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Soulbeast is amazing for WvW Roaming. Better damage than ever before [VIDEO]


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Ok, fair points you have.

I just have a weak spot for the positive posts.

And I don't think soulbeast is totally trash. I'm also thinking of how to be fair to the makers of soulbeast, but also thinking of a way we as rangers have most effect of our criticism to be heard and dealt with.

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I am not sure why people are calling main hand dagger trash. Its a condition weapon. If you are running a power build and expecting to pull damage with it, yes, its going to be bad. Thats not because the weapon itself is bad, its because the stats you're using with it is counter to what its intended design is. Dagger main hand, first and foremost, is a condition weapon. It was added because Ranger did not have a reliable melee condition weapon. No, axe mainhand is bad. Axe mainhand has always been bad. Its like necromancer axe. Its terrible all around and you're better off using something else. The only reason axe ever existed in old ranger condition builds is because rangers never had anything better. Shortbow requires flanking, something you can't always do, but shortbow is also a ranged weapon. Dagger main hand applies constant, sustained conditions where as short bow is more bursty with its condition application. The amount of bleeds and poison main hand dagger poops out makes it the obvious choice as a condition weapon. It does what it is supposed to do just fine.

Dagger/Torch and Shortbow is quickly turning into the DPS meta in raids/fractals for ranger for a reason. These do very good damage in PVE. For PVP, no, I suppose not, but every class has a weapon that is not optimal in one game mode vs the other.

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Really great video - great to watch and great plays.

I do think it's telling though that you don't use a single new skill, the new weapon (I guess you are on a power build) and use the bugged pet. You also beat many other Soulbeasts in outnumbers fights, which makes it very clear that it's your skill as a player that's giving you such success rather than the fact you're on a SB.

All that said though, I do agree that SB is not as bad as some people here think! I like it :)

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@Kravick.4906 said:Its a condition weapon.

.... snip ....

Dagger/Torch and Shortbow is quickly turning into the DPS meta in raids/fractals for ranger for a reason. These do very good damage in PVE. For PVP, no, I suppose not, but every class has a weapon that is not optimal in one game mode vs the other.

I found the dagger clumsy to use. Could also be stats I was using or not finding the condition weapon build. But even then the OP was playing in WvW so it doesn't matter what happens in PvE ;) What happens in PvE stays in PvE :)

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@Sandzibar.5134 said:You're obviously an very skilled ranger player. Do you reckon you would do EVEN better using a druid build though? or do you feel that Soulbeast is allowing you to achieve things that druid cant?

@ninjambo.3784 said:

@Eval.2371 said:Very nice video. I run something very much similar. But with skirmishing(middle top bottom) over beastmastery.

I think a lot of people are upset with soul beast as it provides basically the same game play for pve with minimal improvements (no viable power build and condi sb is just condi ranger 2.0). In pvp /wvw its totally different. In some ways it's made pets that were never viable before somewhat viable.

For example one pet family I am really in love with is pigs(siamoth in particular). Charge on pigs is leap and a multi hit 3 second knockdown and maul allows you to have burst when in sword. The pet has basically replaced any reason to run gs for me. The defensive stat bonus + defy pain is icing on the cake.

Agreed that pigs are awesome!! Siamoth is my favorite. I run them in duels alot of the time. I just cant go without Rock Gazelle's mobility for general roaming because its really common for a 1v1 to turn into a 1v10 these days.

Trust me! XD

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@Crapgame.6519 said:

I found the dagger clumsy to use. Could also be stats I was using or not finding the condition weapon build. But even then the OP was playing in WvW so it doesn't matter what happens in PvE ;) What happens in PvE stays in PvE :)

Explains everything in really good detail. The build, runes/sigils, and rotations. Video explains reasons behind each trait as well as shows how to use it. Outputs about 36k DPS using realistic buffs. This build also works in fractals, but obviously I would not use this in PVP.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:

People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it. Unblockable attacks when entering beastmode is by far the best trait we have ever had for PvP/WvW in this game. And Basically permanent 17% Damage bonus. Taking Rock Gazelle with a greatsword or sword also makes this build even more mobile than Druid. I made a video demonstrating this. I didn't include 1v1s in here because you will win 99% of fights with ease if you rotate your Beastmode correcly. The only thing hard to beat sometimes is a condi mesmer. Anyways, enjoy the video!

Yeah, the daggers and slot skills are trash. That’s the major problem many of us have... And obviously the build you posted doesn’t even use them.

