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My wish list of changes to Mallyx/Corruption


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Looking at where they going with Mallyx its pretty obvious by now that HoT beta Mallyx will not make comeback. But at that point we should completely get rid of his old playstyle


Demonic Defiance rework to provide resistance during EtDAbyssal Chill - rework it to provide might stack whenever we hit a chilled foe and vulnerabilitySpontagenous Destruction rework to enhance Banish Enchantment by making it corrupt boons instead of simply removing them.Diabolic Inferno - something i already mentioned before but it needs +% burn duration badly. Its too weak for a GM traitManiacal Persistance - rework to heal based on the outgoing condition damage (10%)

Replenishing despair is and always was a dead trait. Something new needs to be placed in it


Empowering Misery - make it consume all conditions we have on our charactersPain Absorption - rework to a stunbreak with no cast time and make it absord next incoming attack (1 sec window)Call to Anguish - Increare leap range to 900, reduce energy to 30, add evade frame and change chill to immobilizeEmbrance the Darkness - obvious. Just remove CDF2 (core) - Apply 3second aoe (240 radius) burning and blind

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@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:Demonic Defiance rework to provide resistance during EtDI disagree with this. I prefer the way it works currently, but think that it should also apply to non-Mallyx legend skills at a reduced duration (1.5s) to model similarly functioning traits such as Notoriety.Abyssal Chill - rework it to provide might stack whenever we hit a chilled foe and vulnerabilityI agree that AC needs some sort of adjustments now that its most relevant synergy has been nuked. The thing that I like about it now, though, is that it still hybridizes mainhand sword, which is something that should be encouraged. I think an additional effect could be introduced, but I don't think its core functionality should be removed. Even reintroducing chill in other skills/traits would be nice. RIP Abyssal Chill though...Spontaneous Destruction rework to enhance Banish Enchantment by making it corrupt boons instead of simply removing them.I honestly think this would be too much powercreep, but I do like the idea of having it modify the skill. SD definitely needs some love though. It is a very weak trait and auto-procs like this are boring and could all be removed for all I care. I feel like Corruption is already too pigeonholed into using Mallyx and this would only reduce the options for non-Mallyx builds. I personally would prefer an "on boon removal" interaction, and to introduce a bit more boon removal into the class, such as a skill on an offhand weapon.Diabolic Inferno - something i already mentioned before but it needs +% burn duration badly. Its too weak for a GM traitTotally fair in my eyes, either increased burn duration or damage.Maniacal Persistance - rework to heal based on the outgoing condition damage (10%)Simple but nice idea. I would like for some sort of resistance or torment-based functionality to remain, although the trait definitely needs...something.Replenishing despair is and always was a dead trait. Something new needs to be placed in itI agree. Utter gutter trash trait.Empowering Misery - make it consume all conditions we have on our charactersI feel conflicted about this. Pulsating Pestilence helps alleviate the need for hard condi cleanse in Mallyx, but it simultaneously pigeonholes one into taking the trait, and I don't think a legend should depend upon a trait to be functional. I have previously thought something like X might per condition removed would be nice, or to have it apply X amount of resistance.Pain Absorption - rework to a stunbreak with no cast time and make it absord next incoming attack (1 sec window)I agree that it needs something to make it a more reactive trait. Stunbreaks with cast times are so awkward. Giving it a functionality exclusive to "on-breaking a stun" would be nice, like an evade or somethin'. Using this skill against a good war is just crap. It sucks to dodge out of the skill and get no skill effects.Call to Anguish - Increare leap range to 900, reduce energy to 30, add evade frame and change chill to immobilizeThis skill needs something, that is for sure. My personal idea: have it slow as well, and reduce the cost/reset the CD if no targets are hit (to restore its kiting/mobility potential).Embrance the Darkness - obvious. Just remove CDFair. I would be happy with 5s or lower. The CD feels so bad on it.F2 (core) - Apply 3second aoe (240 radius) burning and blindI am honestly happy with the way the F2 functions (great skill for Mallyx/Jalis) and don't think it really needs tweaks. However, perhaps a trait improving its functionality would be welcome.

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@Scoobaniec.9561 said:Demonic Defiance rework to provide resistance during EtDI prefer to rework as provide 2s resistance when using legendary skills, 4s when using legendary demon stance skills. ICD increase to 10s.In addition, your critical attack transfer 1 condition when you have resistance.

