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WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets


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@Voltekka.2375 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:750 is what, 2 weeks of maximum tickets?Have we run out of things to complain?

He's not complaining, he's simply asking for if there's a quicker/better way of getting what he needs. However if you're starting from 0 Skirmish Tickets, it takes 6 weeks of Wood-Diamond chests to get all the Tickets you need to make it. (I could be wrong, pretty sure it's 6 weeks though).Finishing the last diamond chest grants you 365 tickets. So you need 2 weeks and one day for 750 tickets. That itself is nothing. Wvw players have something around 10.000 tickets in their bank these days.

The bigger problem is the time you need. A low rank player gets between 4 and 11 pips per tick. So he needs between 30 and 11 hours to finish the last chest (1450 pips overall). That's something a player has to be aware of.

So if you want to farm quickly: go to maps with the outnumbered buff to more than halve the time you need to complete the reward track.

Yeah but you need 1850 tickets total was more my point. This specific person only needs 750, maybe what i was getting at wasn't entirely easy to understand, my bad. :D

you dont need 1850. the ring can be bought with other currencies, too.

You mean the other currencies that require the Skirmish Tickets to get specific items from vendors? :D

I mean these:
) :D

So now we're down to 1500 tickets, your point remains what exactly...? :D

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@Fish.2769 said:

@Voltekka.2375 said:750 is what, 2 weeks of maximum tickets?Have we run out of things to complain?

He's not complaining, he's simply asking for if there's a quicker/better way of getting what he needs. However if you're starting from 0 Skirmish Tickets, it takes 6 weeks of Wood-Diamond chests to get all the Tickets you need to make it. (I could be wrong, pretty sure it's 6 weeks though).Finishing the last diamond chest grants you 365 tickets. So you need 2 weeks and one day for 750 tickets. That itself is nothing. Wvw players have something around 10.000 tickets in their bank these days.

The bigger problem is the time you need. A low rank player gets between 4 and 11 pips per tick. So he needs between 30 and 11 hours to finish the last chest (1450 pips overall). That's something a player has to be aware of.

So if you want to farm quickly: go to maps with the outnumbered buff to more than halve the time you need to complete the reward track.

Yeah but you need 1850 tickets total was more my point. This specific person only needs 750, maybe what i was getting at wasn't entirely easy to understand, my bad. :D

you dont need 1850. the ring can be bought with other currencies, too.

You mean the other currencies that require the Skirmish Tickets to get specific items from vendors? :D

I mean these:
) :D

So now we're down to 1500 tickets, your point remains what exactly...? :D

The point is that this is a LEGENDARY ring. And it is sooooo easy to get, I mean absolutely EASY to get 1500 tickets even if youre no wvwer, in 4-5 weeks of outnumbered map afk pip farming. The alternative is getting that pve raid thing.I suppose people want things handed to them just by logging in, now.

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@Delita Silverburg.8632 said:

@Bjonk.3189 said:Slightly off topic but i hate how the ticket rewards are top loaded. The tickets should be rewarded evenly over the entire reward track. This would allow the more casual player to get the most out of their time in WvW, especially if they never get to reach diamond.

The intent of this design is to keep player volume up throughout the week. if it was evenly distributed ppl would stop playing the game mode much sooner as the rewards would be easier to get. Also in terms of flavor, a diamond chest should have more in it than a wood one.

That also makes no sense to me. Top loading effectively punishes the casual WvW player, by that i mean people who purely WvW but have limited play time, that puts in just as much effort as someone who can play for much longer periods. I maintain that the each reward level should contain the same number of tickets as the next. Players with more time will still get all of the tickets and casual players will get rewarded, quite rightly, for their limited time.

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@Bjonk.3189 said:

@Bjonk.3189 said:Slightly off topic but i hate how the ticket rewards are top loaded. The tickets should be rewarded evenly over the entire reward track. This would allow the more casual player to get the most out of their time in WvW, especially if they never get to reach diamond.

