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How do you feel about the potential balance patch? *OLD*


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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Holo will still be insanely strong. The radius decrease on pf5 won't do anything. They need to cut deeper. Heat therapy, combo finishers, cooldowns and kinetic battery/ static discharge interactions with forge.
  • The radius decrease on PF5 is pretty substantial. Remember basic algebra -- A = pi x r^2. In this case r^2 will go from 360,000 in square area to only 90,000 in square area. And because the radius is also vertical, that means a reduction there too. I'm sure somebody less lazy than me can look up the volume calculation.
  • I'm fine cutting heat therapy. It's pretty OP, because it's a free heal on top of the normal heal.
  • Uhh... cutting combo finishers? That hurts everyone, not just engineers. Combos are not the biggest problem.
  • Kinetic battery might need some adjustment. Cool with that
  • Static discharge is pretty weak right now.

Like @Megametzler.5729 said, removing leap finisher from photon leap would be a great start. Or giving it the old ride the lightning treatment, locking it behind a longer cd if used for mobility or if it's getting dodged.

But it's quite literally a leap. It's even in the name.

Sure, longer CD could be fine, but it should also come with longer swiftness and the CD shouldn't extend longer than 4s. Engineer as a whole lacks gap-closers, and photon forge is a melee kit.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Static discharge still gets procced by entering and leaving pf. Pretty sure that's not intended.

It should only proc once for both, that I agree on. But otherwise, it doesn't seem to be unintended.

With that logic jump shot shouldn't be a leap finisher. It's a jump, not a leap.

Umm... what? Jump is a synonym for leap. Please tell me you understand how synonyms work.

Here, let me help you. Radiant arc has nothing about jumping or leaping in the name, but it is a leap. It does have leap in the description though.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Engineers doesn't lack Gap closers, they just opt not to go for them because they don't need it. Jump shot, super speed is already quite good. Rocket boots if you feel like you lack it.

The only thing you mentioned that qualifies as a gap closer is super speed. Try using rocket boots or jump shot as a gap closer for melee attacks, and you'll find them woefully lacking. And the super speed from holo is tied to... you guessed it... holo leap. Unless you meant slick shoes or something, in which case you'd be wasting a stunbreak for a gap closer.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:And entering/ leaving forge shouldn't count at all. Not once. Call it a trade off. Something Holo lacks right now.

You're telling me you can't handle 2x88 (0.33). As I said, there are bigger problems, and this is not one of them.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Holo will still be insanely strong. The radius decrease on pf5 won't do anything. They need to cut deeper. Heat therapy, combo finishers, cooldowns and kinetic battery/ static discharge interactions with forge.
  • The radius decrease on PF5 is pretty substantial. Remember basic algebra -- A = pi x r^2. In this case r^2 will go from 360,000 in square area to only 90,000 in square area. And because the radius is also vertical, that means a reduction there too. I'm sure somebody less lazy than me can look up the volume calculation.
  • I'm fine cutting heat therapy. It's pretty OP, because it's a free heal on top of the normal heal.
  • Uhh... cutting combo finishers? That hurts everyone, not just engineers. Combos are not the biggest problem.
  • Kinetic battery might need some adjustment. Cool with that
  • Static discharge is pretty weak right now.

Like @Megametzler.5729 said, removing leap finisher from photon leap would be a great start. Or giving it the old ride the lightning treatment, locking it behind a longer cd if used for mobility or if it's getting dodged.

But it's quite literally a leap. It's even in the name.

Sure, longer CD could be fine, but it should also come with longer swiftness and the CD shouldn't extend longer than 4s. Engineer as a whole lacks gap-closers, and photon forge is a melee kit.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Static discharge still gets procced by entering and leaving pf. Pretty sure that's not intended.

It should only proc once for both, that I agree on. But otherwise, it doesn't seem to be unintended.

With that logic jump shot shouldn't be a leap finisher. It's a jump, not a leap.

Umm... what?
. Please tell me you understand how synonyms work.

Yes, I know what a synonym is. Yes I know how synonyms work. Stop being ignorant and stay on topic.

Here, let me help you. Radiant arc has nothing about jumping or leaping in the name, but it is a leap. It does have leap in the description though.

Okay, since you seem to get caught up with the wording and not the actual mechanics around the skill. Rename it "Photon Thrust" There you go. Fixed.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Engineers doesn't lack Gap closers, they just opt not to go for them because they don't need it. Jump shot, super speed is already quite good. Rocket boots if you feel like you lack it.

