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why they don't up


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I think combo fields are in a bit of limbo atm. Due to how skills have such low cd's, fields are being spammed everywhere. Even if you buffed fields by adding stronger effects (ie. longer auras - 3 seconds is kind of a joke), you'd never be sure you were getting the right effect in a group setting.

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@Westenev.5289 said:I think combo fields are in a bit of limbo atm. Due to how skills have such low cd's, fields are being spammed everywhere. Even if you buffed fields by adding stronger effects (ie. longer auras - 3 seconds is kind of a joke), you'd never be sure you were getting the right effect in a group setting.

I blame raids, and how they designed it to promote skill rotations, internalized damage scaling, and flattened class/skill interplay.

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You aren't using combo fields to cleanse condis, blind and burn targets and get stealth? Its true that there is a learning barrier to use them well. You just have to look for attacks that show a field and then play with finishers and leap to jump into and out of them. You can really exploit many conditions and even buffs.

Try using dagger pistol thief. After killing some melee mobs, if you used Pistol 5 you can Dagger 2 to leap out of the field into a target to hit them and the field effect combo puts you in stealth for a strong follow up attack. You can even Pistol 4 before using Dagger 2 to stun AND blind the target before going into stealth.

There's even a lot weapons that combo field very well with itself like Guardian staff 3 then 2.

Its all about seeing what is labeled as field, finisher and leap.

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