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Why is Skyhammer in the competitive rotation?


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@everyman.4375 said:Honestly the old skyhammer was way more fun, i miss flamethrower engi on skyhammer.

Agreed ... The jump pads were instant jump too I think... Now it seems like some kind of windup thing like when you jump on the shrooms in HoT. Maybe it was like that before too but just didn't notice it before.

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A whole lot of folks were very vocal in their whining about not enough maps for Ranked. Skyhammer got reworked (not for the better IMHO) and added to rotation. There is so much about this map I don't like, but I'm not gunna write of a wall of text that will bore everyone.

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I'm not much of a fan of Skyham since it's just not a particularly fun map, but it doesn't feel as wildly imbalanced as it has in the past. I actually wish it was just kept as an unranked map because as cheesy as the knockback insta-deaths were, it was actually pretty fun that way for casual games that wouldn't affect rank.

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:I don't get why it's not "Press [ ] to interact" for the jump pads. Run up to it while spamming interact 10/10.

As comical as it would be to see people flung away when they try to revive an ally on a jump pad, I don't think that would work (There's never been a press-to-interact option for anything other than "f" and they wouldn't add a new hotkey just for this map).

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@Dahkeus.8243 said:I'm not much of a fan of Skyham since it's just not a particularly fun map, but it doesn't feel as wildly imbalanced as it has in the past. I actually wish it was just kept as an unranked map because as cheesy as the knockback insta-deaths were, it was actually pretty fun that way for casual games that wouldn't affect rank.

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:I don't get why it's not "Press [ ] to interact" for the jump pads. Run up to it while spamming interact 10/10.

As comical as it would be to see people flung away when they try to revive an ally on a jump pad, I don't think that would work (There's never been a press-to-interact option for anything other than "f" and they wouldn't add a new hotkey just for this map).

You know the interact function Special Action that appears when you kill enough players in Eternal Coliseum? That's what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying to get rid of the jump pads' function at the moment either. If players don't want to hit that interact they can jump instead.

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Yeah, good old times with the old skyhammwr...I remember fearing them down, as a terrormancer these were the days.I would love to get those maps back, like for a day, 1st April or sthRemember old capricorn with the underwater part? Worst map ever, but due to Nostalgia I would love to play it once again.

On Topic: As a scourge main this is one of my favorite maps and I love the hammer and the distraction it offers while our team caps the points ;) Let‘s see when Djinn is making it into ranked...

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