The only thing you mentioned that qualifies as a gap closer is super speed.
And the super speed from holo is tied to... you guessed it... holo leap.

Or you know, Toss Elixir U?

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:And entering/ leaving forge shouldn't count at all. Not once. Call it a trade off. Something Holo lacks right now.

You're telling me you can't handle 2x88 (0.33). As I said, there are bigger problems, and this is not one of them.

No, I'm saying Kinetic Battery gives 7 seconds of quickness after 5 stacks. This means each stack is worth 1.4 seconds of quickness. This means that entering and leaving forge is equal to an agility sigil worth of quickness. I don't give two shits about Static Discharge other than the fact it's obviously not working as intended.

And yes, there are bigger problems with Holo. Doesn't mean you shouldn't touch these.

If you want to discuss actual changes being brought up by people. Do so, don't try to derail any and every Engineer thread for your personal agenda. Everyone knows you love how easy and strong Holosmith is. You've made that abundantly clear by now.

Edit: Shadowstep away from your target and lose conditions. Poisons foes at your starting location. This is counted as a Leap finisher. Meaning you don't have to use the buzzword for it to actually function as a combo-finisher.

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@"Ragnar.4257" said:The idea that balance should be done on the basis of the names of skills is pretty stupid.

Duh. But I'm highlighting that removing a finisher on the basis of balance alone is also stupid because it's completely inconsistent. The skill meets every definition of a "leap" and therefore should be a leap finisher, unless you really want to confuse players when shield bash is a leap, but holo leap isn't.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Engineers doesn't lack Gap closers, they just opt not to go for them because they don't need it. Jump shot, super speed is already quite good. Rocket boots if you feel like you lack it.

The only thing you mentioned that qualifies as a gap closer is super speed.
And the super speed from holo is tied to... you guessed it... holo leap.

Or you know, Toss Elixir U?

Toss Elixir U can be used as a gap closer, true. It is rather clunky, but fair enough.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:And entering/ leaving forge shouldn't count at all. Not once. Call it a trade off. Something Holo lacks right now.

You're telling me you can't handle 2x88 (0.33). As I said, there are bigger problems, and this is not one of them.

No, I'm saying Kinetic Battery gives 7 seconds of quickness after 5 stacks. This means each stack is worth 1.4 seconds of quickness. This means that entering and leaving forge is equal to an agility sigil worth of quickness. I don't give two kitten about Static Discharge other than the fact it's obviously not working as intended.

Ok, so your problem is really with kinetic battery? That's fine, and I agree kinetic battery needs some changes. I think the length of boons should be shortened in PvP, or the number of toolbelt activations required should be increased in PvP. PF shouldn't count towards kinetic battery.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:And yes, there are bigger problems with Holo. Doesn't mean you shouldn't touch these.

Every class has its issues. If you're going to bring up small details that should be nerfed, don't forget that holo is currently the only viable engineer spec in PvP (and PvE) right now. There are holdouts in scrapper and core, but they have to compete at a much higher level to even come close to much easier specs.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be nerfed -- as I said, Kinetic Battery and Heat Therapy are probably the two biggest offenders at the moment. But rather, consider the whole class before you want to smack the thing to oblivion.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:If you want to discuss actual changes being brought up by people. Do so, don't try to derail any and every Engineer thread for your personal agenda. Everyone knows you love how easy and strong Holosmith is. You've made that abundantly clear by now.

I want to stop and highlight this little bit. You (and a few others) accuse me of having an agenda specifically for holosmith, because I've argued against certain suggested nerfs to it. Ignoring the fact of how weird it is to accuse someone of having an agenda, you probably don't see my posts in the engineer subforum. I have posted several long threads detailing improvements that need to be made for core engi and scrapper as well. I have mained engineer since 2012, and I've seen how the balance works.

I argue for holosmith not because I want it to be OP. I argue because I don't want to see it get the "purity of purpose" treatment that scrapper got. I argue because I don't want to see it get the "turret" treatment that core engi got. If you view that as arguing for OP status... well, that's your perception aint it? Can't change that. But it's not my goal.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

@"Ragnar.4257" said:The idea that balance should be done on the basis of the names of skills is pretty stupid.

Duh. But I'm highlighting that removing a finisher on the basis of balance alone is also stupid because it's completely inconsistent. The skill meets every definition of a "leap" and therefore should be a leap finisher, unless you really want to confuse players when shield bash is a leap, but holo leap isn't.

Well, it lets Holos keep their "Glass-cannon" flavor that was intended for them while tuning down on the sustain. How often do you really blast anything other than a Water Field or the occasional Guard symbol?