I’m sure you’re a great player, but c’mon now... We can’t claim a spec is something awesome when the majority of the new spec isn’t used or viable comparatively. That’s like saying Deadeye is great, but not running rifle or any slot skills...

You have a good point that dagger and most of the stances are bad, but that is a bad comparison. The spec is awesome because of traits and because of the variety of useful skills in beastmode. Having a bad 1hand weapon and some bad stances does not mean the majority of the elite spec if not being used. Beastmode is the main feature of the specialization.

That’s a completely valid comparison. Players are dissecting, and judging, the entire new spec based on its merits. Those areas are beast skills, trait line, dagger and slot skills.

So when you say “People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it.”... You’re completely dismissing rational and factual arguments that dagger and slot skills are trash, despite you knowing those dagger and slot skills are “bad”. Some of the traits aren’t even good either.

Your argument isn’t even that strong because almost the entirety of your build is core ranger... sans 1 new pet, a couple beast skills and trait line... That build is not a full Soulbeast, and to dismiss valid player complaints, about the entire spec, seems petty... It’s also misleading to players gathering info, and paints the picture to the devs that Soulbeast is fine... when the entire spec is not.

Yes, you're right that im not a "Full Soulbeast" if you account the fact that im not running 5 stances and dagger as a POWER druid. Obviously not every single new feature of the spec is going to fit every build for every game mode. That is not how elite specs are designed. This game is built around variety and options. Dagger is pretty obviously designed as a PvE weapon. Stances are good for zergs. Beastmode abilities are useful for different parts of the game, Rock Gazelle for WvW mobility, Jacaranda for PvP heals on point. Do traits need some work? Yeah they do and I already wrote a post about that earlier in the replies.

Roaming Druids dont usually run glyphs in WvW. That doesn't mean they arent "Full Druids"

A Soulbeast not running stances doesnt make me not a "Full Soulbeast" and im not gonna run dagger because thats a condi weapon and I dont play condition builds in this game.

Beastmode abilities are very good with a huge variety of options and thats the main feature and focus of the Soulbeast specialization.

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@ninjambo.3784 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:

@Swagger.1459 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:

People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it. Unblockable attacks when entering beastmode is by far the best trait we have ever had for PvP/WvW in this game. And Basically permanent 17% Damage bonus. Taking Rock Gazelle with a greatsword or sword also makes this build even more mobile than Druid. I made a video demonstrating this. I didn't include 1v1s in here because you will win 99% of fights with ease if you rotate your Beastmode correcly. The only thing hard to beat sometimes is a condi mesmer. Anyways, enjoy the video!

Yeah, the daggers and slot skills are trash. That’s the major problem many of us have... And obviously the build you posted doesn’t even use them.

I’m sure you’re a great player, but c’mon now... We can’t claim a spec is something awesome when the majority of the new spec isn’t used or viable comparatively. That’s like saying Deadeye is great, but not running rifle or any slot skills...

You have a good point that dagger and most of the stances are bad, but that is a bad comparison. The spec is awesome because of traits and because of the variety of useful skills in beastmode. Having a bad 1hand weapon and some bad stances does not mean the majority of the elite spec if not being used. Beastmode is the main feature of the specialization.

That’s a completely valid comparison. Players are dissecting, and judging, the entire new spec based on its merits. Those areas are beast skills, trait line, dagger and slot skills.

So when you say “People who have been saying Soulbeast is trash need to take a second look at it.”... You’re completely dismissing rational and factual arguments that dagger and slot skills are trash, despite you knowing those dagger and slot skills are “bad”. Some of the traits aren’t even good either.

Your argument isn’t even that strong because almost the entirety of your build is core ranger... sans 1 new pet, a couple beast skills and trait line... That build is not a full Soulbeast, and to dismiss valid player complaints, about the entire spec, seems petty... It’s also misleading to players gathering info, and paints the picture to the devs that Soulbeast is fine... when the entire spec is not.

Yes, you're right that im not a "Full Soulbeast" if you account the fact that im not running 5 stances and dagger as a POWER druid. Obviously not every single new feature of the spec is going to fit every build for every game mode. That is not how elite specs are designed. This game is built around variety and options. Dagger is pretty obviously designed as a PvE weapon. Stances are good for zergs. Beastmode abilities are useful for different parts of the game, Rock Gazelle for WvW mobility, Jacaranda for PvP heals on point. Do traits need some work? Yeah they do and I already wrote a post about that earlier in the replies.

Roaming Druids dont usually run glyphs in WvW. That doesn't mean they arent "Full Druids"

A Soulbeast not running stances doesnt make me not a "Full Soulbeast" and im not gonna run dagger because thats a condi weapon and I dont play condition builds in this game.

