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Revenant Energy suggestion/discussion.


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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:There's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and completely change the Energy System simply because of a few questionable PvP changes. All of these were PvP only, which means the Energy System still is fine in PvE and WvW, and even in PvP this isn't actually as gamebreaking as it may seem. While I generally dislike adding cooldowns to Utility skills for Rev, the Phase Traversal change isn't really that surprising, given that they just bumped Infiltrator's Arrow up to 8 Initiative on thief. Phase Traversal has been fairly out of balance for how often you can teleport when compared to almost every other Utility teleport (i.e. Blink, Judge's Intervention), which all have 30-40s CD on them. Phase Traversal's CD is 12s + 35 energy now. Even when adjusted for energy cost, it's still on a much faster CD than most other Utility Teleports. You can still use it at least once while in Shiro every time you swap to Shiro and if you have enough energy and wait an extra 2-3s can use it a 2nd time before leaving Shiro.

I just want to be clear I don't particularly like the change as it does further reduce options for the class at any given point in time. However, that's part of Rev's problem in general; it always has a fair amount of options when played skillfully, which is one of the reasons it's played by higher skill cap players and not played by the lower tier as much, since higher tier players can better capitalize on the variety of options available to them. Finding balance on a class that is built to allow players to do whatever they need to provided they plan for it is always going to be difficult when compared to classes that don't have quite as many options on demand and have to figure out when to more precisely use their high CD utils.

I don't think the revenant gameplay is gone as long as the CDs stay relatively low overall, which is why I don't think the system needs to be changed. 12s is pushing it for a utility skill (especially with the 35e cost), but with such a powerful effect it's understandable that no dev wants it to be spammable like it was on release. If we want powerful effects while also having low CDs on the utils then we may need to be okay with slightly higher CDs on some effects, like Inspiring Reinforcement, Phase Traversal, and Forced Engagement

Because I'm looking ahead.I can see for a fact that things like Inspiring Reinforcement will definitely be slapped with a 12s cooldown, things like CtA also get slapped with a 12s cooldown, and in general they are ever going to balance Rev by slapping cooldowns on things which were designed to run on a Energy cost + small cooldown system.

Might as well rework it, because if yu have to keep patching a system with bandaids, the system is the problem.For the love of god, we already have a bunch of Elite skills barely used already due to how cost inefficient to use them.

Rev either has to have an Energy rework, or Weapon skills not costing Energy if yu wanna keep the current formula.No other Profession actively kills their own ability to do EVERYTHING by pressing 1 button like Revenant.

Don't rework it, just stop letting cmc run his extremely detrimental and short sighted agenda and reassign him to something where he can no longer destroy class identity by homogenizing everything in the name of "balance".

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I don't thing the patch nerfs are that meaningful:

  • Charged Mist: main source of bow Renegade damage were auto attacks, and this doesn't change it. For me has more effect in PvE since the trait is now useless in PvP and must chose between manually disable it in PvP or change a PvE template to remain the same and for quality of life will do the later which will be worse for PvE but whaterver, I won't buy another slot just for a trait. Anyway I had fun with this build at Conquest season 24 but for 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 is subpar and I'm not running it in Season 25.
  • Phase Traversal: a false nerf due you normally weren't able to use it twice in a row; spending 70 energy in 5 seconds usually means that you no longer have resource to do anything but aa... I guess will make happy non-rev players which known nothing about how the energy and resources work in the class, so is mostly a political gesture...
  • Infuse Ligth: doesn't compute due good players and bots usually avoided healing you (and still will) and bad players will still full heal you.
  • Ventari stuff: ...Lol, who plays that? Outside conformed teams in tournaments no one runs Ventari Revenants and even there they aren't very popular.
  • Surge of the Mist: when I play Herald at PvP I don't use staff (neither with power or condi builds); I guess is time to replace the staff in power Renegade (short bow Shiro) with a double sword or sword/axe combo.

    In my opinion the strongest Rev builds for PvP are now either the condi Hearld or some power Herald and power Renegade builds which retain ability to land some damage and still have high sustain. So the variety of the "optimal" has been reduced but at least we weren't butchered as the Guardians. They have literally nothing...

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@Buran.3796 said:

  • Phase Traversal: a false nerf due you normally weren't able to use it twice in a row; spending 70 energy in 5 seconds usually means that you no longer have resource to do anything but aa... I guess will make happy non-rev players which known nothing about how the energy and resources work in the class, so is mostly a political gesture..I think you have a point with Herald, but for core Rev that has access to the highest energy flow, I definitely think it affects them. I can't really speak for PvP, but using Pt twice or more in one swap is a common practice I would use in WvW to kite players in outnumbered fights. But hey, this change and the CM change didn't hit WvW so I am good.
  • Ventari stuff: ...Lol, who plays that? Outside conformed teams in tournaments no one runs Ventari Revenants and even there they aren't very popular.Ventari gets nerfed so fast every time it sees use as a bunker/decapper, but they couldn't give two kittens about how it performs as a support. Instead we get healing orbs.......
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  • 3 weeks later...

I suggest they make these changes:1) Add a new F1 "Commune" that toggles on/off Legend Stance, making the legends active or passive, which changes your right skill bar.2) F2 will now be "Channel". This is the legend swap.3) F3 "Ancient Echo"4) Make "Remnant Skills" which would sample abilities of each legend, which can be used when Legends are passive. So the Heal, will have Ventari grant you regeneration. A utility with Shiro will grant you quickness, another will have Mallyx Chill surrounding foes, and the Dwarf will grant you might. Harold remnant will have Glint burn nearby foes and Renegade will have Kalla grant you fury.5) Make weapon skills gain energy when Legends are active.6) Communing or Channeling legends start energy off at 50%, which can only increase when using weapon skills in combat or Ancient Echo and will decrease when idol with an active Legend or when using utility skills.7) When Legends are passive, "Remnant skills" and racial skills can be slotted.8) Activating a Legend will cancel any Transformation Skill.

Since you would now have 3 options of utility skills, players could have a better sense of freedom. I also think this fits in more with the concept of managing energy while attuned to a legend and actually tapping into the energy of the mist. Plus this also helps players not feel cheated when player with Rev since they can have 6 skill sets and access to racial skills like everyone else.

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