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Engineers doesn't lack Gap closers, they just opt not to go for them because they don't need it. Jump shot, super speed is already quite good. Rocket boots if you feel like you lack it.

The only thing you mentioned that qualifies as a gap closer is super speed.
And the super speed from holo is tied to... you guessed it... holo leap.

Or you know, Toss Elixir U?

Toss Elixir U can be used as a gap closer, true. It is rather clunky, but fair enough.

How is that clunky? Literally press a button, get superspeed.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:And entering/ leaving forge shouldn't count at all. Not once. Call it a trade off. Something Holo lacks right now.

You're telling me you can't handle 2x88 (0.33). As I said, there are bigger problems, and this is not one of them.

No, I'm saying Kinetic Battery gives 7 seconds of quickness after 5 stacks. This means each stack is worth 1.4 seconds of quickness. This means that entering and leaving forge is equal to an agility sigil worth of quickness. I don't give two kitten about Static Discharge other than the fact it's obviously not working as intended.

Ok, so your problem is really with kinetic battery? That's fine, and I agree kinetic battery needs some changes. I think the length of boons should be shortened in PvP, or the number of toolbelt activations required should be increased in PvP. PF shouldn't count towards kinetic battery.

No, my problem is once again the fact that Holo Mode enter and exit counts towards the counter of Kinetic Battery and proccing Static Discharge. How many times do I have to repeat this?

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:And yes, there are bigger problems with Holo. Doesn't mean you shouldn't touch these.

Every class has its issues. If you're going to bring up small details that should be nerfed, don't forget that holo is currently the only viable engineer spec in PvP (and PvE) right now. There are holdouts in scrapper and core, but they have to compete at a much higher level to even come close to much easier specs.

Even if it's the only viable spec, it should not perform the way it does now.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be nerfed -- as I said, Kinetic Battery and Heat Therapy are probably the two biggest offenders at the moment. But rather, consider the whole class before you want to smack the thing to oblivion.

That's why I'm posting what I consider actual nerfs that wouldnt "smack it into oblivion". If you think I am. Well, that's your perception aint it?

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:If you want to discuss actual changes being brought up by people. Do so, don't try to derail any and every Engineer thread for
your personal agenda
. Everyone knows you love how easy and strong Holosmith is. You've made that abundantly clear by now.

I want to stop and highlight this little bit. You (and a few others) accuse me of having an agenda specifically for holosmith, because I've argued against certain suggested nerfs to it. Ignoring the fact of how weird it is to accuse someone of having an agenda, you probably don't see my posts in the engineer subforum. I have posted several long threads detailing improvements that need to be made for core engi and scrapper as well. I have mained engineer since 2012, and I've seen how the balance works.

I read the post you made about not reducing the AA range in holo-forge because it, and I'll quote. "Not be in line with the animation."You keep comparing Holo AA to bomb AA which, and I agree is the strongest AA for engi outside of Forge. But Forge does not need the strongest AA on the class while still having such a bloated kit overall.

I argue for holosmith not because I want it to be OP. I argue because I don't want to see it get the "purity of purpose" treatment that scrapper got. I argue because I don't want to see it get the "turret" treatment that core engi got. If you view that as arguing for OP status... well, that's your perception aint it? Can't change that. But it's not my goal.

I guess I will once again list all of my potential nerfs for Holo. Just pick and choose whichever you like and whichever you don't like.

1: Prismatic Converter: Now Removes 1 Condi below 50% heat. **Converts 1 Condi above 50% heat.2: Holo Leap is no longer a leap finisher.3: Heat Therapy reworked to something else completely, I'll leave it to the Engi players to figure out what.4: Entering / Leaving PF will no longer trigger traits that proc on Toolbelt usage.4: Quickness no longer speeds up second trigger of Corona Burst.5: Toss Elixir S reduced to 2 seconds untraited (3 sec with HGH).6: Reduce Might on Corona Burst by half.7: Prime Light Beam now reveals you when cast starts. (Like how DJ functions.)

None of these will break Holo, at least not according to my understanding of the class.

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What’s horrible is that proposed change to Scourge Shade Mechanic change results in a severe nerf for PvP and PvE builds, but does nothing to effectively address the problems in WvW .

It’s almost like the balance team only bothered to play WvW for 15 minutes, without ever thinking of how this change would eliminate Scourges from PvP and support Scourges in PvE.

This is going to be 100 times worse than the Chronomancer nerf only activating shatters on clones, and never directly on top of the Chrono. There is a reason you never see Chronomancer in PvP since those changes were implemented.

