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Make Spellbreaker Magebane Tether Animation Easier to Identify as Your Own Tether


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I do not usually play spellbreaker, but in spellbreaker vs. spellbreaker engagements where both me and a rival player have the magebane tether trait equipped, I honestly cannot tell sometimes if it is my tether that will pull the foe, or if it is the foe's tether that will pull me. I'd like the animation to be tweaked to make it easier to tell whose tether is whose. Yes, people will respond to this post "Oh, you can tell by the icon in the corner!" Yes, a very comparatively small icon that I might not be able to focus on in an engagement where precise timing is key... that's not a very good suggestion. I'd prefer the tether be blue (for friendly tether) or have a blue aura or something, and likewise, for a foe's tether to be red or have a red aura. Thanks.

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The only problem I see with implementing this change is 2 mage-banes can be active at the same time against the same 2 players, so not sure how graphically that would work. For example if enemies was red and yours was golden you may have enemy tethered, but it might appear like they have you tethered only, when in reality you are both tethered. Maybe better if mage-bane gave the player either a specific de-buff icon for its duration like reveal, but then as others have said why not just look for pulsing reveal or might. Only other thing is maybe have an icon appear above enemy's head briefly upon tethering like how vamp signet on necro does.

Though I agree in intense fights it can be hard, by the time you have discerned whose tethered who and if you are both tethered, it can sometimes be too late.

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