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Sigil of Revocation is a broken mess, remove it or fix it.


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@Shaogin.2679 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate WITH NO BOON CORRUPTION?

I dont explain to you. I bet you're same ppl who all thiefs hackers because stealth, teleports and speed.Sounds more like you don t have any valid explanation for that, so you re making up stuffs.

He didn't explain it because the answer is incredibly simple. The sigil removes the boon before the attack. So if the sigil procs when the Guardian uses his knockback, then first a boon is removed (in this case stability), and then the knockback is applied. Congratulations, you learned something new today......

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil,
u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate
?Notice the
bolded words
. I think you read the discussion a little bit faster than your brain could process.
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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate WITH NO BOON CORRUPTION?

I dont explain to you. I bet you're same ppl who all thiefs hackers because stealth, teleports and speed.Sounds more like you don t have any valid explanation for that, so you re making up stuffs.

He didn't explain it because the answer is incredibly simple. The sigil removes the boon before the attack. So if the sigil procs when the Guardian uses his knockback, then first a boon is removed (in this case stability), and then the knockback is applied. Congratulations, you learned something new today......

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil,
u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate
?Notice the
bolded words
. I think you read the discussion a little bit faster than your brain could process.

Lmao. Wow. No, I explained it perfectly to you man. You were talking about being cc'd while having stability and blamed it on this sigil. Then someone pointed out that the sigil itself does not cc you because it is boon removal, not boon corruption. Then you came back talking about there was no boon removal and yet the OP was still cc'd and demanded an explanation. That guy refused to dumb it down for you, so I did, and here we are now and somehow you are still lost. So, again, the sigil does not cc you as that person stated. It is just boon removal, not boon corruption. If you are cc'd, it is because the sigil removed stability before the player's cc ability hit you.

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@Shaogin.2679 said:

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate WITH NO BOON CORRUPTION?

I dont explain to you. I bet you're same ppl who all thiefs hackers because stealth, teleports and speed.Sounds more like you don t have any valid explanation for that, so you re making up stuffs.

He didn't explain it because the answer is incredibly simple. The sigil removes the boon before the attack. So if the sigil procs when the Guardian uses his knockback, then first a boon is removed (in this case stability), and then the knockback is applied. Congratulations, you learned something new today......

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil,
u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate
?Notice the
bolded words
. I think you read the discussion a little bit faster than your brain could process.

You were talking about being cc'd while having stability and blamed it on this sigil. Then someone pointed out that the sigil itself does not cc youWhere exactely did that I said that the sigil itself is CCing ?

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate WITH NO BOON CORRUPTION?

I dont explain to you. I bet you're same ppl who all thiefs hackers because stealth, teleports and speed.Sounds more like you don t have any valid explanation for that, so you re making up stuffs.

He didn't explain it because the answer is incredibly simple. The sigil removes the boon before the attack. So if the sigil procs when the Guardian uses his knockback, then first a boon is removed (in this case stability), and then the knockback is applied. Congratulations, you learned something new today......

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil,
u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate
?Notice the
bolded words
. I think you read the discussion a little bit faster than your brain could process.

Then someone pointed out that the sigil itself does not cc you because
it is boon removal, not boon corruption.
Who pointed it out? AFAIK he said boon

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate WITH NO BOON CORRUPTION?

I dont explain to you. I bet you're same ppl who all thiefs hackers because stealth, teleports and speed.Sounds more like you don t have any valid explanation for that, so you re making up stuffs.

He didn't explain it because the answer is incredibly simple. The sigil removes the boon before the attack. So if the sigil procs when the Guardian uses his knockback, then first a boon is removed (in this case stability), and then the knockback is applied. Congratulations, you learned something new today......

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil,
u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate
?Notice the
bolded words
. I think you read the discussion a little bit faster than your brain could process.

Then you came back talking about there was no
boon removal
and yet the OP was still cc'd and demanded an explanation.Where exactely did I say there was no boon removal? I wrote "....NO BOON

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate WITH NO BOON CORRUPTION?

I dont explain to you. I bet you're same ppl who all thiefs hackers because stealth, teleports and speed.Sounds more like you don t have any valid explanation for that, so you re making up stuffs.

He didn't explain it because the answer is incredibly simple. The sigil removes the boon before the attack. So if the sigil procs when the Guardian uses his knockback, then first a boon is removed (in this case stability), and then the knockback is applied. Congratulations, you learned something new today......

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil,
u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION

@Eugchriss.2046 said:I thought nobody uses this sigil so I've never paid attention. I sometimes got interrupted while having stab and I was like kitten. But now, this explains it all.

