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Coming back to WvW/Video power reaper


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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

I very much appreciate the mention and compliment.

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:I find that reapers are a tougher fight for me lately so I have been looking to fight as much as I can to git gud again at fighting them (esp those with Axe...decent damage and range)

Wonder what server they are in as I am always looking for good duelers. Only way to git gud is to fight those who are better.

I'm on Anvil Rock if you ever want some duels. I'm a better core Necro than Reaper but I play both frequently. Occasionally I will play hybrid core or full condition Scourge but the vast majority of the time I play glass or bruiser power builds.

I can think of more than a few WvW Necros better than myself, but because I'm not in contact with most of them, I can't set up any duels for you with them. If you'd like to know what ones to look out for that are also very good though, just let me know and I can point you in the right direction.

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The play is decent overall - notably your creation of spacing and utilization of Axe and Wurm - but it's really hard to say much more given that a lot of the opponents you faced were clearly worse players than you (and I would say a noticeable enough of them were generally just not very good), or at least were making a lot of mistakes I see often in weaker duelists in WvW (like not dodging CttB). Even in tough matchups like Holo and Warrior, they really didn't leverage their advantages much despite having a sizeable number of them when playing into reaper. As a whole, with the decline in skilled play in WvW in general and good use of utilities and what movement options the reaper has, the play was refreshing to see nonetheless.

I think Reaper has overall been nerfed (notably with hits to its sustain and shroud comboing) despite the probably very noticeable damage buffs it received. So I understand the sentiment of being a bit frustrated.

If I had to point out an area of improvement in particular, I'd say to work on chaining your combos together a bit better. I saw very few instances where the GS5->4 and 4->5 aftercast interrupts were properly utilized, which can make a big difference in improving your matchups against more skilled opponents who will have the knowhow to deal with both of these skills' slower cast completion times, or simply just faster reactions.

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@DeceiverX.8361 said:The play is decent overall - notably your creation of spacing and utilization of Axe and Wurm - but it's really hard to say much more given that a lot of the opponents you faced were clearly worse players than you (and I would say a noticeable enough of them were generally just not very good), or at least were making a lot of mistakes I see often in weaker duelists in WvW (like not dodging CttB). Even in tough matchups like Holo and Warrior, they really didn't leverage their advantages much despite having a sizeable number of them when playing into reaper. As a whole, with the decline in skilled play in WvW in general and good use of utilities and what movement options the reaper has, the play was refreshing to see nonetheless.

I think Reaper has overall been nerfed (notably with hits to its sustain and shroud comboing) despite the probably very noticeable damage buffs it received. So I understand the sentiment of being a bit frustrated.

If I had to point out an area of improvement in particular, I'd say to work on chaining your combos together a bit better. I saw very few instances where the GS5->4 and 4->5 aftercast interrupts were properly utilized, which can make a big difference in improving your matchups against more skilled opponents who will have the knowhow to deal with both of these skills' slower cast completion times, or simply just faster reactions.

Thank you m8, i just came back after 2 and half years so im still remembering those cancel tricks and baits.

Also since ever i feel like fighting outnumbered fights with same skill lvl players will always end bad because unlike thief or mesmer for ex, our class does not work well

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@"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

I very much appreciate the mention and compliment.

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:I find that reapers are a tougher fight for me lately so I have been looking to fight as much as I can to git gud again at fighting them (esp those with Axe...decent damage and range)

Wonder what server they are in as I am always looking for good duelers. Only way to git gud is to fight those who are better.

I'm on Anvil Rock if you ever want some duels. I'm a better core Necro than Reaper but I play both frequently. Occasionally I will play hybrid core or full condition Scourge but the vast majority of the time I play glass or bruiser power builds.

I can think of more than a few WvW Necros better than myself, but because I'm not in contact with most of them, I can't set up any duels for you with them. If you'd like to know what ones to look out for that are also very good though, just let me know and I can point you in the right direction.

Im always up for duels vs anything really. Core necro can be surprisingly string due to the ranged DPS of shroud

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@Pansoul.9436 said:Not gonna lie, after watched your vid, i'm eager to try to roam WvW with reaper again. Thanks for the motivation!

Also if you dont mind, may i ask what build you using?

well good to know m8. But take care because that video is only possible when facin terrible players. players of your skill lvl will kick your arse on any other class because they have better more useful mechanics and abilities.

I died so many more times than i was successful and most were because of the limit of the class which is very very limited.

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

Had the pleasure of dueling Inequity and he dunked on me super hard with core. Really good player.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

Had the pleasure of dueling Inequity and he dunked on me super hard with core. Really good player.

And I recall you dunked on me with your Reaper.You're not too bad either ;)

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@EremiteAngel.9765 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

Had the pleasure of dueling Inequity and he dunked on me super hard with core. Really good player.

And I recall you dunked on me with your Reaper.You're not too bad either ;)

You and I had a very good fight and I wish we had more!

I also fought bigpapasmurf a while back. Good Mesmer with a really good build

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

Had the pleasure of dueling Inequity and he dunked on me super hard with core. Really good player.

And I recall you dunked on me with your Reaper.You're not too bad either ;)

You and I had a very good fight and I wish we had more!

I also fought bigpapasmurf a while back. Good Mesmer with a really good build

Wait when was this?

Also thank you for the compliment

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:You are the kind of player/reaper I like to fight. Not just spamming skills but using your brain. What server are you in?

Ah nvm, you are in EU. Would love to duel ya if I ever transfer

If you're looking for a NA reaper thinker, @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" will give you a good fight.

Had the pleasure of dueling Inequity and he dunked on me super hard with core. Really good player.

And I recall you dunked on me with your Reaper.You're not too bad either ;)

You and I had a very good fight and I wish we had more!

I also fought bigpapasmurf a while back. Good Mesmer with a really good build

Wait when was this?

Also thank you for the compliment

It was a while back now...at least 3 months ago back when I was on HOD

I barely roam on reaper anymore and I do more GvG’s on elementalist now. But ya my necros name is “Oh no a Susan” ( I also have a norn reaper named “A Very bad Susan”)

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