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A underwater map

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I recently took a break from pof, did some ordinary exploration and came across some water stuff .I can't understand why underwater is so forgotten, why doesn't this get improved? There's beautiful graphic, legendaries, mobs, events, skills and weapons. Everything is there, it just need som more content and improvements to make it even more awesome.

Why not make a huge underwater map where the skimmer (or a new mount) can be used to travel fast, perhaps during combat as well.It has to be deep, like a ocean. You can have cities like "star wars isch" buildings - baubles around. Explore lost places, enormous caves, ships or new islands.

You can add masteries to better survive in the deep water. Make focus , dagger and dodge available.

Fight a waterdragon, kraken, sharks or just big big monsters that hide in the bottom of the ocean.You could have fishes or plants that give light in the darkest places.You could add mermaids, turtles and whales.

There's so much fun stuff and inspirational things

It's perhaps a dead concept but doesn't the devs creativity fantasize about the possipossibilities and their fingers start to itch?

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I would love to have one, too. Back in the days of WoW there was a wonderful underwater map Vashj'ir. I found it awesome, but many hated it. It also had a seahorse as a fast underwater mount.

It would be a lot of work though. Underwater skills of some classes are just really bad. Choice of weapons is limited, you can't just add a greatsword or hammer to underwater combat. Almost all of the existing underwater skills would probably have to be touched since they feel so much weaker. The map would be a nightmare again for many.

Nevertheless I would love a deep ocean map. Lost civilizations, sunken treasure, mysterious temples!

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The fact is, Kiza, that Vashj had the same combat system as you were been on the land.Gw2 has instead its own underwater combat system which currently is:

-Broken ( they didn't work on it since years, and also prefered to remove zones with "water" from the game and not adding more with "encounters" )-with many disabled skills-bugs caused by depth and i guess something else ( los and so on ).

They could, currently, allow just some underwater exploration.

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The biggest problem of underwater content is that most skills and a huge amount of traits simply don't work underwater and/or have no synergy with underwater weapons. Underwater content is unfinished and has been this way for more than 5 years. Unless ANet puts in a huge amount of resources to implement uw versions of all skills, add uw weapons or make some land weapons usable underwater and fix traits underwater, there will be no joy in an underwater map.

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@Shirlias.8104 said:The fact is, Kiza, that Vashj had the same combat system as you were been on the land.

I know, I played at the time. In the end after you unlocked normal "run speed", it felt like a regular map though.

That's why I said they would have to touch almost everything underwater. Weapons, skill/traits, utilities. So it may not be worth it if you don't base a whole addon around it. Which is probably not a good idea. Maybe a giant deep ocean exploration map with a dedicated mount and minor combat plus certain "hub areas" with normal land based combat. Air filled caves, cities, stuff like that.

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Next expansion is going to be underwater with its own masteries and revamped skills. Cause after path of fire, you have to douse it with water right? :tongue:

Besides, there's a bunch of unused watery sections of the map they could expand on. But yeah, water sections are begging for a rework. Some of the areas that we already have underwater are too convoluted.

Some water masteries and an underwater mount or two would fix that.

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If you noticed, when you go underwater mode, you can still see mounts icon (but unusable, since we don't have underwater mounts)This means we will definitely have an underwater mounts which will bring us to underwater map

When? (warning, a spoiler is inside this spoiler tag)

! Well.. only ANet will know.! Next living world?! I doubt it, since we have the Kralkatorrik and Aurene issue on the last part of the PoF story which means we have to go to branded-ish map instead of underwater! Or maybe... underwater expansion "Guild Wars 2 : Children of The Sea"? (Random title passes through my head)

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