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What's the drawback to running thief in your comp?


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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@UNOwen.7132what does core nade engineer have to thief? just curious

What do you mean "what does it have to thief?". Do you mean what its damage is comparatively? Nade Barrage hits up to 9k on its own. More if you got some might stacks off of HGH, Elixir B or Elixir C.

sure, but what does that have to thief? its not about how much dmg something deals, its about how much damage, how often and how reliably it deals dmg.Thief is the best roamer does to speed, and its goot at +1 becouse most of its offensive skills are insta cast, or super fast cast that can be moved by other skills ( steal, shadowstep, signet ) add in stealth and the damge is very reliable. It doesnt hit as hard as warrior jacked up on might but when you jump someone that fights 1v1, you dont need to down him solo, you do 40% ally deals 60% and enemy is boomed.Didnt watch the mAT but from the teamcomp alone ( thief + rev + mirage ) its safe to say that none of them can +1 all that well, but their gameplan is prolly to just appear and boom someone 1v3/1v4. Just focus down someone vomint all dmg you can be it 10k or 2k and enemy dies anyways becouse its 3-4 people hitting you.

I mean, in this specific context we were talking only about damage. Im not saying thief isnt good, because as long as Shortbow 5 exists, it is. Im saying their damage isnt "absurd", its "pathetic". It doesnt matter because pathetic damage in a +1 can still do wonders, though right now maybe not so much. Thieves +1 was always a bit shoddy when bunker builds are involved. Wouldnt be surprised if you focus on decaps overall. Anyway, yeah, that was basically the gameplan in the MAT. Thief provides the stealth, Mirage provides damage and portal, and Rev provides the main damage.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.
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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Don’t feed the troll.

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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao
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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.

Not without waiting after the Heartseeker so that it can stack up the Leeching Venom.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case
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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has 3 Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?
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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

Indeed, I didnt count one of the Leeching Venoms (and used the wrong number). Mostly because the first one is strange, so I figured something is up. After all, damage doesnt vary anymore. Yet it does.

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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @"bluri.2653" will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)


That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight face

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight face

Oh, didnt you hear? Thief apparently has "Absurd" damage, and apparently people are running Cloaked in Shadows.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight face

Oh, didnt you hear? Thief apparently has "Absurd" damage, and apparently people are running Cloaked in Shadows.

which would make them do even less damage on a prot holo for one simple reason. you procc protection when u cc/daze holo -> and then you backstab into prot (improved) which is -40% damage.

With rending shade that prioritize rip prot, you daze -> procc prot -> rending shade the backstab(rip the prot)

But ye CiS is good i heard LOL

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight face

Oh, didnt you hear? Thief apparently has "Absurd" damage, and apparently people are running Cloaked in Shadows.

which would make them do even less damage on a prot holo for one simple reason. you procc protection when u cc/daze holo -> and then you backstab into prot (improved) which is -40% damage.

With rending shade that prioritize rip prot, you daze -> procc prot -> rending shade the backstab(rip the prot)

But ye CiS is good i heard LOL

Oh yeah, Boonrip happens before the damage. Is Prot max priority on it? I figured itd be Stability.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /sOh, sorry for taking CiS, there was many rumors that Vallun is better thief than you, I thought that would would work!
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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /s

why would i stab him in the front? go try spike a prot holo urself that runs protholo+pala amulet and take a screen on your result. I'll be waiting.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /s

why would i stab him in the front? go try spike a prot holo urself that runs protholo+pala amulet and take a screen on your result. I'll be waiting.Protection injection, I see. But do you imply that every class that you are +1 has improved protection on CC (and always up)?
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I donno sind, ur just a long time well known top thief player for yrs who frequently showcases ur skills via utube etc so Its hard to take ur word over no name forum trolls who main mesmer and constantly spam anti theif threads.There is no one with half a brain who has actually tried and or have played thief post patch who would consider thiefs spike damage close to ok relative to the sustain lvs of most classes now. Even +1 on a power build takes to long now, u may as well decap and nothing else. It's really effective spiking 2.5k backstabs on a fb,guard,necro,scrapper etc lol then follow up with another 1k HS and a bunch of autos of 300-500 damage right before the return with a higher burst, then again we have infinite evades along with clears according to these delusional trolls lol

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@Odik.4587 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /s

why would i stab him in the front? go try spike a prot holo urself that runs protholo+pala amulet and take a screen on your result. I'll be waiting.Protection injection, I see. But do you imply that every class that you are +1 has improved protection on CC (and always up)?

No, but every single "1v1" class rn runs something as similar (tanky) so you won't be able to +1 them equally as little as you can +1 a protholo.Knight rev dwarf/herald, you think you can +1 this?SLB pala variant with A/A you think you can +1 this?LR ele?Prot holo?Meatnec?

Let me tell you, you can't.

Not one of these classes that you see in meta (AT, MAT) you can +1 as thief no matter what build you run. That being said.. Again, i do not want thief to be buffed, we can all agree that these builds are obnoxious and way overtuned tanky and hope to see nerfs, obviously when i say nerfs i also don't want them to hammer them to oblivion, I rather see them tweak a small % here and there, slowly slowly tweaking them to the sweet spot.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /s

why would i stab him in the front? go try spike a prot holo urself that runs protholo+pala amulet and take a screen on your result. I'll be waiting.Protection injection, I see. But do you imply that every class that you are +1 has improved protection on CC (and always up)?

No, but every single "1v1" class rn runs something as similar (tanky) so you won't be able to +1 them equally as little as you can +1 a protholo.Knight rev dwarf/herald, you think you can +1 this?SLB pala variant with A/A you think you can +1 this?LR ele?Prot holo?Meatnec?

Let me tell you, you can't.