U dont get interrupted with stability because of sigil, u get interrupted cus of boon CORRUPTION.

How do you explain then the fact that he has been knocked back by the guard while the guard was on downstate
?Notice the
bolded words
. I think you read the discussion a little bit faster than your brain could process.

It is just boon removal, not boon corruption.And that's the point. There is a difference between boon corruption and boon removal/rip that you and the @zyra.7860 don t seem to be aware of. He wrote boon corruption so I read boon corruption. Excuse me for reading correctly what he wrote.
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@Shao.7236 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:Why not just make a game that isn't so cripplingly dependent on braindead, auto-pilot boons like stability and resistance?

Implying there's no cc spam and condi spam. Actually being okay boon strips in downstate, or just random boon strips altogether that can ruin a whole entire fight with the least of vague calculated weapon swaps on boon generation.

Why do a majority of replies have to be the same statement that tries to be edgy in the least related way to the topic possible.

Why are stability and resistance so crucial to so many builds in GW2? You've answered it yourself: it's because CC spam and condi spam are baked into most player's basic rotations. So, again, the question becomes, instead of relying on incredibly reactive and mentally passive buffs like stability and resistance, why not just have a game that isn't saturated with suffocating hard CC and DoTs that just outright kill players in short order? If anything, stability and resistance are just wimpy, band-aid fixes: failures from a game-design standpoint; additions of an incompetent dev team that didn't have a clear focus for what they wanted out of the thing that they were making.

Rather than asking why people can remove stability and resistance so easily, you really ought to be asking why stability and resistance exist at all. If you can't, then you can't really see the true root of the problems with GW2's clown-tier PvP.

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@Sigmoid.7082The buff bar is still visually lying even if the stack is being constantly refreshed as the very first thing far ahead of last that shouldn't be touched. This makes Stability from Revenant extremely weak compared every other in the game that if you notice most Stability skills unless it's just Stability apply boons after to hide it and last longer, Revenant was nerfed last patch anyway so there's no way to use Stability without pulsing. You can absolutely screw someone's full counter if you have Revocation up and use a proper CC that works with it because not all CC's are working with it.

@"Swagg.9236"Nobody is keeping you here. Rofl, that's the weakest argument possible again. It's possible to play without Stability or Resistance to which most people do, those who have Stability and Resistance are the one front lining more than your typical glass build and that's why the boons exist, not because in 1v1's should spam be unavoidable and the person fighting the one with those boons be unable to kill them, that's just the utility they wanted to use rather than something else they are trading for which makes them weaker for again /something else/. Don't have to elaborate on the trade offs here since you come off as another "I know everything and nobody should be playing this game".

Band-Aid should be the official label for any naysayers of this forum now since nothing works to them but they can't provide themselves a better way to improve the so called super flawed game that they're still posting on the forums of.

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@Shao.7236 said:@Sigmoid.7082The buff bar is still visually lying even if the stack is being constantly refreshed as the very first thing far ahead of last that shouldn't be touched. This makes Stability from Revenant extremely weak compared every other in the game that if you notice most Stability skills unless it's just Stability apply boons after to hide it and last longer, Revenant was nerfed last patch anyway so there's no way to use Stability without pulsing. You can absolutely screw someone's full counter if you have Revocation up and use a proper CC that works with it because not all CC's are working with it.

@Swagg.9236Nobody is keeping you here. Rofl, that's the weakest argument possible again. It's possible to play without Stability or Resistance to which most people do, those who have Stability and Resistance are the one front lining more than your typical glass build and that@Shao.7236 said:@"Quadox.7834"Hypocrisy much? LIFO doesn't say "Even boons that was applied first and covered by others but because they are pulsing it counts as first again.", don't hav> @Shao.7236 said:@"Quadox.7834"Hypocrisy much? LIFO doesn't say "Even boons that was applied first and covered by others but because they are pulsing it counts as first again.", don't have to act like you knew when you couldn't even explain it yourself. YIKES.

1) the last boon that is applied (stability) is the first one to get stripped.2) you don't know what hypocricy means, because that is not it.

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@Shao.7236 said:@Sigmoid.7082The buff bar is still visually lying even if the stack is being constantly refreshed as the very first thing far ahead of last that shouldn't be touched. This makes Stability from Revenant extremely weak compared every other in the game that if you notice most Stability skills unless it's just Stability apply boons after to hide it and last longer, Revenant was nerfed last patch anyway so there's no way to use Stability without pulsing. You can absolutely screw someone's full counter if you have Revocation up and use a proper CC that works with it because not all CC's are working with it.

