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Limit AT winners to 2 wins a day


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@Exile.8160 said:Its always the same people that win and they play every single day specially at off hours to abuse the system. I say to limit there wins so other people have a chance at first place

1th place is earned not given, same as with all games, sports and whatnot.If you can't win AT it means better players defeated the worse which is exactly how its supposed to be. Nobody is abusing anything by winning (unless wintrading, exploiting, etc.), if anything those people provide a value by offering opportunity to face someone more experienced and learn from it.

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As someone who doesn't play PvP and would therefore need a system like this in order to get legit wins at my current skill level, I do not support this.

Off hours for you may be the only time those players have to play most days.

The best players shouldn't be told they can't play anymore just because they won too many times.

If you want to stop them from winning so much, get better yourself.

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lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

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see you're twisting my words, why have a forum were ppl can express their Ideas and experiences only to have ppl behave like %#$@ good job community and then you wonder why pvp has a low population. I never said I deserved a win but that behind said I would like the CHANCE to win without see the same Pro team over and over just farming everyone. Its truly been a disheartening experience.

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@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose and can learn from the experience ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely without knowing what happen (50 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

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@Exile.8160 said:see you're twisting my words, why have a forum were ppl can express their Ideas and experiences only to have ppl behave like %#$@ good job community and then you wonder why pvp has a low population. I never said I deserved a win but that behind said I would like the CHANCE to win without see the same Pro team over and over just farming everyone. Its truly been a disheartening experience.there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

You have a chance to win. That chance is low because you're not as good as the better players. If you want close matches, then play ranked instead of willingly signing up for tournaments that don't have skill brackets.

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@Exile.8160 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

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@Exile.8160 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.

Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.

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@Exile.8160 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.

Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.

Well, if you read my first post you'd know why I'm not giving counter suggestions.

To get me to play PvP would require a fundamental change in PvP. One that is impossible for ANet to put in place and unrealistic to ask of other players.

They can't reduce my stress levels about being a drag on my team because my desire and time to learn rotations is very low.

All I know is, it's bad to limit the number of times players can play.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.

Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.

Well, if you read my first post you'd know why I'm not giving counter suggestions.

To get me to play PvP would require a fundamental change in PvP. One that is impossible for ANet to put in place and unrealistic to ask of other players.

They can't reduce my stress levels about being a drag on my team because my desire and time to learn rotations is very low.

All I know is, it's bad to limit the number of times players can play.

See you don't pvp because its already hard for new players and other players to get into.. so why not make it a better experience for other people so they don't have to stay away from it and get that population up.

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@Exile.8160 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.

Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.

Well, if you read my first post you'd know why I'm not giving counter suggestions.

To get me to play PvP would require a fundamental change in PvP. One that is impossible for ANet to put in place and unrealistic to ask of other players.

They can't reduce my stress levels about being a drag on my team because my desire and time to learn rotations is very low.

All I know is, it's bad to limit the number of times players can play.

See you don't pvp because its already hard for new players and other players to get into.. so why not make it a better experience for other people so they don't have to stay away from it and get that population up.

And you've entirely missed my reason for not getting into PvP in the first place.

The stress from being a drag on my team mates because my desire and time to learn rotations is low.

No realistic changes to PvP are going to fix that. The game mode would have to nerfed into easy play for all and that would just chase more players away than it would bring in.

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@Seera.5916 said:

@Exile.8160 said:lets face it non of us will beat pro players when they are spamming ATs everyday whats the point of wanting for more ppl you do AT when only the same teams win every time? im glad I finish the achievement and never have to see AT again it was a bad experience for a new At player and long time ranked player.

You don't get better by playing people below your skill level. You only get better by playing those who are better than you. If they are choosing the easy route, they are only hurting themselves in the long run.

I'd honestly always want to play when there is someone else better than my playing in that type of mode. Even if that someone else is always the same person or group of people. Because if I stick with it enough, I'll eventually reach their level and be able to beat them half of the time.

there's a fine line between have a close match that you lose ( ex. 500 - 460 ) than to one where you get stomp completely (90 - 500) by pros every single At you join. There's a reason why the bass majority don't play it care to wonder why? Im just throwing some Ideas to better the experience for new At players.

Limiting the number of wins isn't it. That will just cause problems during off hours if there aren't enough people remaining to have a tournament. Because the only way to prevent them from winning again is to prevent them from playing. And that should never be the case.

If they are playing off hours due to choice to make it easy on them, they are only hurting themselves in the long run. They won't improve and may actually get worse since they are no longer challenging themselves.

Those they play with have to get better in order win and that challenge causes players to play better.

and that's why most people hate AT... why is it so bad that more people get into it? for real let me know the numbers on it are so low yet the devs spent years and years for people to enjoy it but most aren't. I want to make it a place where pros can still play but also give some breathing room for new players why is that so hard to get? I mean the more attention it gets the more updates and cools stuff by the devs it will get and more people can enjoy it.

Telling the pros they can only play 2 tournaments a day is not it, though.

We get the problem. We disagree with the solution. Your solution puts in a worse condition than now.

How so? there's far few pros than there are players. Giving players a better chance to get that first place will in fact encourage them to play it more will it not? Im sure I prob will the system right now lets them curb stomp every match all day long without giving everyone else a chance to shine. it doesn't have to be 2 wins a day maybe get a win hold of on the next one then play the one after something to not let them farm 24/7 the ATs which is whats happening now.

Maybe instead of flat out saying no give ideas to help the problem don't just let it sit there... Help make Gw2 pvp e better place.

Well, if you read my first post you'd know why I'm not giving counter suggestions.

To get me to play PvP would require a fundamental change in PvP. One that is impossible for ANet to put in place and unrealistic to ask of other players.

They can't reduce my stress levels about being a drag on my team because my desire and time to learn rotations is very low.

All I know is, it's bad to limit the number of times players can play.

See you don't pvp because its already hard for new players and other players to get into.. so why not make it a better experience for other people so they don't have to stay away from it and get that population up.

And you've entirely missed my reason for not getting into PvP in the first place.

The stress from being a drag on my team mates because my desire and time to learn rotations is low.

No realistic changes to PvP are going to fix that. The game mode would have to nerfed into easy play for all and that would just chase more players away than it would bring in.

I get what you're saying but just because that's your reason not to play it doesn't mean that's the reason other players don't play it. Like me for example I prob wont be coming back to AT because the same pro team is always there stomping everyone out and there's ways to fixing that problem just like other reason other players may have. I pointed out mine and threw in a possible solution Im trying to help pvp here to get more people to play it not just flat out saying to other no or you're stupid no skill noob etc..

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I played games with 1000 active players per day.I played games with 50-20 active players per day.And I played GW2.

The problem with all these games is this: Veterans farming new players.

Easy solution: Two simultaneous ATs, one having 60% lower rewards and longer swiss. Winning lower reward ATs for the first time will give the reward of winning an actual AT (easily doable with an achievement).

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