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The worst balance since early Heart of thorns in my opinion.


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@jul.7602 said:Jesus Christ, this entire post has only 5 periods. Please use a tiny bit of grammar.

You don't have to be grammer police either, take it easy, Think I'v done fairly well if you understood the post as a whole, I got dyslexia and my biggest problem I'v struggled with is understanding where to put periods, not to mention english beeing my third languish.

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@Ramjam.4507 said:

@jul.7602 said:Jesus Christ, this entire post has only 5 periods. Please use a tiny bit of grammar.

You don't have to be grammer police either, take it easy, Think I'v done fairly well if you understood the post as a whole, I got dyslexia and my biggest problem I'v struggled with is understanding where to put periods, not to mention english beeing my third languish.

Don't worry about what they said regarding your punctuation, I understood you perfectly - he's just being a kitten. With that being said, my opinion vastly differs from yours and based on the population I've been seeing in WvW as compared to pre-patch, I think most people agree. There's always been times when I didn't like the game as much as well and my best suggestion is just take a break for awhile, even a few months and check back later. Things change and perhaps you'll like in more in the future. I can almost guarantee that with the crap content they've been releasing you won't be missing much until they announce the next expansion.

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@Strider.7849 said:Don't worry about what they said regarding your punctuation, I understood you perfectly - he's just being a kitten. With that being said, my opinion vastly differs from yours and based on the population I've been seeing in WvW as compared to pre-patch, I think most people agree. There's always been times when I didn't like the game as much as well and my best suggestion is just take a break for awhile, even a few months and check back later. Things change and perhaps you'll like in more in the future. I can almost guarantee that with the kitten content they've been releasing you won't be missing much until they announce the next expansion.

Thanx! :) and yeah I'm kinda on a break already, no point playing if you'r not having fun ^^ not the first break I'v been on either but usually find the way back since the game at heart is great!

I'v been doing daily achivment every other day, doing some other very quick daily stuff and limited it to that instead of spending 3-5 hours a day into the game hehe

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@Ramjam.4507 said:

@jul.7602 said:Jesus Christ, this entire post has only 5 periods. Please use a tiny bit of grammar.

You don't have to be grammer police either, take it easy, Think I'v done fairly well if you understood the post as a whole, I got dyslexia and my biggest problem I'v struggled with is understanding where to put periods, not to mention english beeing my third languish.


i myself rarely use periods or with using 'Professional' grammer special effects. Who are we to prove or to impress anyways?. Are we going to win an award for it lol. Continuing being confidence with a strong mind and secure and to not give in to misery. In final, Ramjam, you are not alone

Keep it up

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It's not the worst balance, but it's definitely the lowest build diversity we've had since launch, really. Every class has about 1.5 working build, so everyone plays borderline the same builds with tiny variations to account for playstyle. If that's what CMC thinks is healthy for the game, then I have a bridge to sell him.

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