@"Swagg.9236"It's possible to play without Stability or Resistance to which most people do,only because the best builds have so much passive defense baked into their attack skills and scripted movements. Stability and resistance aren't super necessary if you just dodge and teleport while attacking, or just attack from a distance (the latter examples aren't really fair or engaging either; they equally promote very reactive gameplay).

those who have Stability and Resistance are the one front lining more than your typical glass build and that's why the boons exist,

Maybe the problem was trying to put roles into a game with no gameplay systems to support them. Nobody consistently frontlines in a game without dedicated healers, and since people were probably getting pin-balled all over the place during development, somebody suggested throwing stability in to bANd-aiD the issue. Stability is a tourniquet: it just ties people over in the presence of suffocating CC spam; it doesn't do anything about the fundamental problem that GW2 has far too much hard CC with relation to how easy any of it is to land on a target. Anet wouldn't say anything (and honestly, most of the original dev team have since bailed on this tire fire), but if you asked them, I would bet you money that they would say that stability was NOT a core design element of GW2 when it was being initially developed. That's why it's a problem: it's not a real gameplay element; it's a slap-dash attempt at hard-negating an overbearing aspect of this game's combat that nobody could bother to adjust properly.

not because in 1v1's should spam be unavoidable and the person fighting the one with those boons be unable to kill them, that's just the utility they wanted to use rather than something else they are trading for which makes them weaker for again /something else/. Don't have to elaborate on the trade offs here since you come off as another "I know everything and nobody should be playing this game".

People are free to play what they want and do what they want within a game, but you can't really argue how there is a clear game-design flaw at work if the mere presence of something like a passive, hard-negate mechanic not only swings fights so strongly, but behaves so drastically different at just a slight scale shift in the number of participants within a given PvP encounter. It's not at all in-tune with the rest of the game.

Band-Aid should be the official label for any naysayers of this forum now since nothing works to them but they can't provide themselves a better way to improve the so called super flawed game that they're still posting on the forums of.You're being awfully dismissive yourself, especially since you've never really given any counterargument to "What is stability's purpose if we just culled hard CC down to a more manageable level?"

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@"Quadox.7834"1) the last boon that is applied (stability) is the first one to get stripped.2) you don't know what hypocricy means, because that is not it.


Zzz. Hypocrite yeah, acting like you've explained it properly, but you haven't. Your explanation about boons is incomplete to the topic I brought, being in the wrong like I was but then behave like you weren't after I find the reason why Stability seemingly was favored by the Sigil which is related by LIFO internally but not externally to the in-game feedback because it didn't look LIFO at ALL.

You're silly for thinking that it's okay to lose 10 stacks of Stability that was applied first and because one other source applied a shorter one on top of it even though it's the very first boon that was added far far far far away from the first spot gets removed by a random hit.


Stability keeps the game from being as boring as MOBA's can get by not adjusting or rather removing mechanics that makes what GW2 is because what you say and wish for is impossible to establish without overhauling the game to the point where it's nothing engaging.

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@Shao.7236 said:


Stability keeps the game from being as boring as MOBA's can get by not adjusting or rather removing mechanics that makes what GW2 is because what you say and wish for is impossible to establish without overhauling the game to the point where it's nothing engaging.

It's impossible for a game to be engaging if players can't just negate incoming control effects because control effects always have to be omnipresent, super overbearing, and incredibly easy to inflict?? lmao OK

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@Shao.7236 said:

@"Quadox.7834"1) the last boon that is applied (stability) is the first one to get stripped.2) you don't know what hypocricy means, because that is not it.

Zzz. Hypocrite yeah, acting like you've explained it properly, but you haven't. Your explanation about boons is incomplete to the topic I brought, being in the wrong like I was but then behave like you weren't after I find the reason why Stability seemingly was favored by the Sigil which is related by LIFO internally but not externally to the in-game feedback because it didn't look LIFO at ALL.

You're silly for thinking that it's okay to lose 10 stacks of Stability that was applied first and because one other source applied a shorter one on top of it even though it's the very first boon that was added far far far far away from the first spot gets removed by a random hit.

1) i have no obligation to explain game mechanics to you, i told you it is lifo, it looks like lifo on your videos, and i did an extra test just to be nice.2) i have not said anything about whether it is fine or not, is it fair that mesmer's shattered concentration takes stability
of all boons in the game (compare to for ex bountiful theft)?

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Quadox.78341) the last boon that is applied (stability) is the first one to get stripped.2) you don't know what hypocricy means, because that is not it.

