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A modest thank you for toning down engies and nerfs to rampage/sicem


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Not much to say, the game has become a little more enjoyable with the reduction in power for engineer - rampage spam and sicem . With the changes to overload and rifle, only good holos can fully benefit from the spec, making the class that tad less tedious and oppressive to fight ; the CD nerf of rampage helps a lot vs warriors, the bad ones cannot spam the elite anymore and can be more easily dealt with.

Additionally thank you for the nerf on Deathstrike , it was quite hard to deal with teleport/chill/slow all the times, it could leave you open for rapid burst as chill/slow combo is too hard to deal with , overall I enjoy the game more now although there is one more annoyance now which I think should be dealt with as soon as possible :

" Immobilize mantra/daze mirage"

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Yes, hallelujah! Such great balanced changes.

Thank goodness Holo players occasionally accidentally overheart themselves. The truest of true counterplay is hurling a yo mama joke at a Holo in forge and watching them slowly overheat as they type out their angry response.

And yes, it is very appreciated that Warrior's rampage uptime was cut a bit. The 50% damage reduction is also very nice too. Everyone should know by now that engineer deserves to have Rampage on a quicker CD than warrior, even one running strength so long as you trait HGH, and at a longer duration too.

I'm so very thankful, fulfilled, and happy, that nothing feels good anymore; Arenanet help us please.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:Not much to say, the game has become a little more enjoyable with the reduction in power for engineer - rampage spam and sicem . With the changes to overload and rifle, only good holos can fully benefit from the spec, making the class that tad less tedious and oppressive to fight ; the CD nerf of rampage helps a lot vs warriors, the bad ones cannot spam the elite anymore and can be more easily dealt with.

I am sorry but no, Holo is still extremely powerful, beyond capabilities of other professions.

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Lol yea, they turned engie into a damn CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

They made holo harder to play even if by a small percentage, that in itself it's a small victory

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@Alatar.7364 said:

@Arheundel.6451 said:Not much to say, the game has become a little more enjoyable with the reduction in power for engineer - rampage spam and sicem . With the changes to overload and rifle, only good holos can fully benefit from the spec, making the class that tad less tedious and oppressive to fight ; the CD nerf of rampage helps a lot vs warriors, the bad ones cannot spam the elite anymore and can be more easily dealt with.

I am sorry but no, Holo is still extremely powerful, beyond capabilities of other professions.

I prefer holo to be good in the hands of 100...rather than 1000. It's a small change that makes the game less oppressive to play

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

Punishing bad holo players who constantly overheat and disabling toolkit is a bad thing? You want to punish good holo players?

Lol , this mentality here ^

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

Punishing bad holo players who constantly overheat and disabling toolkit is a bad thing? You want to punish good holo players?

Lol , this mentality here ^

Did I say that?Stop being stupid.If you are going to try and reach for a point, at least try a bit harder.What I'm saying is, no good holo is going to care, hell no average holo is going to care.

People have been whining and crying saying that Holo is too strong, but only affected the players that most people here hardly go up against. (Unless you have bad luck, then I mean that's free elo I guess). I don't care if they got touched or not, I don't have issues with overheating so it doesn't affect me, but for the people that swear to the Anet gods and back that Holo is still 'too op', this hardly satisfies them. At all.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

Punishing bad holo players who constantly overheat and disabling toolkit is a bad thing? You want to punish good holo players?

Lol , this mentality here ^

Did I say that?Stop being stupid.If you are going to try and reach for a point, at least try a bit harder.What I'm saying is, no good holo is going to care, hell no average holo is going to care.

People have been whining and crying saying that Holo is too strong, but only affected the players that most people here hardly go up against. (Unless you have bad luck, then I mean that's free elo I guess). I don't care if they got touched or not, I don't have issues with overheating so it doesn't affect me, but for the people that swear to the Anet gods and back that Holo is still 'too op', this hardly satisfies them. At all.

Ah you worded it differently , you shoulda just said that to begin with especially in the context of this thread.. You're basically complaining that they did nothing, so I understand now.

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Thank you Anet for nerfing classes that I didn't learn to beat.

Thank you Arheundel for ignoring my post. Co> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

Not much to say, the game has become a little more enjoyable with the reduction in power for engineer - rampage spam and sicem . With the changes to overload and rifle, only good holos can fully benefit from the spec, making the class that tad less tedious and oppressive to fight ; the CD nerf of rampage helps a lot vs warriors, the bad ones cannot spam the elite anymore and can be more easily dealt with.

Additionally than you for the nerf on Deathstrike , it was quite hard to deal with teleport/chill/slow all the times, it could leave you open for rapid burst as chill/slow combo is too hard to deal with , overall I enjoy the game more now although there is one more annoyance now which I think should be dealt with as soon as possible :

" Immobilize mantra/daze mirage"

What class are you playing now and what's your rank this season?Not forum rank ;)

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:Thank you Anet for nerfing classes that I didn't learn to beat.

