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Rev PvP build


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@Catchyfx.5768 said:Hi there,

I've been playing ShiroGlint but afer nerfs and 4x mirages per game. Is there some hidden build that is useful? or Reroll is safe bet?I feel right now I have 0 impact in the game so far. Is there some new build?

Power Herald is still fine, you just can't go in 1v1's against certain classes. Stick to +1 situations.

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it is hard to play rev right now for sure, no matter how you look at it, you have to rely so much on your team that they will know what to do, i stopped playing rev in the lower ranks and started again once i got to plat again. if you have a team that doesnt rotate or there is no plus 1 scenarios it can suck just focus on blowing people up, dont be the first one into the fight is what i found works when i play rev :) hope this helps! also dont be afraid to use facet of nature it really is nice to strip boons :) or increase the duration of prot :)

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Hybrid Bruiser/Sidenodder/+1/Duelist

Told myself I wouldn't share this, but here since it seems people say Revenant is underpowered and only a +1 profession now.


The only thing this build lacks is the burst from offhand, the damage is otherwise constant, limits healing with poison and allows for some support (Protection, Improved Regeneration.) with counter pressure for conditions as well as big healing and cleansing from shield skills.

The only thing I ever can't beat consistently with this is the cancer mirage build running all passives along 3 disengage, blind/aegis/clone spam. Then again, nobody that doesn't have AoE spam can beat those anyway.

Otherwise, playing this right you can pretty much contest and push back anything but you can't allow yourself to sit still while doing so since staying in range is what keeps you going. So bunkers may be able to survive depending how they mitigate you.

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@"Shao.7236" said:Hybrid Bruiser/Sidenodder/+1/Duelist

Told myself I wouldn't share this, but here since it seems people say Revenant is underpowered and only a +1 profession now.


The only thing this build lacks is the burst from offhand, the damage is otherwise constant, limits healing with poison and allows for some support (Protection, Improved Regeneration.) with counter pressure for conditions as well as big healing and cleansing from shield skills.

The only thing I ever can't beat consistently with this is the cancer mirage build running all passives along 3 disengage, blind/aegis/clone spam. Then again, nobody that doesn't have AoE spam can beat those anyway.

Otherwise, playing this right you can pretty much contest and push back anything but you can't allow yourself to sit still while doing so since staying in range is what keeps you going.

thanks for sharing this, definetly try this.I have 1 questin, Why on sword sigil of agony(+25% bleeding) if there is no source of bleeding? Miss click?

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@Catchyfx.5768 said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Hybrid Bruiser/Sidenodder/+1/Duelist

Told myself I wouldn't share this, but here since it seems people say Revenant is underpowered and only a +1 profession now.

The only thing this build lacks is the burst from offhand, the damage is otherwise constant, limits healing with poison and allows for some support (Protection, Improved Regeneration.) with counter pressure for conditions as well as big healing and cleansing from shield skills.

The only thing I ever can't beat consistently with this is the cancer mirage build running all passives along 3 disengage, blind/aegis/clone spam. Then again, nobody that doesn't have AoE spam can beat those anyway.

Otherwise, playing this right you can pretty much contest and push back anything but you can't allow yourself to sit still while doing so since staying in range is what keeps you going.

thanks for sharing this, definetly try this.I have 1 questin, Why on sword sigil of agony(+25% bleeding) if there is no source of bleeding? Miss click?

That's a mistake on my part, it's supposed to be Doom.

Fixed the link above.*

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@"Shao.7236" said:Hybrid Bruiser/Sidenodder/+1/Duelist

Told myself I wouldn't share this, but here since it seems people say Revenant is underpowered and only a +1 profession now.


The only thing this build lacks is the burst from offhand, the damage is otherwise constant, limits healing with poison and allows for some support (Protection, Improved Regeneration.) with counter pressure for conditions as well as big healing and cleansing from shield skills.

The only thing I ever can't beat consistently with this is the cancer mirage build running all passives along 3 disengage, blind/aegis/clone spam. Then again, nobody that doesn't have AoE spam can beat those anyway.

Otherwise, playing this right you can pretty much contest and push back anything but you can't allow yourself to sit still while doing so since staying in range is what keeps you going. So bunkers may be able to survive depending how they mitigate you.

Marshal's Amulet, nice. Seems like a cool build. Props for thinking outside of the box with your stuff. Seems like the clears and cleanses you have access to would be enough to stall Mirages, yeah?

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Hybrid Bruiser/Sidenodder/+1/Duelist

Told myself I wouldn't share this, but here since it seems people say Revenant is underpowered and only a +1 profession now.

The only thing this build lacks is the burst from offhand, the damage is otherwise constant, limits healing with poison and allows for some support (Protection, Improved Regeneration.) with counter pressure for conditions as well as big healing and cleansing from shield skills.