Abyssal Chill - rework it to provide might stack whenever we hit a chilled foe and vulnerabilityTBH, I don't think revenant are lack of might.But I think it would be fun (and OP?) if Anet reverse the trait: When you apply torment a foe, you also inflict chill on them.

Spontagenous Destruction rework to enhance Banish Enchantment by making it corrupt boons instead of simply removing them.Not using Banish Enchantment much as the projectile is too slow, and always missed a moving target ...The idea to enhance Banish Enchantment is nice, but I like the way of boons/conditions swapping (stealing if you currently have no conditions, transfer if target have no boons) than corrupt nor remove.

Diabolic Inferno - something i already mentioned before but it needs +% burn duration badly. Its too weak for a GM traitAs a GM trait, it should work like: your next few (aka 3) attacks burn nearby foes at your target location after using an elite skill.

Maniacal Persistance - rework to heal based on the outgoing condition damage (10%)Remove self torment, Lash out at both self and target location.

Replenishing despair is and always was a dead trait. Something new needs to be placed in itOutgoing and incoming conditions provide you a small amount of healing. (1s ICD per target)

Skills:Empowering Misery - make it consume all conditions we have on our charactersAgree ... it is fair that it heal less than Necro's Consume Conditions as it did not self-conditioning

Pain Absorption - rework to a stunbreak with no cast time and make it absord next incoming attack (1 sec window)Current version is good for me with my change of Demonic Defiance.

Call to Anguish - Increare leap range to 900, reduce energy to 30, add evade frame and change chill to immobilizeCurrent leap range is fine for me, but please increase the grab range to 360+

Embrance the Darkness - obvious. Just remove CDAgree

F2 (core) - Apply 3second aoe (240 radius) burning and blind

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I like most of the Trait changes. I would argue about the skills.The Traits we have now are a great ideas but are an awful execution. 126 HP on unique codition is very bland, let's be honest.I would like Demonic Defiance to be activate multiple times on EtD, not permanent. So it's pulsing with ICD.

I think we could simply delete Maniacal persistence, change Replenishing Despair to heal for x% of outgoing condi damage and have a new Minor Trait. Healing feels better on Replenishing Despair to me. Manial Persistence is just awful and I could see this trait go to hell.

As for the rest of change I'm not sure. We already have Condi-removal on Jalis and we could use something freh on Mallyx, not necessarily just healing off of condis, but something more offensive.

I could see Empowering Misery working more like Reaper's "Chilled to the Bone!" - So, you basically damage around your foes, Chill them and heal depending on it.I mean, I really like the way this skill works now, but with the team removing condis from you it's just junk, since your own team cuts your heal by ~2k HP.

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Remove cooldown on Call to Anguish in addition to the mentioned 30 energy. Currently, Call to Anguish under water has the cost and cooldown of the old skill (probably overlooked) and it is NOT overpowered. If anything, if you spam it, you'll be out of energy anyway without having inflicted much damage from a pvp and wvw standpoint, and it feels GOOD. (pve, it would be good for break bars I guess).

How it is on land at the moment is just... too much. I had been meaning to write up something on this, but as I'm on a phone, this will have to do.

This skill should not be as lackluster or inaccessible as it currently is. One or the other, not both!

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@KidRoleplay.3615 said:Remove cooldown on Call to Anguish in addition to the mentioned 30 energy. Currently, Call to Anguish under water has the cost and cooldown of the old skill (probably overlooked) and it is NOT overpowered. If anything, if you spam it, you'll be out of energy anyway without having inflicted much damage from a pvp and wvw standpoint, and it feels GOOD. (pve, it would be good for break bars I guess).

How it is on land at the moment is just... too much. I had been meaning to write up something on this, but as I'm on a phone, this will have to do.

This skill should not be as lackluster or inaccessible as it currently is. One or the other, not both!

Yeah absolutely. If they're going to keep the cooldown and the energy cost then they need to give it a big buff. Like 360 radius pull and evade on movement type buff. Currently it's just not good for kiting, not really that good for general mobility, obviously doesn't really do any damage anymore, and its entire function (the pull) is far too small to be impactful or actually do what it's intended to do. Oh and the leap finisher is completely whatever? Like no one cares about fire or dark aura for 5s at a 35 energy cost...

Funny thing is that UA previously WASN'T busted in ANY mode, especially after the Abyssal Chill change burst-condi reduction. And there can't even be an argument made that they wanted to cut down its damage in PvE since they just gave us EtD on steroids which does MORE damage now than old UA did. The entire thing is just an unnecessary rework that's really just a nerf

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