Zzz. Hypocrite yeah, acting like you've explained it properly, but you haven't. Your explanation about boons is incomplete to the topic I brought, being in the wrong like I was but then behave like you weren't after I find the reason why Stability seemingly was favored by the Sigil which is related by LIFO internally but not externally to the in-game feedback because it didn't look LIFO at ALL.

You're silly for thinking that it's okay to lose 10 stacks of Stability that was applied first and because one other source applied a shorter one on top of it even though it's the very first boon that was added far far far far away from the first spot gets removed by a random hit.

1) i have no obligation to explain game mechanics to you, i told you it is lifo, it looks like lifo on your videos, and i did an extra test just to be nice.2) i have not said anything about whether it is fine or not, is it fair that mesmer's shattered concentration takes stability
of all boons in the game (compare to for ex bountiful theft)?

LIFO does not explain the visual queue.I said that some CC's plain don't work with the Sigil, with Mesmer only Gravity Well was ever effective to do so, everything else is a waste.

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@Shao.7236 said:

@Quadox.78341) the last boon that is applied (stability) is the first one to get stripped.2) you don't know what hypocricy means, because that is not it.

Zzz. Hypocrite yeah, acting like you've explained it properly, but you haven't. Your explanation about boons is incomplete to the topic I brought, being in the wrong like I was but then behave like you weren't after I find the reason why Stability seemingly was favored by the Sigil which is related by LIFO internally but not externally to the in-game feedback because it didn't look LIFO at ALL.

You're silly for thinking that it's okay to lose 10 stacks of Stability that was applied first and because one other source applied a shorter one on top of it even though it's the very first boon that was added far far far far away from the first spot gets removed by a random hit.

1) i have no obligation to explain game mechanics to you, i told you it is lifo, it looks like lifo on your videos, and i did an extra test just to be nice.2) i have not said anything about whether it is fine or not, is it fair that mesmer's shattered concentration takes stability
of all boons in the game (compare to for ex bountiful theft)?

LIFO does not explain the visual queue.I said that some CC's plain don't work with the Sigil, with Mesmer only Gravity Well was ever effective to do so, everything else is a waste.

1) it does not mean "the boon to the left gets removed first".2) the second sentence has no relevance to what i was saying.

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The problem isn't really sigil of Rev, but a bigger issue with the "Last in first out" system when it comes to boon and condition removal. It made sense back in the days of GW1, where you had 8 skills and stacking enchantments with cover enchantments or covering powerful conditions like Daze/Cripple with poison all of which used to be key elements of GW1 PVP.

But in GW2, they introduced intensity stacking, and also made it so stacking boons/conditions is pretty much completely automated. So the whole counterplay aspect to it no longer makes sense. Making removal prioritize intensity would fix a lot of balance issues in the game. It would make condi builds less streamlined and require them to be more diverse. It would add a nice soft-counter towards busted 25 might builds too.

People have been suggesting this for ages though, so I wouldn't hold your breath.

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Wouldn't mind seeing boon removal be entirely for skills/traits only. Would at least make it a bit easier to do a class by class balancing effort concerning those game elements, if you don't have to take the sigil into consideration all the time. You know, a bit more specialization which classes/builds can actually remove boons and how much access they have to it.I think that wouldn't be so bad and could see a benefit for the game depending on future balancing efforts.

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@"Icewolfnector.1487" said:Wouldn't mind seeing boon removal be entirely for skills/traits only. Would at least make it a bit easier to do a class by class balancing effort concerning those game elements, if you don't have to take the sigil into consideration all the time. You know, a bit more specialization which classes/builds can actually remove boons and how much access they have to it.I think that wouldn't be so bad and could see a benefit for the game depending on future balancing efforts.

Competitively is a better solution than getting turned upside down by any possible CC that's compatible with the sigil because by nature anyone "expects" their boons to do the job and not be countered by anything randomly but utilities and functions they can expect from the profession they face.

Even if Thief favors Aegis and Stability as well as instant cast, at least it's something that always work the same. I'm still not going to advocate for Steal going through Aegis and favor Stability or able to cast while stunned though, those are all overdone benefits that aren't required nor should actually exist because they are straight up exceptions that compared anything else in the game don't belong in.

@Master Ketsu.4569Honestly that sigil is toxic by design and shouldn't exist in this environment, just like what Annulment was. This LIFO is fine if by all means makes Stability a little less annoying to fight a Revenant for because of their very high uptime, so professions that actually have boon hate can do something about it. If someone pulses Might the same, the current system takes care of it as well.

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