono cannot survive in zergfights.
  • Impossible to cast double gravity well because can't use continuum split. Whoever thinks that it is feasible to use clones in a zergfight is delusional. They die instantly.

So, when are you bringing WvW chrono back?

I tried to play Chrono in WvW tonight, I really did. I'm not fond of the Mirage lack of get out of AoE on dodge, but dang, if it was just... clunky and bad.

Like, roaming and small scale, ok, I could at least survive, mostly, and get some kills, but not many.

Linking up with the Zerg was a joke. None of my clones lasted long enough to use any of my shatters.

Guess ANet wants me to quit my mode and move on to a new game.

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at least give us some way to get illusionary persona back as a GM trait on chrono.. not having on demand distort really hurts let alone reliable CS. anet already gutted the boonshare entirely and killed SOI.on that note, wouldn't it be reasonable to at least bring back boons on bountiful disillusionment with these terrible current shatter skills? :D

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