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Warriors/Scrappers overbuffed


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Scrappers? Out of all elites and professions you think scrappers are overbuffed? Warriors I can understand to some extend. But scrappers are not even a big problem in many cases. Can you elaborate (to OP)? You might have issues but without further explanation they are not really understandable for me (and for many of us at seems).

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How is Scrapper overbuffed? I admit as a Scrapper main I have been able to handle a 1 vs 3 fight once (it was 2 obiviously noob eles and a holo jumping around without a purpose), but there is no way I am dealing a ton of damage. I can easily get countered by necros, warriors, condi thieves and mes, it's just they need to have a brain. Maybe you are one of the brainless people I have faced in pvp, I mean posts like these are the reason why classes that doesn't need nerfs get slammed with heavy nerfs.....

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Scrappers sustain can be an issue, to the point anything less than a 2v1 takes to much time to try and take the node their on which should never be the case. No class should be able to camp a node and only be removed by outnumbered instances. Warrior if keeping the sustain they have should maybe have their over all dps shaved a bit and I feel like their mobility is right where it should be. Holo's still need the most tuning down imo.This is all subjective of course.

still easily deleted by mirages, scourges, war, condi thiefs or holos 1v1just need to bait them to spend all their cd from a safe distance and they are screwed

fb is still mother of all bunkers hands downnot only does it have the advantage of weapon swap to get extra set of 5 skills to use while others are on cd, the tomes also adds to their kit to fill in any holes that may exist.the amount of dmg, heals, boons, cleansing that's dished out is godlyhence a good support fb can easily carry the entire team

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Scrappers sustain can be an issue, to the point anything less than a 2v1 takes to much time to try and take the node their on which should never be the case. No class should be able to camp a node and only be removed by outnumbered instances. Warrior if keeping the sustain they have should maybe have their over all dps shaved a bit and I feel like their mobility is right where it should be. Holo's still need the most tuning down imo.This is all subjective of course.

still easily deleted by mirages, scourges, war, condi thiefs or holos 1v1just need to bait them to spend all their cd from a safe distance and they are screwed

fb is still mother of all bunkers hands down
not only does it have the advantage of weapon swap to get extra set of 5 skills to use while others are on cd, the tomes also adds to their kit to fill in any holes that may exist.the amount of dmg, heals, boons, cleansing that's dished out is godlyhence a good support fb can easily carry the entire team

HAHAHA sure if you believe that heal/shout warrior is currently 3-4 times tankier then FB and I did play FB a year before I started running the new built for warrior.

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