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What's the drawback to running thief in your comp?


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My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.

whats the drawback of running rev? soulbeast? firebrand?If thief automatically makes your team autolose teamfights there is a problem, what you see on mats will be very different then what happens in ranked.game plays compleatly differently

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.

whats the drawback of running rev? soulbeast? firebrand?If thief automatically makes your team autolose teamfights there is a problem, what you see on mats will be very different then what happens in ranked.game plays compleatly differently

Since you went with rev/SlB/FB, as evident by yday's qualifiers, not running thief means you sacrifice rotation speed. Kiri's team had no thief and they got outrotated.

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@"Odik.4587" said:I think you took his usual troll post "buff thief" too serious.Everyone and their mothers ran thief and thats pretty much a mandatory, as always :)

I'm sorry but he literally streams how UP thief is, while slaughtering other classes and presenting it as him being a level above all others as an explanation.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.Thief is overpowered in terms of mobility (you can't finish him and he can waste your time forever) and underpowered in terms of fight presence (if you are a low mobility profession and duo with a thief and get 1v2'd, the thief can't stand right next to you and take the pressure of you - he has to hit and run all the time or will die in the cleaving of your targets).

It depends on what you need in your team composition. Most PUGs need fight presence and not mobility. Thief is useless when your team constantly fails at mid and gets snowballed. A reaper or symbolbrand or warrior or... is required to carry these situations.

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@KrHome.1920 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.Thief is overpowered in terms of mobility (you can't finish him and he can waste your time forever) and underpowered in terms of fight presence (if you are a low mobility profession and duo with a thief and get 1v2'd, the thief can't stand right next to you and take the pressure of you - he has to hit and run all the time or will die in the cleaving of your targets).

It depends on what you need in your team composition. Most PUGs need fight presence and not mobility. Thief is useless when your team constantly fails at mid and gets snowballed. A reaper or symbolbrand or warrior or... is required to carry these situations.

I'm not gonna dwell into what ifs, the supposition is that having a thief in a team that knows WTF they're doing, is pure profit.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.Thief is overpowered in terms of mobility (you can't finish him and he can waste your time forever) and underpowered in terms of fight presence (if you are a low mobility profession and duo with a thief and get 1v2'd, the thief can't stand right next to you and take the pressure of you - he has to hit and run all the time or will die in the cleaving of your targets).

It depends on what you need in your team composition. Most PUGs need fight presence and not mobility. Thief is useless when your team constantly fails at mid and gets snowballed. A reaper or symbolbrand or warrior or... is required to carry these situations.

I'm not gonna dwell into what ifs, the supposition is that having a thief in a team that knows kitten they're doing, is pure profit.

Shouldn't any profession played correctly be "pure profit" to your team?I dont understand the arguments quantified with "when they play well, they are a threat", Im more worried when a profession doesn't need to be played well to profit.As I see it, thief is just uncontested in its role. I wouldn't mind if rev/mes were made able to build for the same role, resulting in similair damage and mobility to be an equal to thief in that role.

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@Markri.9475 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:My dear friend Sindrener prompted me to make this thread.Is there a drawback to running a thief nowadays? It used to be that you run thief, you concede team fights as a general rule and just stick to rotation. Nowadays it feels like you have a thief in your team and it's pure profit. Provided the thief executes his role to the T.Thief is overpowered in terms of mobility (you can't finish him and he can waste your time forever) and underpowered in terms of fight presence (if you are a low mobility profession and duo with a thief and get 1v2'd, the thief can't stand right next to you and take the pressure of you - he has to hit and run all the time or will die in the cleaving of your targets).

It depends on what you need in your team composition. Most PUGs need fight presence and not mobility. Thief is useless when your team constantly fails at mid and gets snowballed. A reaper or symbolbrand or warrior or... is required to carry these situations.

I'm not gonna dwell into what ifs, the supposition is that having a thief in a team that knows kitten they're doing, is pure profit.

Shouldn't any profession played correctly be "pure profit" to your team?I dont understand the arguments quantified with "when they play well, they are a threat", Im more worried when a profession doesn't need to be played well to profit.As I see it, thief is just uncontested in its role. I wouldn't mind if rev/mes were made able to build for the same role, resulting in similair damage and mobility to be an equal to thief in that role.

And that my friend, is the hidden treasure.

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Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

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@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

Edit: Where's the downvote button?

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

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@bluri.2653 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

Mesmer is actually one of the reasons we are winning ? higher damage and portal plays made us win most games

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@bluri.2653 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

Mesmer is actually one of the reasons we are winning ? higher damage and portal plays made us win most games

Taking advantage of portal as a MUST have if you're Mesmer =/= Mesmer being in a good spot. Surely you must realize that.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

Mesmer is actually one of the reasons we are winning ? higher damage and portal plays made us win most games

Taking advantage of portal as a MUST have if you're Mesmer =/= Mesmer being in a good spot. Surely you must realize that.

Mesmer damage plus portal ya. Id drop thief for rev but i wouldnt drop mes for rev for sure. Mesmer condi burst plus cc/daze is crazy good

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@bluri.2653 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

Mesmer is actually one of the reasons we are winning ? higher damage and portal plays made us win most games

Taking advantage of portal as a MUST have if you're Mesmer =/= Mesmer being in a good spot. Surely you must realize that.

Mesmer damage plus portal ya. Id drop thief for rev but i wouldnt drop mes for rev for sure. Mesmer condi burst plus cc/daze is crazy good

pffffffffffff... Wake up!

