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Will the new expac just "preach to the choir"?

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:The thing that connects Cantha with the current story line might be Bubbles.Bubbles also might be the enemy Jormag wants the commander to defeat.I can totally see a more of the current story within and around Cantha.

Had the same thought running, solid state vs liquid state. Makes sense there would be some conflict here.

We don't even know if Water is one of Bubbles' domains.

Taimi directly calls this one "The Water Dragon".Has been called "Deep Sea Dragon" before names like Bubbles or Steve have shown up.Their minions are described as beings made out of water.

I think it is a pretty safe bet that water is supposed to be one of Bubbles' domains.

She is called the Water dragon because it's assumed that she manipulates water to shape her tentacled minions.But, what if Bubbles actually can twist anything to create tentacles? Or she controls currents and twisted those currents into tentacle-like structures?The name Deep-Sea Dragon comes solely because she is located in the Deep-Sea, not because of any assumed abilities.

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I don't get what the OP is insinuating with that opener, it seems fairly grabastic.

It's a new expack in a post-mount GW2. I'm sure we'll get one or two from the story, but surely they've learned that they can't rely on mounts - or even the mastery system forever. I'm aware of the apprehension though, and I do acknowledge where it comes from: a sentiment of 'more of the same'. I just don't see that being the direction they're taking, particularly from what we've experienced in the recent months.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

The fact that it is very likely going to be Cantha themed already answers your question. This in and of itself is a safe and boring choice. Who can blame them? Entertainment media companies these days rarely do anything original anymore. Why should features be unique and genre challenging when they can't even get out of the wayback machine plotwise. Here's to the next few years of going places we've already seen in GW1, more Star Wars and Marvel, and generally no new ideas. Hooray!!

PLayer base: You never listen to us.Anet: WE're doing an expansion. WE're going to Cantha just as so many of you asked for.Playerbase: Cantha is boring why can't we go somewhere new.

You might be bored with Cantha but plenty of people want to see what Cantha's like 250 years after the Ministry of Purity kicked out all the non-human races.

To be fair, the entire playerbase did NOT want to see Cantha. There were plenty of posts in the forums about wanting to go somewhere else.

By percentage, though, there are far more threads asking for Cantha. There was a Cantha thread that lasted for years. Sure I've seen some posts asking to go somewhere else, but the percentage was always for Cantha. That's being fair.

Vayne, you have to admit yourself though that less than 10% of the people that even play the game post on the forums, so almost anything posted on here should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to this kind of stuff as no one knows what the other 90% want...unless surveys are sent to 50% of the 90% and you get a 25% response rate, then you have some idea, otherwise it's still the minority leading the majority.

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

The fact that it is very likely going to be Cantha themed already answers your question. This in and of itself is a safe and boring choice. Who can blame them? Entertainment media companies these days rarely do anything original anymore. Why should features be unique and genre challenging when they can't even get out of the wayback machine plotwise. Here's to the next few years of going places we've already seen in GW1, more Star Wars and Marvel, and generally no new ideas. Hooray!!

PLayer base: You never listen to us.Anet: WE're doing an expansion. WE're going to Cantha just as so many of you asked for.Playerbase: Cantha is boring why can't we go somewhere new.

You might be bored with Cantha but plenty of people want to see what Cantha's like 250 years after the Ministry of Purity kicked out all the non-human races.

To be fair, the entire playerbase did NOT want to see Cantha. There were plenty of posts in the forums about wanting to go somewhere else.

By percentage, though, there are far more threads asking for Cantha. There was a Cantha thread that lasted for years. Sure I've seen some posts asking to go somewhere else, but the percentage was always for Cantha. That's being fair.

Vayne, you have to admit yourself though that less than 10% of the people that even play the game post on the forums, so almost anything posted on here should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to this kind of stuff as no one knows what the other 90% want...unless surveys are sent to 50% of the 90% and you get a 25% response rate, then you have some idea, otherwise it's still the minority leading the majority.

I would suspect the vast majority of people who don't post here don't know what Cantha is or don't think deeply enough about their gaming experience to decide what should or shouldn't come next though. The most vested people tend to post on forums. Sure it's a minority of the game. But a minority of the game is going to be asking for a specific location.

Even Guild Wars 1 players don't necessarily remember a game they haven't played for 8 years, unless they were really into it.

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