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It is literally impossible to map complete 'Domain of Kourna'


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The last PoI "Research Vault Beta" is only accessible from a "Kill mutated rats" and "Follow Researcher Emm" event line which literally never triggers. Apparently this bug has been going on for years and has been reported in the forums as early as 2018. How is this acceptable? This is an LS4 map from recent content. Please please please look into this and somebody fix this.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:It's designed that way.

Its designed terribly though. If an event is required to access a space, and that event has bugged out since launch then that should be changed IMO, and this bug has existed since the map came out.

I know of no bug. I've completed this event dozens of times, and never had a problem with it.

However, it doesn't start at the PoI. It's an event chain that starts up by Arkjok Farmlands.

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OP - use the search function


It is a bug, and it has been reported, and nothing has been done since it's introduction. Emm is currently twitching on a bunch of rocks on ip 227 near the farm, trying to start the event but not actually doing anything. This exact ip has had this same issue for at least 10 hours now. It was like this before I went to sleep last night. (EDIT - He's still there, still the same IP over 30 hours since I first saw him.) (Second edit - it's now been over 50 hours since I first saw him stuck on this ip, lots of other people checking on him too.)

I appreciate the want to comment "this isn't a problem for me", but it is a problem. Just because you haven't encountered said problem does not mean it doesn't exist.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Whilst you await a fix, make sure to try immediately after the Wintersday Patch next Tuesday when all maps (and associated events) are reset.

Good luck.

On top of this, if you are intending on doing map comp there on alt characters, park them at the entrance. That way when the event nears the end you can switch characters and run them all into the cave before the event ends. I was able to get the poi on about 11 characters that way.

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