Beastmode abilities are very good with a huge variety of options and thats the main feature and focus of the Soulbeast specialization.

I have zero issues aside from your dismissive opening comment... That’s what you are failing to see.

Had I jumped in the thief section and said “People who have been saying Deadeye is trash need to take a second look at it.”... then posted a video and build using mostly core thief stuff with marks and a traitline...

See what I’m getting at?

Edit- And if you don’t understand my angle... Your opening statement and build come across as saying 2 things... 1- That we, who are calling the build “trash”, are not experienced or understand enough of Soulbeast, so we need to basically “learn to build” better. 2- That Soulbeast functions best without the Dagger and slot skills the devs took time to develop for this brand new elite spec.

And if you’re implying those 2 things, it only serves to reinforce that the entire Soulbeast build needs a lot of help and reworks by the devs if it’s going to be a competitive spec.

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@ninjambo.3784 said:Roaming Druids dont usually run glyphs in WvW. That doesn't mean they arent "Full Druids"

A Soulbeast not running stances doesnt make me not a "Full Soulbeast" and im not gonna run dagger because thats a condi weapon and I dont play condition builds in this game.

Exactly this. Talking about "Full soulbeast" is laughable tbh, claiming he's using more core ranger that soulbeast. Newsflash, elite specs counts for 1 out of 3 traitlines, the other two are core. And as said, not every druid runs glyphs and staff, yet I think I've never heard complaints about not running "Full druid".

Unstoppable Union alone is a very strong trait if you "dance" in and out of beastmode with an uptime of 4 out of 12 seconds with unblockable attacks ( 2 seconds cd from the moment you enter before you can exit beastmode, then another 10 seconds cooldown) - 33% uptime of unblockable attacks. The trait would of course be even better when they fix the breaks stun part.

To OP - keep up the good gameplay!

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@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:Roaming Druids dont usually run glyphs in WvW. That doesn't mean they arent "Full Druids"

A Soulbeast not running stances doesnt make me not a "Full Soulbeast" and im not gonna run dagger because thats a condi weapon and I dont play condition builds in this game.

Exactly this. Talking about "Full soulbeast" is laughable tbh, claiming he's using more core ranger that soulbeast. Newsflash, elite specs counts for 1 out of 3 traitlines, the other two are core. And as said, not every druid runs glyphs and staff, yet I think I've never heard complaints about not running "Full druid".

Unstoppable Union alone is a very strong trait if you "dance" in and out of beastmode with an uptime of 4 out of 12
seconds with unblockable attacks (
2 seconds cd from the moment you enter before you can exit beastmode, then another 10 seconds cooldown) - 33% uptime of unblockable attacks. The trait would of course be even better when they fix the breaks stun part.

To OP - keep up the good gameplay!

Difference being that at least the glyphs are useful for group content and PvE.

Stances are worthless everywhere.

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soulbeast checklistdagger ... nopestances ... nopeF1 abilities ... nopeF2 occasional pet merge for shadow assault as gap closer or to extend the evade immoratlity ... yuupF3 abilities ... nope (once on a downed target - not really worth counting)gazelle as insane dps finisher on downed target abuse ... yuupgeneral core ranger gameplay ... yuup10 sec cd unblockable abuse ... yuuppet immortality abuse ... yuup

Sorry I don't see much about soulbeast here. At least nothing soulbeast-esque that will survive the first balance patch.Don't get me wrong it is always nice to see that there are still people out there with a thumb on each hand. But the only soulbeast features you're using (and there aren't that many) will feel the love of the nerfbat. The question is what happens to the soulbeast elite spec after that?

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@Sedlina.1097 said:The question is what happens to the soulbeast elite spec after that?

Thats assuming everything you listed gets nerfed. Gazelle will obviously get fixed, but I dont run rock gazelle to abuse the downed player DPS, I use it for the mobility, so no change there. 10 Sec unblockable probably wont get nerfed but if it does im betting it will be a 20 sec cd or something like that, so still viable. Pet immortatility abuse, well i would say my pets die like, once a week before soulbeast came out so I'm not sure what your getting at there. This is also assuming theres no buffs to other parts of soulbeast. The specialization will be fine, in my opinon.

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@OGDeadHead.8326 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:Roaming Druids dont usually run glyphs in WvW. That doesn't mean they arent "Full Druids"

A Soulbeast not running stances doesnt make me not a "Full Soulbeast" and im not gonna run dagger because thats a condi weapon and I dont play condition builds in this game.

