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I'm really tired of this game.

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I started this game a little over 4 years I enjoyed it a lot and I actually still have targets I want to archive in it. I play basically every mode of endcontent so when things go wrong in one or 2 I can evade and do something else but recently I feel really I'm at my limit reason is :

You can say I have 'problems' in every mode.

PvE1.) The last big map was had to much grind in it I still haven't my full mastery which is absolutely new for me. On top of that the big guide site I used had stopped to make guides for all the achievements so I'm even more lost on it. (seems they are too super tired of this content)

2.)In fractals there are 2 things which takes out the fun for me or better 3

  • I have not much targets since I played cms + I got fractal god title I just farming gold and waiting for a blue infusion to drop there now.
  • I really loved my staff Ele but since it isn't meta any more I'm forced to play swordweaver which has a good dps but I actually hate to play it. I don't know how to interpret this besides things that look broken on https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/ . They don't put up swordweaver on big hitboxes any more
  • What I also don't like is how you can cheese the hell out of the content by pre buffing and class and/or weapon switch . Signet of inspiration from chrono was never a big problem but how you can prestack boons outside of combat . Its true you can only reset you skills in fractals to do it double but prestacking boons gives you an devastating advantage to those who do not(or can't) in pvp and wvw too.(there are solution to it Renegade done it before only 33% boon duration outside of combat for boonsharing skills 10% and increase some boonduration on skills again)

3.)PvPI can only say I never asked for 2v2 so I'm forced to play outside of ranged . Also I don't see how 2vs 2 can be balanced. I have still targets here building the big legendary armour when I'm level 100. I'm forced to get the last 9 level in absolute random setup with in a lot slower combat environment.(also against pre-made groups) BOOOH

4.)WvwWell 3 problems again.

  • Several guilds on my server announced they don't want to rise in tier because they want to 'win'. I always knew it to some degree there was some talk and I saw the lack of activity on certain days that led to us loosing but the last 2 weeks they said it out lout after through our links and new mount skin event we went to Tier 1. While I had really fun laughing at them loosing the 'control' over the server . Things retuned to 'normal' with the end of the event so having major guilds on the server only having interest GvG and not winning wvw is absolute destructive for motivation.
  • Because they don't want to win we have very few times a public commander on voice (at least from us the main server) this whole attitude really sucks the server try of players who want to play here.( we went after the announcement of the guilds from full to high again and we only so full because a big guild transferred to us. )
  • We are pretty much split our 2 linking partners are on discord we are on TS and a lot of people don't want to use the other voice chat or having language barriers /:
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I've been playing this game for 7 years nonstop. Yeah the game has it's issues, but what game doesn't. I really love this game. I've tried to take a break and play something else but I'm just too addicted to it :). There's a lot of stuff to do, if you can't find something to do then I don't know what to tell you, maybe go play something else and come back when you miss the game.

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Yup, I concur with everyone else here, take a break. As a veteran, I empathize. The more you play the game, the more breaks you have to take just to keep it fresh! As far as I go, I got into 2v2 in pvp because it was something new and fresh, although there are clear shenanigans(leaderboard, matchmaking system, certain builds, etc). I'm not into pve as much except for the story, I'm pretty much bored of pve endgame. As with all pve endgame, it will eventually be dissected and analyzed enough by players to the point where it's farmable. As a result, PUGs become more demanding and speed-run-oriented since it's old content they want to farm right away. wvw is still fun though, after the update. You get a lot more engaging fights than you used to, although it's obviously not perfect.

OP, what you feel is nothing new. It's the way of MMOs. Simple as that.

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