The only thing I ever can't beat consistently with this is the cancer mirage build running all passives along 3 disengage, blind/aegis/clone spam. Then again, nobody that doesn't have AoE spam can beat those anyway.

Otherwise, playing this right you can pretty much contest and push back anything but you can't allow yourself to sit still while doing so since staying in range is what keeps you going. So bunkers may be able to survive depending how they mitigate you.

Marshal's Amulet, nice. Seems like a cool build. Props for thinking outside of the box with your stuff. Seems like the clears and cleanses you have access to would be enough to stall Mirages, yeah?

Mirages are pain as shao said, i cannot kill clones/phantasms, i can conditransfer but it still hurt, and sometimes i feel in teamfights im squishy as hell, if i mess something im dead. Shield 5 is good but 4 is shity.

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You have to be really creative with it. Work the multi hit combo's such as unrelenting assault + True Nature and Impossible odds, add Enchanted Daggers (All form of Siphon damage is also increased with Healing Power.) too if possible. Quickness can help achieving that, especially if you time your Sigil Quickness with Song of the Mists Quickness for Autoattacks. Staff 2 being placeholder for Deathstrike when wanting to do bigger hits like when using Phase Traversal, can use staff 5 to setup Unrelenting Assault/Precision Strikes to punish after, Mitigation is not just healing but also using weakness (Staff 2 and Elemental Blast) and protection (Facet Of Chaos and Spirit Boon if you prefer that trait.) that can be easily done in the same fashion while being offensive.

There's quite a lot to be done in the process, the general idea is that you can have constant damage going but no bursts at all. Don't be afraid to use your protection if you can swap legends, it really makes a big difference, same for your stunbreaks on legend swap! Make those worth your efforts. Got too much energy? Use your skills! Riposting Shadows should always be the thing to use before leaving back to Glint if you have the energy for it, keep your endurance coming.

One common mistake I see rev's not do as Legendary Dragon is keep the pressure going after using Infuse Light, especially since it's possible to counter pressure with Pulsating Pestilence, waiting to have a ton of conditions on you while healing from it to retaliate with after is a great way to punish people while Enchanted Daggers with increase healing is more potent.

The other mistake would be that Sigils trigger on Legend Swaps, so sticking to the same weapon set is not too punishing for a Rev, especially if you want to poison people a lot with the Sigil, which is the main attraction to this build, the trait Venom Enhancements acts as a very big deterrent to people who rely on healing to survive, mostly warriors on healing signet and it can be permanent on those who have no cleanses.

There's a lot on under the surface with this build, it's definitely different from the typical play style.

Mirages are beatable if they don't constantly disengage (Which means in Conquest you will usually have the advantage.), but that's rare nowadays, same with thieves. That's where you'd prefer having the off-hand when something runs away too often because of the spikes.

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It suprised me how much im able to heal with shield 5 and this amulet, shield 4 is different story tho. Overall i like its healup potential and finally im using shield, torment makes up for loss of offhand sw and even bad might stacking that got nerfed is somehow traded by the torment and burning aplication

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"Shao.7236" said:Hybrid Bruiser/Sidenodder/+1/Duelist

Told myself I wouldn't share this, but here since it seems people say Revenant is underpowered and only a +1 profession now.

The only thing this build lacks is the burst from offhand, the damage is otherwise constant, limits healing with poison and allows for some support (Protection, Improved Regeneration.) with counter pressure for conditions as well as big healing and cleansing from shield skills.

The only thing I ever can't beat consistently with this is the cancer mirage build running all passives along 3 disengage, blind/aegis/clone spam. Then again, nobody that doesn't have AoE spam can beat those anyway.

Otherwise, playing this right you can pretty much contest and push back anything but you can't allow yourself to sit still while doing so since staying in range is what keeps you going. So bunkers may be able to survive depending how they mitigate you.

Marshal's Amulet, nice. Seems like a cool build. Props for thinking outside of the box with your stuff. Seems like the clears and cleanses you have access to would be enough to stall Mirages, yeah?

For the most part, but they have a lot of avoidance so it's not relatively easy unless you're playing conquest which forces them to engage you again which brings them close and facilitates sending conditions at them.

@Catchyfx.5768 said:It suprised me how much im able to heal with shield 5 and this amulet, shield 4 is different story tho. Overall i like its healup potential and finally im using shield, torment makes up for loss of offhand sw and even bad might stacking that got nerfed is somehow traded by the torment and burning aplication

Shield 4 while clunky, it's pretty much a slightly faster staff 4 that consumes less energy minus 1 less condition to cleanse. Ideally you can use it fast with quickness on weapon swap/Song of the Mists. In total if both shield skills are used together, it's at least 6,725 healing, which you can consider a full heal skill at this point.

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