There was a reason Scourge was implemented In the first place, Core Necro has always sucked in GW2 and not effective enough compared to other professions.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Ragnar.4257 said:The idea that balance should be done on the basis of the names of skills is pretty stupid.

Duh. But I'm highlighting that removing a finisher on the basis of balance alone is also stupid because it's completely inconsistent. The skill meets every definition of a "leap" and therefore should be a leap finisher, unless you really want to confuse players when shield bash is a leap, but holo leap isn't.

Well, it lets Holos keep their "Glass-cannon" flavor that was intended for them while tuning down on the sustain. How often do you really blast anything other than a Water Field or the occasional Guard symbol?

Do you mean leaps or blasts?

  • I use smoke fields whenever available for stealth.
  • Auras provided by leaps can be useful depending on context (specifically, what is the enemy running?)
  • Fire blasts are great for buffing the team, Poison blasts great for debuffing enemies
  • Dark blasts are situational
  • Water and light are almost always useful as you mentioned
  • I never see chaos often enough to take advantage of it.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Engineers doesn't lack Gap closers, they just opt not to go for them because they don't need it. Jump shot, super speed is already quite good. Rocket boots if you feel like you lack it.

The only thing you mentioned that qualifies as a gap closer is super speed.
And the super speed from holo is tied to... you guessed it... holo leap.

Or you know, Toss Elixir U?

Toss Elixir U can be used as a gap closer, true. It is rather clunky, but fair enough.

How is that clunky? Literally press a button, get superspeed.

Ground targeting and cast time make it super janky. Throw in some random projectile destruction and you can wave byebye to superspeed.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Ragnar.4257 said:And yes, there are bigger problems with Holo. Doesn't mean you shouldn't touch these.

Every class has its issues. If you're going to bring up small details that should be nerfed, don't forget that holo is currently the only viable engineer spec in PvP (and PvE) right now. There are holdouts in scrapper and core, but they have to compete at a much higher level to even come close to much easier specs.

Even if it's the only viable spec, it should not perform the way it does now.

And I acknowledge this. Again, that's why I am suggesting nerfs to Heat Therapy and Kinetic Battery.

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Ragnar.4257 said:If you want to discuss actual changes being brought up by people. Do so, don't try to derail any and every Engineer thread for
your personal agenda
. Everyone knows you love how easy and strong Holosmith is. You've made that abundantly clear by now.

I want to stop and highlight this little bit. You (and a few others) accuse me of having an agenda specifically for holosmith, because I've argued against certain suggested nerfs to it. Ignoring the fact of how weird it is to accuse someone of having an agenda, you probably don't see my posts in the engineer subforum. I have posted several long threads detailing improvements that need to be made for core engi and scrapper as well. I have mained engineer since 2012, and I've seen how the balance works.

I read the post you made about not reducing the AA range in holo-forge because it, and I'll quote. "Not be in line with the animation."You keep comparing Holo AA to bomb AA which, and I agree is the strongest AA for engi outside of Forge. But Forge does
need the strongest AA on the class while still having such a bloated kit overall.

The animation line was a bit of a joke, albeit one with a serious intent. Do you know how long it took them to fix the animation on fumigate? 7 years. That whole time players were being tricked by bad animations and couldn't tell the actual range of the skill.

And yes, bomb AA is the most accurate comparison. PF autoattack is roughly in line with it in terms of damage and range. And the kit is being "de-bloated" as we speak (HS radius reduction, recommended changes to Heat therapy, etc).

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Vagrant.7206 said:I argue for holosmith not because I want it to be OP. I argue because I don't want to see it get the "purity of purpose" treatment that scrapper got. I argue because I don't want to see it get the "turret" treatment that core engi got. If you view that as arguing for OP status... well, that's your perception aint it? Can't change that. But it's not my goal.

I guess I will once again list all of my potential nerfs for Holo. Just pick and choose whichever you like and whichever you don't like.

1: Prismatic Converter: Now
1 Condi below 50% heat. **Converts 1 Condi above 50% heat.2: Holo Leap is no longer a leap finisher.3: Heat Therapy reworked to something else completely, I'll leave it to the Engi players to figure out what.4: Entering / Leaving PF will no longer trigger traits that proc on Toolbelt usage.4: Quickness no longer speeds up second trigger of Corona Burst.5: Toss Elixir S reduced to 2 seconds untraited (3 sec with HGH).6: Reduce Might on Corona Burst by half.7: Prime Light Beam now reveals you when cast starts. (Like how DJ functions.)