Thank you Arheundel for ignoring my post. Co> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

Not much to say, the game has become a little more enjoyable with the reduction in power for engineer - rampage spam and sicem . With the changes to overload and rifle, only good holos can fully benefit from the spec, making the class that tad less tedious and oppressive to fight ; the CD nerf of rampage helps a lot vs warriors, the bad ones cannot spam the elite anymore and can be more easily dealt with.

than you for the nerf on Deathstrike
, it was quite hard to deal with teleport/chill/slow all the times, it could leave you open for rapid burst as chill/slow combo is too hard to deal with , overall I enjoy the game more now
although there is one more annoyance
now which I think should be dealt with as soon as possible :

" Immobilize mantra/daze mirage"

What class are you playing now and what's your rank this season?Not forum rank ;)

Do you think that Anet goes around asking for people's rank when they post nerf threads...or do they use metrics, data and AT team compositions to decide what needs to be toned down? It's all fine and dandy but in the end of the days, balance is done with numbers in mind...no emotions

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

They made holo harder to play even if by a small percentage, that in itself it's a small victory

Scrappers were guttedCondi engies had the last nail put into the coffinHolos dps in pve is worse than auto attacking Revs.

You've already said that Soulbeast is unplayable and here you are 3 days later thanking the devs.

I have an amazing idea, what if Soulbeast was given the same type of overheat mechanic that Holos have?

Soulbeast overheats, has all utilities locked out and takes half of total health dmg.

You know what it sounds like to me? A small victory that will keep Soulbeasts harder to play.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@EnderzShadow.2506 said:Thank you Anet for nerfing classes that I didn't learn to beat.

Thank you Arheundel for ignoring my post. Co> @Arheundel.6451 said:

Not much to say, the game has become a little more enjoyable with the reduction in power for engineer - rampage spam and sicem . With the changes to overload and rifle, only good holos can fully benefit from the spec, making the class that tad less tedious and oppressive to fight ; the CD nerf of rampage helps a lot vs warriors, the bad ones cannot spam the elite anymore and can be more easily dealt with.

than you for the nerf on Deathstrike
, it was quite hard to deal with teleport/chill/slow all the times, it could leave you open for rapid burst as chill/slow combo is too hard to deal with , overall I enjoy the game more now
although there is one more annoyance
now which I think should be dealt with as soon as possible :

" Immobilize mantra/daze mirage"

What class are you playing now and what's your rank this season?Not forum rank ;)

Do you think that Anet goes around asking for people's rank when they post nerf threads...or do they use metrics, data and AT team compositions to decide what needs to be toned down? It's all fine and dandy but in the end of the days, balance is done with numbers in mind...no emotions

You won't even say what class you play? without a long emotional diatribe about class balance...

Questions are hard.

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@EnderzShadow.2506 said:

@"Lilyanna.9361" said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

They made holo harder to play even if by a small percentage, that in itself it's a small victory

Scrappers were guttedCondi engies had the last nail put into the coffinHolos dps in pve is worse than auto attacking Revs.

You've already said that Soulbeast is unplayable and here you are 3 days later thanking the devs.

I have an amazing idea, what if Soulbeast was given the same type of overheat mechanic that Holos have?

Soulbeast overheats, has all utilities locked out and takes half of total health dmg.

You know what it sounds like to me? A small victory that will keep Soulbeasts harder to play.

Scrappers were no gutted..they're are prevented from tanking the whole planet on a point..There are many builds which are not used at the top level, condi engi is not the only oneDPS based on overlooking what was supposed to be tradeoff mechanic for holos (overheat)..glad it got fixed

Soulbeast is not unplayable , I stated that it doesn't add much to core ranger and the traitline is not amazing or extremely useful, I could use soulbeast as I could not...guess the term "useless" was an overeaction but it still should not be taken out of contest entirely; You could add an overheat mechanic to soulbeast...only if you add traits like Eclipse and heat therapy, same amount of CC ect ect.

Soulbeast already fall behind all meta specs when it comes to 1v1...dunno what else could you want more

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Lilyanna.9361" said:Lol yea, they turned engie into a kitten CC bot that can put out a hell of a lot of dazes, while with holo nothing changed because good holos don't overheat ever, so these changes essentially did nothing except smacking the silvers and bronzes even lower.

Yea, what a change, what a patch.

Thanks for not nerfing my secondary pick lmao.

They made holo harder to play even if by a small percentage, that in itself it's a small victory

Scrappers were guttedCondi engies had the last nail put into the coffinHolos dps in pve is worse than auto attacking Revs.

You've already said that Soulbeast is unplayable and here you are 3 days later thanking the devs.

I have an amazing idea, what if Soulbeast was given the same type of overheat mechanic that Holos have?

Soulbeast overheats, has all utilities locked out and takes half of total health dmg.

You know what it sounds like to me? A small victory that will keep Soulbeasts harder to play.

Scrappers were no gutted..they're are prevented from tanking the whole planet on a point..There are many builds which are not used at the top level, condi engi is not the only oneDPS based on overlooking what was supposed to be tradeoff mechanic for holos (overheat)..glad it got fixed

Soulbeast is not unplayable , I stated that it doesn't add much to core ranger and the traitline is not amazing or extremely useful, I could use soulbeast as I could not...guess the term "useless" was an overeaction but it still should not be taken out of contest entirely; You could add an overheat mechanic to soulbeast...only if you add traits like Eclipse and heat therapy, same amount of CC ect ect.

Soulbeast already fall behind all meta specs when it comes to 1v1...dunno what else could you want more


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