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Need help deciding on a class :)


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Hey everyone,I have just came back to GW2 and i need some help from you guys with deciding what class i should play,i'm a very casual player and i'm terrible in choosing a class and race.i'm just looking for a fun class that i wont get bored of :)

  1. I'm mainly going to do PvE (map completion and such)
  2. I want to do a little fractals, raids and some WvW
  3. i also wish to participate in the fashion wars as well

Ill take all advice on which class and race i should go it would be much appreciated thank you everyone :)

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Hmm, it’s difficult to answer, because for me, class and race is more about what kind of connection you can establish with your character. I tend to RP a bit in my head, but I really like the Firebrand, and really LOVE the Asura race. So that’s my suggestion.

Firebrand is good for every game mode, and has a good rotation if you go for the burn guard. Although, for raiding, some people might recommend Dragonhunter instead. It’s also considered a new-player friendly spec, alongside warrior. Hmm, I’m not sure what else to say.

If you like PvE raids, I believe Chronomancer, Druid, or Bannerslave warrior are also very good choices, so pick what you like! xD

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Hi welcome back.

  • I would answer the 3rd question first, visit gw2style.com/index.php and decide the race you want to be, it doesn't matter and have any huge impact on gameplay in general so just go with your heart.
  • Since you want to participate in fashion then i going to suggest few classes of each armor type.
  • Light Armor : I recommend necro as your first class to relearn the game, strong in solo play, high demand in WvW, decent in frac, a bit of raid but not so much.
  • Light Armor : Mesmer, this one might be a pain to level up but assuming you have both expansion then i would pick mesmer over necro cuz the fun and pretty much viable in any game mode. For solo it a bit tricky but with mirage you can be like an evasive god.
  • Medium Armor : Thief, this one is strong in solo due to high HP regen while attacking, good in WvW roaming but not so much in large scale fight, very good in frac and raid.
  • Medium Armor : Ranger, kinda self explanatory, pet tank, safe distance, good for sniping in WvW, have both healer and dps role viable in raid/fractal, high demand healer.
  • Heavy Armor : Warrior, can't go wrong with war tho, easy to play, viable in anywhere and quite on high demand as well, very tough and durable in solo play, downside is melee most of the time.
  • Heavy Armor : Revenant, tho this one kind of a mess but for solo contents i would go rev over guard, because you have multiple ways to heal and regen effectively while not having to trade off your gears. High demand in WvW, doing "ok" in frac and raid.
  • Guard is a special case, tho this one is in high demand everywhere in the game, i myself found most new players struggle to stay alive when they are alone. It has high dps as well as healing role. If you find yourself will be alone most of the time then other classes i've mentioned above can do better. So to put it plainly as long as you like some thrilling and challenging, go guard.
  • Sorry for the long post, since Fashion Wars is really depend on personal taste, nobody know which armor type is most appealing to you so suggestions kinda all over the place.
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@"Eros.6801" said:Hi welcome back.

  • I would answer the 3rd question first, visit gw2style.com/index.php and decide the race you want to be, it doesn't matter and have any huge impact on gameplay in general so just go with your heart.
  • Since you want to participate in fashion then i going to suggest few classes of each armor type.
  • Light Armor : I recommend necro as your first class to relearn the game, strong in solo play, high demand in WvW, decent in frac, a bit of raid but not so much.
  • Light Armor : Mesmer, this one might be a pain to level up but assuming you have both expansion then i would pick mesmer over necro cuz the fun and pretty much viable in any game mode. For solo it a bit tricky but with mirage you can be like an evasive god.
  • Medium Armor : Thief, this one is strong in solo due to high HP regen while attacking, good in WvW roaming but not so much in large scale fight, very good in frac and raid.
  • Medium Armor : Ranger, kinda self explanatory, pet tank, safe distance, good for sniping in WvW, have both healer and dps role viable in raid/fractal, high demand healer.
  • Heavy Armor : Warrior, can't go wrong with war tho, easy to play, viable in anywhere and quite on high demand as well, very tough and durable in solo play, downside is melee most of the time.
  • Heavy Armor : Revenant, tho this one kind of a mess but for solo contents i would go rev over guard, because you have multiple ways to heal and regen effectively while not having to trade off your gears. High demand in WvW, doing "ok" in frac and raid.
  • Guard is a special case, tho this one is in high demand everywhere in the game, i myself found most new players struggle to stay alive when they are alone. It has high dps as well as healing role. If you find yourself will be alone most of the time then other classes i've mentioned above can do better. So to put it plainly as long as you like some thrilling and challenging, go guard.
  • Sorry for the long post, since Fashion Wars is really depend on personal taste, nobody know which armor type is most appealing to you so suggestions kinda all over the place.