None of these will break Holo, at least not according to my understanding of the class.

  • 1 is fine.
  • 2 is inconsistent with all other leaps in the game and I disagree with this. I'd recommend increasing its cooldown and swiftness duration instead to make it less spammable.
  • 3 is ehhh...? I'm not sure, because Heat Therapy is supposed to be the tradeoff for not overheating. I think its number should be cut by 2/3 though.
  • 4 is fine. (both of them, you have two #4s)
  • 5 is fine, although I think it should be 3 seconds untraited, 4 sec HGH. Potato tomato
  • 6 is... I'm not sure how you would accomplish that. It currently does 5 ticks of 1 might, so do you mean 3 ticks of 1 might?
  • 7 is fine
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@Vagrant.7206 said:(...)

  • 2 is inconsistent with all other leaps in the game and I disagree with this. I'd recommend increasing its cooldown and swiftness duration instead to make it less spammable.(...)

Then give it a CD consistent with all other leaps in the game, yepp. Bring it up to 8 seconds, fine for me. There is one other 6s leap I know of, surprise, on another PoF elite spec... but even there, most leap finishers are 8s or more.

However, it might not be needed with other nerfs.

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balance patch makes 0 sense....

Condi Thief Left uncheckedStaff Thief Left uncheckedHolo Left UncheckedFb NerfNecro aka Scrouge Deleted from Spvp Conquest

Guess what? No scrouge for games now means we'll see a shitload of Specs that can Spam Boons just sit on nodes fighting 2+ easily without worrying about a necro ripping boons of them. I'm gonna go ahead and predict bunker meta gonna be at full speed next season.

Also Core Necro is crap....Reaper is also crap and it won't replace what anet just deleted from us.

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What I would like to see:

I'd like to see Elixir U only give one stack of stability

Photon Wall to have half duration when below 50% heat.

Prime Light Beam to be blockable.

Heat Therapy to see a small reduction.

Staff/Staff 3 bug fixed

Choking Gas initial strike to be blockable

An ICD on weakening strikes

An ICD on panic strike poison application

Lotus to inflict two stacks of bleeding, and 2 seconds of cripple as opposed to 1 bleed, 1 torment, 3 second cripple.

Revert acrobatics sword nerfs.

Have the base damage of burning reduced and the scaling increased to make up for the base loss.

A buff to druid, but I personally don't know exactly what they need. Just to put it on the same viability as soul beast.

More item options for porcine pet dig ability.

Impact savant to count condition damage.

Revert the change to function gyro.

An ICD of one second on sharper images per clone.

An ICD of 6 seconds for Infinite Horizon

Phantasmal Duelist to attack 5 times but have it's damage buffed to compensate.

A damage scaling nerf to rampage and stability down to one stack. Set the CD of throw boulder to 10 seconds to limit it to once a rampage.

Battle standard to have a 152 second CD as opposed to 180, and to be made unblockable.

Magebane tether to see a 14 second CD. Might stack duration go down to 5 seconds instead of 6. Prioritise players over clones and pets. A visual indication of pull range.

Whirlwind strike to see a 10% damage reduction.

Bulls charge to be a 2 second knockdown or have it's damage reduced.

Reckless dodge be blockable.

Rework warrior sword.

Burning Rage to inflict 1 stack of burning for 4 seconds as opposed to 2 for 5. Alternatively an ICD of 10 or so seconds.

Glyph of elemental power to grant 3 to 4 stacks depending on element or have it's CD increased to 30.

A quality of life rework to elementalist staff.

More ways to generate life force or one stack of stability when entering shroud or an ability on core necro and scourge.

Unrelenting Criticism to be a .5 second daze as opposed to a 1 second daze

Echo of Truth to not have a blind

Searing Spell to have a 2 second CD.

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I'm glad that they are moving in the right direction when it comes to power creep, but sadly these "nerfs" will be insignificant. We need extensive nerfs to most PoF specs and other skills that were buffed post-PoF. At their current pace of slightly adjusting 2 broken skills per elite spec every 3 months, they will never fix this problem. Keep the nerfs coming.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@Ragnar.4257 said:On this round of random balance lottery:

Untouched despite entire community agreeing needs tuning: Holosmith

Untouched? Are you blind?

No meaningful change was made. Given the extent to which other specs were nerfed, this patch is arguably a net-gain for holos. No more needing to worry about scourge-corrupts, will have total free-reign in teamfights.

The next 3 months are gonna feel like the Cele meta all over again. 3+ Holos per-team. After 6+ years with this game, I think this might be what does it for me.

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