Exactly this. Talking about "Full soulbeast" is laughable tbh, claiming he's using more core ranger that soulbeast. Newsflash, elite specs counts for 1 out of 3 traitlines, the other two are core. And as said, not every druid runs glyphs and staff, yet I think I've never heard complaints about not running "Full druid".

Unstoppable Union alone is a very strong trait if you "dance" in and out of beastmode with an uptime of 4 out of 12
seconds with unblockable attacks (
2 seconds cd from the moment you enter before you can exit beastmode, then another 10 seconds cooldown) - 33% uptime of unblockable attacks. The trait would of course be even better when they fix the breaks stun part.

To OP - keep up the good gameplay!I don't understand the white knigthing here for the half baked spec we got. We are asking for a real class, not only we say so but also the wvw subforum say so.

Still some veterans here keep saying this is fine

Firebrand got an pbaoe in all the mantras over the actual cone because autotargeting in a cone (the beta mechanic) was too difficult. Warrior got stacking endure pain because to cast the skill after the 50% hp trait kicked in was too difficult. And the examples could keep go on like te thief sword, the buffs to ventari rev, etc...

Now i want to have the same QoL and usable mechanics for the Soulbeast.

  • Why can't we swap pet while in beast mode?
  • Why the CD is when we leave beastmode instead when we enter it?
  • Why can't the stances have the charges mechanic to overcome such high CDs?
  • Why the dagger can't have better power multipliers?
  • Why can't be some pet's F2s as beastmode skills F1-F2 to avoid using wasted skills like Bite or Pounce?
  • Why the increase stats in beastmode are so conservative that doesn't impact the game play?
  • Why can't the dagger have better skills designed for melee combat?
  • Why the green fart which follows me around everywhere?
  • Why can't we have interesting traits which actually affects the game play?
  • Why most of the pets skills in beast mode are bugged?
  • Why soulbeast is so bugged in general to the point is pain to use?

I don't want a petless ranger 1.1 with soulbeast. I can do that if i set the pet in passive.

I want something better, something different and most importantly something that works.

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@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

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@Sol.4310 said:@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

Why Beastly Warden?

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@ninjambo.3784 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@ninjambo.3784 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Stawk, let's roam together. :)

Anytime shadow :smile: im on Anvil Rock with a bunch of ex [bLNT] guys we started a new guild here come join us!

Send me an invite!

I tried you're in 5 guilds already haha

I'm only in 4. Hm, maybe someone else invited me to one. I'll check in a few min.

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"Not using soulbeast" , he's traited into soulbeast and using a variety of soulbeast mode skills when playing ... Just because somebody doesn't use the weapon doesn't mean they are not using the elite specialization. That is just foolish to assume that because he isn't using dagger mainhand and some soulbeast utility skills then he isn't using the build...

Like he said, you never see full glyph druids running around - they're trash utilities and as such are never taken which is generally the same with the stances in WvW. They were horribly thought out especially in regards to wvw (maybe they have use in pve and they do have some use in pvp of course but this video is of wvw roaming).

If you are specced into the elite specialization trait line, using the traits and also utilizing the core functionality of the new elite specialization which is melding with your pet then you are using the elite specialization, there's no other way around that. It literally IS the definition of using a specialization in this game.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

Why Beastly Warden?

Live Fast and Beastly Warden sync up well, E.g. you Rapid Fire a target at range and to finish them off use Smoke Assault, while Smoke Assault is in effect swap to your Greatsword ( use sigil of agility ) gives you QZ to land Worldly Impact which gives you QZ and Fury again then follow up with Daze>Maul combo all under QZ.

I've almost stopped using Unstoppable Union and Zephyr's Speed completely, but they can't compete with the damage while in Soulbeast. I've also found that Unstoppable Union is never available when I need it. When I spike someone you want to be in Soulbeast, what if they use invon and dodge then right after your 4 seconds of spiking finishes they use a block? what then? This has happened to many too many times in past day.

Also it's not hard to bait out there blocks, so kinda makes Unstoppable Union less useful as your target isn't blocking anymore. It's like signet of the hunt. Not like we haven't had something that gives us unblockable...

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@Sol.4310 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

Why Beastly Warden?

Live Fast and Beastly Warden sync up well, E.g. you Rapid Fire a target at range and to finish them off use Smoke Assault, while Smoke Assault is in effect swap to your Greatsword ( use sigil of agility ) gives you QZ to land Worldly Impact which gives you QZ and Fury again then follow up with Daze>Maul combo all under QZ.

