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Gemstore Weapons Skins Dreamwalker and others...

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If you buy a skin from the gemstore you can use it one time for free like other skins, after that you will need charges. The only skins that can always be used for free are the Zenith and Pinnacle weapons and the Hellfire and Radiant armor (from the achievment rewards).

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I was also confused the first time I bought an armor skin set with gems. The skin is unlocked for your whole account when you use it. After having used it, you will need to use a Transmutation charge afterwards to use it on a different weapon or revert back. Transmutation charges are plentiful in WvW.

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@ancafr.9274 said:Thanks for the reply, LOL so there is no points spending 600 gems on an item that is not even unlimited use I better save my gems for something more useful.

If that's your take on skins, then you're going to sorely hate doing Fashion Wars since ALL skins except the ones from Achievement Milestones (Zenith/Pinnacle/etc.) will cost you transmutation charges. On top of that, a LOT of the stuff in the shop is one-time use only before you have to buy it again (again, this does not apply to everything in the shop, but to most things). If you really don't care to do that, then convert gold to gems and buy the skin so you don't have to spend your money on, what I assume, you perceive to be a bad deal. Honestly, though, Fashion Wars won't be for you if that's the case. Good luck, though.

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:I really wish skins from the gem store didn’t require a trans stone. I always found it stupid if I’m being honest

Same here, waste of gems/cash in my opinion. There are many other really nice(and CHEAPER) weapons skins for gold and even for free in game. If they were free of charge then it would worth every cent/gem spent.

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It's a free game. ANet has to make money somehow. As fashion wars is such a thing, transmutation stones are one way for them to make money. But, as was previously stated in the thread, transmutation stones are fairly easy to acquire in-game, especially in WvW so you really don't need to buy them.

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@kharmin.7683 said:It's a free game. ANet has to make money somehow. As fashion wars is such a thing, transmutation stones are one way for them to make money. But, as was previously stated in the thread, transmutation stones are fairly easy to acquire in-game, especially in WvW so you really don't need to buy them.

Not really ''free'', we gotta pay for the expansions and the items on gemstore are paid in $$$.

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@Schimmi.6872 said:If you buy a skin from the gemstore you can use it one time for free like other skins, after that you will need charges. The only skins that can always be used for free are the Zenith and Pinnacle weapons and the Hellfire and Radiant armor (from the achievment rewards).

Also skins gained via the Hall of Monuments through Guild Wars 1 achievements.

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@ancafr.9274 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:It's a free game. ANet has to make money somehow. As fashion wars is such a thing, transmutation stones are one way for them to make money. But, as was previously stated in the thread, transmutation stones are fairly easy to acquire in-game, especially in WvW so you really don't need to buy them.

Not really ''free'', we gotta pay for the expansions and the items on gemstore are paid in $$$.

The base game is free. Expansions and gemstore items are optional.

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