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Might Makes Right Needs To Be Buffed


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@RedShark.9548 said:Nah, making mmr stronger forces you to play it over everything else.Right now hammer and berserkers power are considerable choices.

I donno I just consider mmr being slightly un nerfed would give players a reason to use healing sig as now it's pretty useless. I'm betting mending will be the heal most use. At least if mmr was useful with HS it give warrior 2 useful heal skills lol

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When I play sPvP Warrior feels perfectly fine but it's WvW where Warriors are struggling hard unfortunately.

Copy pasta from one of my responses to another thread:(Talking about Roaming Warrior's sustain in WvW)

"Core Tactics/Str (with "For Great Justice!" & Vigorous Shouts) was the only build which didn't really rely on landing skills for healing but now both MMR & Mending Might heal for very little compared to old numbers so that build has fallen off in the sustain department. For Spellbreakers, Tether only gives 1 might per tick instead of 3 + MMR only healing for 64 means that you're lucky to regenerate 1000 hp whilst you're tethered to your opponent. Prior it gave 24 might and MMR healed for 133 = 3192 healed over a full Tether duration, with an ICD of 12 seconds. Now its 512 healed over the whole Tether duration... Which is an absolute brutal nerf to sustain."

Putting some thoughts on paper:

  • If they revert the might gain on Tether to 3 stacks per tick then you'll heal for 1536 over 8 seconds - But then you're generating too much might for recent blanket nerfs, people will complain.
  • If they keep the might gain on Tether at 1 stack per tick but increased MMR heal back to 133 then you'll heal for 1064 over 8 seconds - Which is fair enough IMO, it won't provide the necessary sustain to keep Spellbreaker afloat but it's a step in the right direction. However this then re-empowers Core Tactics/Str, so you'd have to look at nerfing how much Might "FGJ!" gives. Maybe take some might stacks away and give another boon, like Retaliation which has been outputting strong damage since the balance patch dropped.
  • I think if Tether gave 2 stacks of Might per tick with MMR healing for 96 (or around this area) then over the 8 seconds of Tether you'd heal for 1536 which seems pretty solid. It doesn't make Core Tactic/Str super strong and it gives Tether its sustain back in line with recent nerfs.
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