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Just want to say thanks for the update that killed pvp. word of advise maybe u should do a beta before releasing a patch this big and see how it works out and listen to the pvp community that plays pvp. Because as i see it now pvp is dead u nerfted way to many things when u only had to nerf a few skills to stop the 1 shot builds. but ty for the fun years of your game time for me to find a new game with better pvp.

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I can't say "rip". I think it feels a lot different from before - just might need some time to get used to it. I only don't like the death match and 2 vs. 2 in ranked. (If it were bigger teamed death matches or with additional stuff on the maps like buffs it might be more fun.) Then again: There is still unranked and at least the one match I played yesterday (Stronghold mode ... timed out at the end with the lower damage now ... match duration 15+ mins without a lord killed) counted for the "daily rated game winner".

For the rewards/pips every now and then deathmatch ... I might get used to it. (Seems the reward chests are not that many ... because of "only" 1 month length for this season.)

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I really enjoyed the feel of PvP under the previous meta. I couldn't really point to too many things that I felt were grossly unfair or that allowed any particular class or build to dominate games. It just felt fast and fun to play. Naturally, I was concerned going into this patch. From my perspective, what are the chances they make this better for me when I already liked it the way it was?

My biggest complaint so far is what they've done with CC. Stability access has been reduced dramatically while stun breaks, evades, and passives have seen huge cooldown increases. The problem is that they don't seem to have reduced the prevalence of CC proportionally, instead opting to remove the damage component.

It feels to me like CC now happens too frequently, but that players aren't able to capitalize on it as they used to. This isn't fun for either party. It also makes for a lot of skills that don't seem worth taking anymore. For example, Twist of Fate. Why would I take a 75s cooldown stunbreak + evade when my opponent has 5 or 6 different CC options to throw at me, all on far shorter cooldowns? What good is a 300s passive in that scenario, for that matter?

I'm going to keep playing and see how things take shape, but this initial impression is not great. If this is the path to improving and revitalizing PvP, I think we have a long way to go.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:I really enjoyed the feel of PvP under the previous meta. I couldn't really point to too many things that I felt were grossly unfair or that allowed any particular class or build to dominate games.

There was too much of Stealth, Conditions, CC, power damage and healing, depending what your build was.How you can't point out points that were just unfair is unfathomable to me.

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Overall I ......like?.....yeah, like this patch, even if a few of the builds I played are absolutely dumpstered (hi paladin's hammer, mace/shield warrior!). I'm sad about it, and don't really have motivation to play at the moment, but I recognize that overall it's healthier for the game.

Side note. Heal tempest can now fully outheal axe/axe berserker's zerker burst and then some in WvW. That also makes me feel defeated. Hah.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:I really enjoyed the feel of PvP under the previous meta. I couldn't really point to too many things that I felt were grossly unfair or that allowed any particular class or build to dominate games.

There was too much of Stealth, Conditions, CC, power damage and healing, depending what your build was.How you can't point out points that were just unfair is unfathomable to me.

Of course I can point out problems with the previous meta. I meant that there were few things (not none!) that I felt were just grossly unfair or that allowed certain classes to dominate games and overall I enjoyed the feel of combat in PvP and WvW roaming. If you ask me whether I liked PvP/WvW better before or after the patch? Definitely it looks like it was better before (I dislike the slower pacing and reliance on CC spam that I am seeing so far) and I am hoping that is just me! But I don't see this as the end of it. They just need to keep on it.

I happen to agree that stealth is out of control. Based on one match last night where my teammate and I were trolled by a thief who just dragged the clock to the end by staying permanently stealthed in a 2v2 after we killed his partner? I'd say we still have a problem there!

I think the power burst on several builds was too high, but honestly there were only a few cases where it seemed really outrageous to me (e.g. certain mesmer, thief, and soulbeast builds to name a few). I also think there were quite a few builds across several classes that dealt too much damage/healing/support for their level of sustain (e.g. weaver, holo, etc.). However, it never really seemed like anything that couldn't be addressed by simply giving the game mode regular attention with priority on addressing those problem areas.

I believe neglect is what caused the decline of PvP/WvW. Whether this patch was the right direction or not, I think it's clear that they need to commit resources to maintaining competitive game modes. Whether I agree with the immediate outcome of the patch or not, I think any chance of long-term success depends upon ANet's commitment to continuously supporting competitive game modes.

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