I've almost stopped using Unstoppable Union and Zephyr's Speed completely, but they can't compete with the damage while in Soulbeast. I've also found that Unstoppable Union is never available when I need it. When I spike someone you want to be in Soulbeast, what if they use invon and dodge then right after your 4 seconds of spiking finishes they use a block? what then? This has happened to many too many times in past day.

Also it's not hard to bait out there blocks, so kinda makes Unstoppable Union less useful as your target isn't blocking anymore. It's like signet of the hunt. Not like we haven't had something that gives us unblockable...

Wait but I'm confused as to why Beastly Warden is good. On what skill does it proc on?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

Why Beastly Warden?

Live Fast and Beastly Warden sync up well, E.g. you Rapid Fire a target at range and to finish them off use Smoke Assault, while Smoke Assault is in effect swap to your Greatsword ( use sigil of agility ) gives you QZ to land Worldly Impact which gives you QZ and Fury again then follow up with Daze>Maul combo all under QZ.

I've almost stopped using Unstoppable Union and Zephyr's Speed completely, but they can't compete with the damage while in Soulbeast. I've also found that Unstoppable Union is never available when I need it. When I spike someone you want to be in Soulbeast, what if they use invon and dodge then right after your 4 seconds of spiking finishes they use a block? what then? This has happened to many too many times in past day.

Also it's not hard to bait out there blocks, so kinda makes Unstoppable Union less useful as your target isn't blocking anymore. It's like signet of the hunt. Not like we haven't had something that gives us unblockable...

Wait but I'm confused as to why Beastly Warden is good. On what skill does it proc on?

Oh lol my bad, Taunt for 2 seconds. When you use Beast skill.

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@Sol.4310 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

Why Beastly Warden?

Live Fast and Beastly Warden sync up well, E.g. you Rapid Fire a target at range and to finish them off use Smoke Assault, while Smoke Assault is in effect swap to your Greatsword ( use sigil of agility ) gives you QZ to land Worldly Impact which gives you QZ and Fury again then follow up with Daze>Maul combo all under QZ.

I've almost stopped using Unstoppable Union and Zephyr's Speed completely, but they can't compete with the damage while in Soulbeast. I've also found that Unstoppable Union is never available when I need it. When I spike someone you want to be in Soulbeast, what if they use invon and dodge then right after your 4 seconds of spiking finishes they use a block? what then? This has happened to many too many times in past day.

Also it's not hard to bait out there blocks, so kinda makes Unstoppable Union less useful as your target isn't blocking anymore. It's like signet of the hunt. Not like we haven't had something that gives us unblockable...

Wait but I'm confused as to why Beastly Warden is good. On what skill does it proc on?

Oh lol my bad, Taunt for 2 seconds. When you use Beast skill.

Doesn't it just proc on f3?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Sol.4310 said:@ninjambo.3784 Just had look at your build, change to Greatsword it's better than sword/war horn, I was running same off set thinking it was better but it can't compare to damage Greatsword has and the escape is better as well. If its swiftness you want, you have it on your heal so no biggy.

Give, Live Fast and Beastly Warden a run if you change to Greatsword, damage is legit.

Also question, the more and more I use Oppressive Superiority more and more I think it's only useful in PvE. It's only good as an opener, starting to think Eternal Bond might be smarter option at least then it gives us more survival.

Why Beastly Warden?

Live Fast and Beastly Warden sync up well, E.g. you Rapid Fire a target at range and to finish them off use Smoke Assault, while Smoke Assault is in effect swap to your Greatsword ( use sigil of agility ) gives you QZ to land Worldly Impact which gives you QZ and Fury again then follow up with Daze>Maul combo all under QZ.

I've almost stopped using Unstoppable Union and Zephyr's Speed completely, but they can't compete with the damage while in Soulbeast. I've also found that Unstoppable Union is never available when I need it. When I spike someone you want to be in Soulbeast, what if they use invon and dodge then right after your 4 seconds of spiking finishes they use a block? what then? This has happened to many too many times in past day.

Also it's not hard to bait out there blocks, so kinda makes Unstoppable Union less useful as your target isn't blocking anymore. It's like signet of the hunt. Not like we haven't had something that gives us unblockable...

Wait but I'm confused as to why Beastly Warden is good. On what skill does it proc on?

Oh lol my bad, Taunt for 2 seconds. When you use Beast skill.

Doesn't it just proc on f3?

Yes, now i'm confused shouldn't you already know this?

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