Not one of these classes that you see in meta (AT, MAT) you can +1 as thief no matter what build you run. That being said.. Again, i do not want thief to be buffed, we can all agree that these builds are obnoxious and way overtuned tanky and hope to see nerfs, obviously when i say nerfs i also don't want them to hammer them to oblivion, I rather see them tweak a small % here and there, slowly slowly tweaking them to the sweet spot.

Queue the complete 180...

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /s

why would i stab him in the front? go try spike a prot holo urself that runs protholo+pala amulet and take a screen on your result. I'll be waiting.Protection injection, I see. But do you imply that every class that you are +1 has improved protection on CC (and always up)?

No, but every single "1v1" class rn runs something as similar (tanky) so you won't be able to +1 them equally as little as you can +1 a protholo.Knight rev dwarf/herald, you think you can +1 this?SLB pala variant with A/A you think you can +1 this?LR ele?Prot holo?Meatnec?

Let me tell you, you can't.

Not one of these classes that you see in meta (AT, MAT) you can +1 as thief no matter what build you run. That being said.. Again, i do not want thief to be buffed, we can all agree that these builds are obnoxious and way overtuned tanky and hope to see nerfs, obviously when i say nerfs i also don't want them to hammer them to oblivion, I rather see them tweak a small % here and there, slowly slowly tweaking them to the sweet spot.

Id argue that Pulmonary Impact should be buffed up, and that the Assassins Signet "bugfix" that was a major nerf should be compensated, though.

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@bluri.2653 said:

@ArlAlt.1630 said:Soooo @Odik.4587 did some testing today. Sind is correct that SA>DA in terms of damage. However said damage is so absurd that @bluri.2653 will have a field day trying to defend it. :D

Not really? I mean you can look at his VoD for the MAT and see his damage. "Absurd" is not the word I would use to describe it. Instead, Id go with "pathetic", or "laughable". But go ahead, tell us what that "absurd" damage is.

I'll leave it to @Odik.4587 for numbers that ignore Armor.The combo I did was simple P/d 5-HS->steal->backstab, nothing fancy, idk why you want me to post it.On heavy golem it was around... SA 6901 , DA 7300.Light golem DA: 8949, SA 8600. (pure BS+HS on SA was 6379 and leeching stuff that ignored armor... 2159)

Thats ... supposed to be your "absurd" damage? At most 9k damage off of a combination of 3 skills and steal? Overexaggeration it is. Notable, thats towards ArlAlt. You simply reported the damage you have, and that does appear to be realistic. Assuming you used Assassin's Signet.I didnt, keep your F grade at math for someone else. I didnt even use daredevil evades to gain any bonus damage from the trait that gives 5% damage per missing endurance bar, not even a single time.

Man you guys really hold a grudge towards the wrong guy, not the one who duped you, but the one who pointed out you got duped. But sure, let me just test your result real quick. Actually, looks like your damage was a smidgen different. I got about 7.7k on backstab + HS on SA, but only 900 on damage that ignored armour. Im not sure how you get 2159, that wouldnt even work since Siphoning always hits for 550 and Leeching Venoms always hits for 398. You dont get more than one of each in the normal combo, and at max one Siphoning, 2 Venoms, which is 1.3k at most.I swear, this is the last time ever I reply to you, I fed up with your bs.

Pre-stacked Leeching Venoms. Doesnt make sense for the combo, but sure. But then, Cloaked in Shadow? Why are you using a trait noone uses when checking the damage? Even then you only reach 221+221+392+392+539= 1765 damage.May be you need glasses as you missed 2 leeching venoms, no wonder you call everyone liars. Too bad I cant block you on the forum. Ciao

You only get the 2 Leeching Venoms. How exactly did you intend to get 4? It doesnt proc fast enough if you BP + HS -> Backstab. And you still didnt explain why you decided to pick an unused trait when checking the damage.

Apparently you can.Idk dude, he cant calculate what he seeing on his screen, its a lost case

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but you can see your own log, right? It only has
Leeching Venoms, not 4. Stranger yet, the first one hits for 392, not 395. I wonder how.You are blind, its 6 instances of leeching hits, not 5 as you count there, check yourself or something?

clearly these math experts can +1 with this damage (this is me spiking a prot holo btw on core dp thief that uses da+SA for damage)

That's a 2.4k backstab crit. Now try to say thief can actually +1 anything in this game with a straight faceI didnt claim to be a math expert, nor wanted to get dragged into this bs.So, anything its a prot holo stabbed in the face? I guess not /s

why would i stab him in the front? go try spike a prot holo urself that runs protholo+pala amulet and take a screen on your result. I'll be waiting.Protection injection, I see. But do you imply that every class that you are +1 has improved protection on CC (and always up)?

No, but every single "1v1" class rn runs something as similar (tanky) so you won't be able to +1 them equally as little as you can +1 a protholo.Knight rev dwarf/herald, you think you can +1 this?SLB pala variant with A/A you think you can +1 this?LR ele?Prot holo?Meatnec?

Let me tell you, you can't.

Not one of these classes that you see in meta (AT, MAT) you can +1 as thief no matter what build you run. That being said.. Again, i do not want thief to be buffed, we can all agree that these builds are obnoxious and way overtuned tanky and hope to see nerfs, obviously when i say nerfs i also don't want them to hammer them to oblivion, I rather see them tweak a small % here and there, slowly slowly tweaking them to the sweet spot.Yes, I agree that these builds are beyond tanky to get +1'd and need to be "tweaked" as you say.You said CMC will fix them? I hope, that wont be the same fix as they did to chrono/mirage :joy:(P.S I didnt see what build you had before I did these tests, I didnt even had intention to post them in the first place, lol).
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