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Unless you delete firebrand, the gamemode will end


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@Deeb.7638 said:

@Mizhas.8536 said:To be honest, Guardians have always been the backbone of any WvW setup since beta. The problem is not actually the Firebrand spec itself but the lack of other real useful support specs. Decent access to AoE stability + decent support has always been key and will probably always be. Now, deleting Firebrand would only shift the balance into bringing more revenants probably since it is the next class with easier access to AoE stability.

On the other hand, Guardians, warriors, necros have been in the WvW meta from the beginning. In fact, actually you can see a lot more variety in the classes used. Engineers, revenants, elementalists and event thieves are usually present in the class composition of the WvW guilds. If only rangers and mesmers would get a little more love, they could be brought into them as well.

So, there is no problem with the firebrand itself other than the need for balance against what other classes have to offer.

Don't know why people still underestimate the power of rangers in pretty much everything wvw pvp pve they do have easy access to aoe stability and other things with soulbeast leader of the pack trait and it makes me the mvp of every fight we do not to forget that the sustain rangers kit provides is a bit OP for a zerker build... :>

The problem ranger always had is the choice of weapons.

If you compare soulbeast and herald , trait and utility skill wise , they are almost identical.

Both would focus most traits into increasing thier own dmg while buffing others with an aura ( spotter / assasine aura) and facets/stance share.

But rev has hammer while ranger has not a single good weapon for wvw.

If ranger had a good range non projectile aoe weapon, soulbeast would instantly be meta.

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:

@Mizhas.8536 said:To be honest, Guardians have always been the backbone of any WvW setup since beta. The problem is not actually the Firebrand spec itself but the lack of other real useful support specs. Decent access to AoE stability + decent support has always been key and will probably always be. Now, deleting Firebrand would only shift the balance into bringing more revenants probably since it is the next class with easier access to AoE stability.

On the other hand, Guardians, warriors, necros have been in the WvW meta from the beginning. In fact, actually you can see a lot more variety in the classes used. Engineers, revenants, elementalists and event thieves are usually present in the class composition of the WvW guilds. If only rangers and mesmers would get a little more love, they could be brought into them as well.

So, there is no problem with the firebrand itself other than the need for balance against what other classes have to offer.

Don't know why people still underestimate the power of rangers in pretty much everything wvw pvp pve they do have easy access to aoe stability and other things with soulbeast leader of the pack trait and it makes me the mvp of every fight we do not to forget that the sustain rangers kit provides is a bit OP for a zerker build... :>

The problem ranger always had is the choice of weapons.

If you compare soulbeast and herald , trait and utility skill wise , they are almost identical.

Both would focus most traits into increasing thier own dmg while buffing others with an aura ( spotter / assasine aura) and facets/stance share.

But rev has hammer while ranger has not a single good weapon for wvw.

If ranger had a good range non projectile aoe weapon, soulbeast would instantly be meta.

If only dagger mainhand was a ranged aoe weapon instead of my incinerator collecting dust in the bank. :(

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@DanAlcedo.3281 said:

@Mizhas.8536 said:To be honest, Guardians have always been the backbone of any WvW setup since beta. The problem is not actually the Firebrand spec itself but the lack of other real useful support specs. Decent access to AoE stability + decent support has always been key and will probably always be. Now, deleting Firebrand would only shift the balance into bringing more revenants probably since it is the next class with easier access to AoE stability.

On the other hand, Guardians, warriors, necros have been in the WvW meta from the beginning. In fact, actually you can see a lot more variety in the classes used. Engineers, revenants, elementalists and event thieves are usually present in the class composition of the WvW guilds. If only rangers and mesmers would get a little more love, they could be brought into them as well.

So, there is no problem with the firebrand itself other than the need for balance against what other classes have to offer.

Don't know why people still underestimate the power of rangers in pretty much everything wvw pvp pve they do have easy access to aoe stability and other things with soulbeast leader of the pack trait and it makes me the mvp of every fight we do not to forget that the sustain rangers kit provides is a bit OP for a zerker build... :>

The problem ranger always had is the choice of weapons.

If you compare soulbeast and herald , trait and utility skill wise , they are almost identical.

Both would focus most traits into increasing thier own dmg while buffing others with an aura ( spotter / assasine aura) and facets/stance share.

