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Guild Wars 2 Camping Plot Idea

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I have had this idea on the top of my head for some time now. Just never figured out where to share this idea until now. Wouldn't it be swell is players could utilize a camping plot much like when players deploy chairs. The idea is to have a tent that can be pitched anywhere for the best role play ever. It gets better the idea of mine, as the camping plot could be customized like adding a camp fire camp chairs etc... Just a groovy thought.

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Let's have the ability to raise a may pole so we can have organised dancing with some traditional costumes....Seriously ... ANET have had to dodge so many things of late around content or lack of, I think it's best they focus on stuff the game actually needs or fixing stuff that needs fixing rather than meaningless things like this ... especially as you have those sort of things already available within guild hall's and scribe decorations.

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The game for me is and has always been about playing with the right crowd. One reply said something of fixing bugs and issues on the game rather than worry about small things that would appeal to the end user. Yes the game has issues here and there, however overall... We are all still playing it and some have been since 05 including yours truly. I think when it is all said and done game crashing or not wouldn't it be cool to take a break anywhere in game with a mobile home of sorts to invite that right crowd your privy too for some amazing role-play. If for anything else its money in Anets pocket, and yet another fun and unique concept for players to enjoy. After-all if the game had no cool stuff like this then the game wouldn't be cool at all facts are facts.

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@Mighty Xougo.7698 said:After-all if the game had no cool stuff like this then the game wouldn't be cool at all facts are facts.

The problem with this argument is that it is very subjective. Not everyone would think stuff like this is cool (I sure don't). Anet isn't dumb -- they will do their market research and then decide whether or not content like what is suggested here is profitable.

So far, it seems that this may only appeal to a very limited scope of players which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Mighty Xougo.7698 said:After-all if the game had no cool stuff like this then the game wouldn't be cool at all facts are facts.

The problem with this argument is that it is very subjective. Not everyone would think stuff like this is cool (I sure don't). Anet isn't dumb -- they will do their market research and then decide whether or not content like what is suggested here is profitable.

So far, it seems that this may only appeal to a very limited scope of players which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content.

@lokh.2695 said:I'd rather have ANet develop something else.

Or just make the camp fire a cooking station...... BOOM!! We just added power creep to chairs :D

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@Mighty Xougo.7698 said:The game for me is and has always been about playing with the right crowd. One reply said something of fixing bugs and issues on the game rather than worry about small things that would appeal to the end user. Yes the game has issues here and there, however overall... We are all still playing it and some have been since 05 including yours truly. I think when it is all said and done game crashing or not wouldn't it be cool to take a break anywhere in game with a mobile home of sorts to invite that right crowd your privy too for some amazing role-play. If for anything else its money in Anets pocket, and yet another fun and unique concept for players to enjoy. After-all if the game had no cool stuff like this then the game wouldn't be cool at all facts are facts.

You already have that ability in game.. you can go where you want and invite who you want to come along with you.. if you want décor to add spice then you have guild halls and a home instance filled with nooks and crannies.As for amazing RP'ing experiences, no thanks I have seen enough of that in DR and LA and aside form the occasional genuine RP it tends to be plagued with vulgarity, rudeness and mom this, dad that... no thanks.In fact I would prefer ANET to bring back a designated RP server that way those players can go play out their fantasies and spam emotes in all chat channels to their heart's content.I don't have anything against players wanting to RP.. but unfortunately a large portion of that community tend to enjoy filling map chat with stuff that unfortunately leads to tarnishing those seeking decent RP with the same brush.

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While I'd like nothing more than to swipe the only good idea from Fallout 76, we have to consider practicality here. As with any feature/system request, they (and by extension, we) must ask "How would kittens ruin this?" Unfortunately, we already know. People already troll interactables with Guild Banners and Merchants, and a bigger version would be proportionally more annoying. This has very nice RP potential, but it doesn't outweigh the trolling potential of setting up a large, solid object that changes/restricts object interactions.

However, all is not lost! Though heavily restricted, this feature does exist within the Guild Hall Decoration and Scribing systems.

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Wanted or not new content is always a plus no matter what that content may be. I'm like a skritt I see shiny and I must have. With that being said I know if I came across some baller in Div's Reach or anywhere for that matter id want that item. Same with outfits wardrobe etc...

"which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content"

There is no content like I suggest thus far.

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@"Mighty Xougo.7698" said:Wanted or not new content is always a plus no matter what that content may be. I'm like a skritt I see shiny and I must have. With that being said I know if I came across some baller in Div's Reach or anywhere for that matter id want that item. Same with outfits wardrobe etc...

"which may be why they haven't spent any resources toward such content"

There is no content like I suggest thus far.

Don't say things like that...... "a plus no matter what" is exactly how we got a lot of half finished content that doesn't make sense without the other half to make it whole.

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