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

Mesmer is actually one of the reasons we are winning ? higher damage and portal plays made us win most games

Taking advantage of portal as a MUST have if you're Mesmer =/= Mesmer being in a good spot. Surely you must realize that.

Mesmer damage plus portal ya. Id drop thief for rev but i wouldnt drop mes for rev for sure. Mesmer condi burst plus cc/daze is crazy good

pffffffffffff... Wake up!

Think the truth hurts! My vods are up for proof, enjoy

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@bluri.2653 said:

@bluri.2653 said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)

Surely you must be joking. It's not your ability to kill, it's the rotation speed that your class enables. No other class ATM can rival that rotation power.

And what does thief mobility do if i cant kill something? Are you trolling me? My teammate is still stuck in a fight while hopefully the enemy team should punish my team in a 4v3 meanwhile.

Or am i wrong?

Id go rev in a heartbeat if i wasnt trash at anything but thief

I hear you on the single class thing. I really do.But compare yourself to Mesmer for a sec... then tell me it's all fun in games.

Mesmer is actually one of the reasons we are winning ? higher damage and portal plays made us win most games

Taking advantage of portal as a MUST have if you're Mesmer =/= Mesmer being in a good spot. Surely you must realize that.

Mesmer damage plus portal ya. Id drop thief for rev but i wouldnt drop mes for rev for sure. Mesmer condi burst plus cc/daze is crazy good

pffffffffffff... Wake up!

Think the truth hurts! My vods are up for proof, enjoy

The only thing your VoDs prove is that you need a nerf, esp compared to the rest of the herd.

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Current D/P DrD meta build is viable bc of stealth and god tier mobility. The burst or overall dmg output is not thing. It shines in organized 5v5 bc of this but good luck running it with pugs. Drawback? Ask Irish Coffee or Azza when there team members got smoked and their teams were outnumbered on map.

1) Thief is close too useless when fights are outnumbered in favor of the other team (joining a 1v2 or 2v3 or 3v4 generally is debatable, in this case it's just kitten).
2) Mobility means nothing if a) you are outnumbered on map and no +1 to outnumber a fight is possible or b) someone is watching the targeted node.3) Duells are usually not a thing rn unless against other thieves.

The advantages of this class are evident but I heavily doubt it is pure profit to have thief in the team.

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@"bluri.2653" said:Thief is awful, only reason we won the games is 1. Mesmer and portal and mes+rev damage makes me able to kill stuff. Try run thief without mes and rev and ill laugh. You run around and dont kill anything in organized 5v5.

If you look at my vods only reason we successfully kill something is us zerging 3v1(Mes thief and rev)https://www.twitch.tv/videos/577685116There is no mirages but nearly everyone are playing thief (not shadow arts).Arent you playing SA/trickery/drd? So you have uncontested mobility, cleanses,perma stealth and want oneshot level damage? It doesnt work like that

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@GewRoo.4172 said:Current D/P DrD meta build is viable bc of stealth and god tier mobility. The burst or overall dmg output is not thing. It shines in organized 5v5 bc of this but good luck running it with pugs. Drawback? Ask Irish Coffee or Azza when there team members got smoked and their teams were outnumbered on map.

1) Thief is close too useless when fights are outnumbered in favor of the other team (joining a 1v2 or 2v3 or 3v4 generally is debatable, in this case it's just kitten).

2) Mobility means nothing if a) you are outnumbered on map and no +1 to outnumber a fight is possible or b) someone is watching the targeted node.3) Duells are usually not a thing rn unless against other teams.

The advantages of this class are evident but I heavily doubt it is pure profit to have thief in the team.

And that's how it should be, alas It's NOT!

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@GewRoo.4172 said:Current D/P DrD meta build is viable bc of stealth and god tier mobility. The burst or overall dmg output is not thing. It shines in organized 5v5 bc of this but good luck running it with pugs. Drawback? Ask Irish Coffee or Azza when there team members got smoked and their teams were outnumbered on map.

1) Thief is close too useless when fights are outnumbered in favor of the other team (joining a 1v2 or 2v3 or 3v4 generally is debatable, in this case it's just kitten).

2) Mobility means nothing if a) you are outnumbered on map and no +1 to outnumber a fight is possible or b) someone is watching the targeted node.3) Duells are usually not a thing rn unless against other teams.

The advantages of this class are evident but I heavily doubt it is pure profit to have thief in the team.

And that's how it should be, alas It's NOT!

Maybe you're playing another game or you are getting outskilled 24/7 by thieves? :)

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@GewRoo.4172 said:

@GewRoo.4172 said:Current D/P DrD meta build is viable bc of stealth and god tier mobility. The burst or overall dmg output is not thing. It shines in organized 5v5 bc of this but good luck running it with pugs. Drawback? Ask Irish Coffee or Azza when there team members got smoked and their teams were outnumbered on map.

1) Thief is close too useless when fights are outnumbered in favor of the other team (joining a 1v2 or 2v3 or 3v4 generally is debatable, in this case it's just kitten).

2) Mobility means nothing if a) you are outnumbered on map and no +1 to outnumber a fight is possible or b) someone is watching the targeted node.3) Duells are usually not a thing rn unless against other teams.

The advantages of this class are evident but I heavily doubt it is pure profit to have thief in the team.

And that's how it should be, alas It's NOT!

Maybe you're playing another game or you are getting outskilled 24/7 by thieves? :)

Maybe you're in denial about how your class works. I main Mesmer, Thief has always countered my class. Watch me care.

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