I really appreciate you help :)

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Core guardian/DH/Firebrand are all GREAT classes for either solo & group content--be it Open world/Pvp/Fractals etc. Fun class to play and very different on playstyle, depending on the elite you go with. It will be a long ways, away, before you get bored with this class.

If you wish to play 'Fashion Wars' I have the BEST advice for you, as I have been 'endgame' for years now..and Fashion Wars is all I get enjoyment out of now;

Race: ALWAYS go human--with preference on Human Female. I personally play Asura 90% of my characters (as they remind me of other races from other games I've played)--HOWEVER, Anet designs their outfits & gear drops around humans (especially the female). Not only are the outfits, but things like, infusions and weapon animations are better. There is no clipping with their clothes, for example (like you find with Charr and Asura). Trust me on this--go human if you are interested in Fashion Wars.

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Depends on what and how do you want to play.If you're looking for a class that can do everything in every gamemode, you should look at guardian.

  • Good power damage dealer (and most popular).
  • Good boonsupport (currently meta in fractals) as Firebrand.
  • Good condi damage dealer (firebrand).But there are other classes than guardian, e.g. Warrior. Viable in every content. PvP, WvW, Raids, Fractals, Open World.Mesmer: Can support (must have in raids), can DPS (power chrono or condi mirage), can PvP (people say mesmer is cancer) and WvW.Ranger: Druids are the best healers/supports in raids. Soulbeast can PvP and WvW, one of the most popular classes for open world content.Necromancer: easy class, both for condi and power. Scourge is very popular class in WvW, PvP, power reaper can do fractals as well, scourge can heal it's needed for some raid bosses.

Every race is good for Fashion Wars, but I think Norn and Charr are the best. They're bigger, everything is visible. Humans are small, some things looks on them like "oooh, I'm trying to look bigger" but they're not. Humans as most popular race are overrated.

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@Ojimaru.8970 wrote a nice leveling guide that serves as an excellent introduction to the capabilities, roles, and gameplay of the various classes. You can find his guide here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72254/a-leveling-guide-early-builds-and-tips

Personally I do a lot of open world pve and dabble some in wvw. On the core Tyria maps I really enjoy both rangers and engineers. Both classes can kick butt all over Tyria and the engineer's flame thrower is a personal favorite. For the HoT and PoF maps I do better with a revenant or a necromancer and their greater durability. Right now I'm running a reaper through the HoT story and that's working pretty well. In wvw I like both revenants and necromancers. All of this is just my own preferences though. You might take a look at the leveling guide and try the classes that interest you to see which ones you like enough to stick with.

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I don't know of any real racial differences, other than cosmetic. If you care about how they look you need to check out some pics of each race and their armor (I never looked because the look of my avatar is of little importance).

What class can depend on your playstyle. I have seen most classes out soloing.

For me, the best has been my necro/minion master, by far. My ranger does pretty well too.
If you like to just grab a sword and charge into battle, the warrior is pretty good, but I get overrun in groups. My necro throws out 5 minions to take aggro and hangs back dropping marks everywhere.

My least favorite is the elementalist (my fav in GW1), revenent, and guardian. I know others like them, but they do not fit me. Play around with a few and see what works for you.

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Minion Master/"Rise!"(1) Greatsword Reaper with Axe+Focus for when it's time to take on the Soul Eater. Set up correctly, it's nearly indestructible, and the animation for Gravedigger is hard to beat for epic silliness. (And it's a skill that has no cooldown when at least one target is below 50% health. What's not to like?(2))

(1) The voiced line for "Suffer!" is epic on human females, but "Rise!" is more useful.

(2) It's a little slow, that's what.

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I'll go "off meta" here and say Staff Daredevil Thief. Speaking only for PVE as I don't wvw much). This is a class I made a while back but never played because thief generally is not a profession that interested me. I love it so much I now have 2. The first is human female. I have a new baby Asura that will be my staff_in the face monk style with shortbow ponies flying through the air when I get The Dreamer.I'm in love with this class. Powerful yet when I feel overwhelmed, I can stealth and recoup. Play around with all the skills. Find what syncs with your play style.I was very surprised how fast I was able to find success in roaming around corners of solo and meta PVE.Bonus - best class to explore on as well!

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