But rev has hammer while ranger has not a single good weapon for wvw.

If ranger had a good range non projectile aoe weapon, soulbeast would instantly be meta.

Agreed, and this applies to many other classes and specs, and not just weapons. If classes had the build options to be useful in large scale, they would be meta or just as viable as any other class

It can go beyond that though...since I believe that classes should be able to offer something unique to a group composition, that no other class is able to duplicate. Stance share is an example of a unique mechanic that only ranger can pull off, except that most of the stances are just kinda ehhh.

The potentials are there but they are just not good enough. Likewise with ele auras which are okay, but they also lack any meaningful effects (other than Frost aura and occasionally magnetic aura, which are still mediocre at best)

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@Arheundel.6451 said:Never wished for a spec to be completely deleted as much as Firebrand....the support is just broken and makes the already OP necro that much worst to deal with especially when it comes in a pack of 20+. WvW was the only thing bringing me back to GW2 after the fiasco of Pvp...now the game is truly not worth playing for the first time in 8 years, was already resigned of not being able to roam anymore given how direct dmg was completely gutted...so you go and try to have at least some resemblance of fun while zerging.......I am completely useless...can't do enough dmg with zerker stats...or support/heal anybody with nomad/minstrel stats...unless I play a guardian or necro.

Call me whatever you want...keep it this gem of game design

Well what could you even expect of this new devs we are stuck with? They didn't design the core game, or understood the mechanics that made it great, they are pushing their own view on the matter since pof release and guess what, it freaking sucks, first they ruined one of the game principles.

-NO TRINITY-We used to have no healer class, just utility/dps/bunker roles, and each one had to take care of their own healing rotations, disengaging, etc. Making the game more about tactics, yet they ruined it adding a dedicated healer, but not only that, they were so stupid they broke one of the fundamental laws in every trinity based mmo out there.

-ROLES MUST BE DIVIDED-A tank should be a high hp character, with a lot of defences either passive or active, who's primary objective is to sustain damage and protect healers/dps or distract enemies. A healer should heal, but also have low health and be very squishy so it can be focused down by enemies, reinforcing the tank's job to protect them, and dps classes should be as squishy as a healer but with high damage either in bursts or quick cc+dmg+cc+dmg combos and have mobility in order to focus and kill healers and disengage, yet in this stupid era, the ones supposed to tank deal enough dps to outshine dedicated dps classes, with none of the risks, the ONLY dedicated healer happens to be also the best tank in the game, and can sustain a lot of damage, while healing and buffing themselves and allies, and that leaves dedicated dps no place or job left. Making the meta steer into either bunker dps or bunker support builds. AKA the bunker meta we always hated. Adding to this that now power based builds are nerfed to the ground.. welcome to the CONDI BUNKER META.

So what does that design philosophy leave us with, a tactical mess with no point, you should focus dps bunk classes (which can also sustain af) meanwhile ignoring bunker healers, making the game frustrating, because you have to outmatch this healers support with raw damage, yes, the type of damage that was heavily nerfed not so long ago, and only after you outmatched their support, and killed every dps then you can focus on healers, who guess what.. they can sustain a lot more than bunker dps classes... enough to reset a mid fight in pvp, enough to wait for reinforcements in wvw thanks to that stupid cat they added. Making the game tedious, characters hard or impossible to kill and basically making combat dull and boring with no risk unless you are outnumbered.

Basically they destroyed the system that made this game great and diverse, to copy paste the formula every other mmo uses since wow, and they were so stupid they made all wrong. so instead of having squishy dps chasing squishy healers meanwhile trying to avoid tanks who carry the heavy cc, we have bunker dps classes chasing other bunker dps classes around meanwhile healers just stand there healing and supporting, until one of the sides loses enough dps bunkers and retreats, because ther is no point for a healer to fight against a bunker dps. GREAT JOB ANET SCREWING UP SOMETHING YOU COPIED AND PASTED OVER YOUR GAME. GREAT JOB RUINING WHAT MADE THIS GAME GREAT AND UNIQUE, GREAT JOB RUINING COMBAT, AND MAKING IT SO DUMB IT'S SAD TO EVEN WATCH ON YOUTUBE.

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