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The Tank and why it's dumb/misleading


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@"Eramonster.2718" said:There's a tutorial for how to use the tank right at the start. For public que, it will be a hit or miss. A timer will appear, they're usually players calling it out and Ryland(NPC) calling "Recruits! Bring it down with the harpoons!" every time. The fight is well designed, similar to open world; but with players limit. Tutorials and instructions from NPC is provided for the entire process :smile:.

PS : The final boss Ancient Forgeman can be done without the harpoon, just takes way longer.

More often than not at least from my runs players dont wait before starting. I missed the tutorial 2 out of the 3 runs i did. I had no idea you could go into the tank, nobody said anything and i was looking around for harpoons. I know now because of the third run that i did solo.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Brutal Augus.5917" said:Warclaw mount 3 skill works similarly with gates in WvW. Just doesn't detach until you either do so manually or the gate goes down.

It's nothing like that. Warclaw changes your skill bar when you chain to the gate. This one goes into a 20-second cooldown.

The word for the day is similarhttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/similar

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Nick.5276" said:I still think it's dumb and misleading so /thburrrrrrrrrrrrt!

What's "dumb" is when people ignore both, the NPC who is shouting orders
their teammates who are desperately trying to provide guidance in chat. ;)

Except it seems the vast majority of players don't use chat at all.

So, ANet, how about forcefully turning on map, say, party, and squad chat in strike missions? Do not allow them to be turned off. Then, restore them to their original values when the character leaves the mission. That would allow all characters to know that their message at least got to the recipient.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Nick.5276" said:I still think it's dumb and misleading so /thburrrrrrrrrrrrt!

What's "dumb" is when people ignore both, the NPC who is shouting orders
their teammates who are desperately trying to provide guidance in chat. ;)

Except it seems the vast majority of players don't use chat at all.

So, ANet, how about forcefully turning on map, say, party, and squad chat in strike missions? Do not allow them to be turned off. Then, restore them to their original values when the character leaves the mission. That would allow all characters to know that their message at least got to the recipient.

Just because say, map, party and squad chat is automatically turned on for Strike missions does not mean that players will pay attention to them. I can easily ignore what's being typed in any chat channel just by paying attention to what I'm doing and what's going on around me, which is what everyone should be doing.

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The harpoon skill was a bit buggy, where it didn't properly activate for me when I used the hotkey (3) for it. It did work when I clicked the skill though.It also doesn't seem to work when you don't have a target for it, which doesn't help with the whole, quickly get in aim and shoot a harpoon to pull. Not to mention the flip over skill doesn't appear until a second after you shot it, where it's very easy to miss that you hit it and have a pull skill.

I dunno, it's definitely not a skill I felt was polished to me, and I can fully understand that players are avoiding it rather than finding out how the skill works mid battle.That is, if the bugginess occurs for other people too anyway.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Nick.5276" said:I still think it's dumb and misleading so /thburrrrrrrrrrrrt!

What's "dumb" is when people ignore both, the NPC who is shouting orders
their teammates who are desperately trying to provide guidance in chat. ;)

Except it seems the vast majority of players don't use chat at all.

So, ANet, how about forcefully turning on map, say, party, and squad chat in strike missions? Do not allow them to be turned off. Then, restore them to their original values when the character leaves the mission. That would allow all characters to know that their message at least got to the recipient.

I turn chat off specifically to avoid getting spoiled during story missions, which this is. Got the ending of All or Nothing spoiled because some guy felt like yelling the ending out in map chat, and since then, I just decided to turn all chat off during my first playthrough of all story missions.

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@Poormany.4507 said:

@"Nick.5276" said:I still think it's dumb and misleading so /thburrrrrrrrrrrrt!

What's "dumb" is when people ignore both, the NPC who is shouting orders
their teammates who are desperately trying to provide guidance in chat. ;)

Except it seems the vast majority of players don't use chat at all.

So, ANet, how about forcefully turning on map, say, party, and squad chat in strike missions? Do not allow them to be turned off. Then, restore them to their original values when the character leaves the mission. That would allow all characters to know that their message at least got to the recipient.

I turn chat off specifically to avoid getting spoiled during story missions, which this is. Got the ending of All or Nothing spoiled because some guy felt like yelling the ending out in map chat, and since then, I just decided to turn all chat off during my first playthrough of all story missions.

I can see that, but which is the lesser of two evils? Potential to spoil or failure due to people having chat turned off?

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By now people should have noticed GW2 have quite a lot of immersion attempt, some of them really annoying so all they need to do is think for a bit: What to do with a harpoon? Fire it, alright, got it. But now what? Should I leave my target floating around (or dead, bleeding, if it's a creature) or should I try to bring, or better contextualizing, pulling, it to me?

Because the vast majority of content is very easy, players don't read tooltips, don't read the UI... h3ck, they don't even leave their chats open to get instructions or see what's going on. And then everyone gets frustrated: Casual players who want to continue with their story, intermediate players who want all Runic stuff and need to farm crystals and the advanced players farming to make money.

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