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Is there a cure for my own stupidity?

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Earlier today, I crafted another legendary - Aurora! However, along the way, I made a costly and idiotic mistake. Instead of buying 100 Icy Runestones, I bought 100 Mystic Runestones! I went ahead and bought the icy ones too since I had the gold for it and I was impatient about Aurora, but now I'm left 100 gold down with runestones I don't need. I thought I might use them for the Shining Blade, but now I'm seriously considering Bolt instead (opinions on which sword is better are welcome too!). But that would leave me having spent 100G on Mystic Runestones that I won't use for a very, very long time because nothing else I'm working on uses those. So, is there any way I can ask Anet to undo my foolish purchase and get my gold back? Or am I just SOL?

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Definitely ask support first, before destroying. They don't always do so, and you dont want to be left destroying 100g without getting it back.

When I do such a mistake, I contact support, wait for response and then do whatever comes from that.

Only do it very rarely though, If i can reuse or if its only a few dozen gold I might not even bother.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Definitely ask support first, before destroying. They don't always do so, and you dont want to be left destroying 100g without getting it back.

When I do such a mistake, I contact support, wait for response and then do whatever comes from that.

Only do it very rarely though, If i can reuse or if its only a few dozen gold I might not even bother.

Yes, don't do anything except contact support. They can be very helpful if you are polite and patient and help them to understand what the mistake was.

In some cases, they need some help finding a way to replace currency, so come armed with wiki links if needed. (Often not, though.)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@KidRoleplay.3615 said:Yes. Destroy them, provide evidence of destroying them, and then contact support. They should refund you via ingame mail.


Don't, under any circumstances, destroy them until support tells you to do so! And yes, the support team can help you with you issue, @Fenom.9457.

Well, yeah. o.o Guess I should've been more specific. But, yeah. They'll tell you to destroy it.

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