The intent of this design is to keep player volume up throughout the week. if it was evenly distributed ppl would stop playing the game mode much sooner as the rewards would be easier to get. Also in terms of flavor, a diamond chest should have more in it than a wood one.

That also makes no sense to me. Top loading effectively punishes the casual WvW player, by that i mean people who purely WvW but have limited play time, that puts in just as much effort as someone who can play for much longer periods. I maintain that the each reward level should contain the same number of tickets as the next. Players with more time will still get all of the tickets and casual players will get rewarded, quite rightly, for their limited time.

Yeah I second that. I have a toddler to deal with in the evenings and weekends and cannot always devote the time required to cap the tickets each week.

Anet wanted to have a LESS grindy game and top loading rewards like the Skirmish track goes against that philosophy. I'd say increase the number of tickets (or have another source of them like salvaging/selling the new emblems), and distribute the tickets across the chests evenly. I'm okay with adding a scaling gold award to the chests including the repeatable one as well.

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i also dont like the top loading of skirmish tickets. I work long hours and have kids/family. I think the skirmish tickets should be evenly rewarded so the same amount of tickets per hour of gameplay. Not loaded more towards diamond chest. Im not saying make it easier for front end just fairer.

I think time gating by itself is not a bad thing so limiting to 365 per week is ok IMO albeit maybe a bit on the lower side. As mentioned above a non casual player can finish diamond chest by Sunday. Maybe they could allow diamond chest be repeated a few time so that its 500 or 600 tickets per week. Right now it takes 5 months of full weekly tickets to make a full set of legendary. I think thats probably a bit too much honestly.

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At this point it's probably good they limit the amount of tickets per week, because it also limits the amount of complaints from the veteran hoarders with 20k+ tickets that say they have nothing to spend it on, if there was no cap they'd be sitting on 100k tickets and complaining like for badges.

Tickets should probably be evenly distributed through the boxes (veterans get through the track so much faster anyways due to rank), the early boxes are also still limited by tiers in them as well, special items added like grand master marks and warlord armor should probably be higher in the track.


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It is not hard to complete the weekly cap of 365 tickets/per week.It just demands some time if you are low wvw ranked. Recently I logged very fast on my 2nd account and remembered how frustrating it is to earn only 3~5 pips/per turn.In this case, it is better if you play in outnumbered maps which greatly increase your pips. Just remember to keep your participation above level 3 or you earn no pips at all.

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@Bjonk.3189 said:

@Bjonk.3189 said:Slightly off topic but i hate how the ticket rewards are top loaded. The tickets should be rewarded evenly over the entire reward track. This would allow the more casual player to get the most out of their time in WvW, especially if they never get to reach diamond.

The intent of this design is to keep player volume up throughout the week. if it was evenly distributed ppl would stop playing the game mode much sooner as the rewards would be easier to get. Also in terms of flavor, a diamond chest should have more in it than a wood one.

That also makes no sense to me. Top loading effectively punishes the casual WvW player, by that i mean people who purely WvW but have limited play time, that puts in just as much effort as someone who can play for much longer periods. I maintain that the each reward level should contain the same number of tickets as the next. Players with more time will still get all of the tickets and casual players will get rewarded, quite rightly, for their limited time.

It actually isn't top loaded. That's a misconception. It's more like a bell curve since wood chests require 25 pips where as diamond requires 55. So the time needed to complete a diamond chest is more than double that of a wood. If you calculate it based on tickets/pip you find that the most are in the platinum chests then it tapers off.

Additionally, to get the total weekly reward of 365 tickets, it requires 1450 pips. People who are higher rank and have put in the time are rewarded with extra pips/5 min intervals, thus lowering their needed time investment. This isn't intended to punish a casual player, but to reward a player who puts in the effort/time.

My only suggestion to you is to get to the next pip level so that the limited time you have to put in gets you more rewards. Either that, or afk farm like many other do while watching a movie, reading a book or doing laundry, etc. around the house. I.e. cap a camp, sit for 10 min, wash rinse repeat. It's not ideal, but that is the nature of the design Anet chose.

Final thought: Remember, they are a business first, so getting ppl to stay in game longer increases the chance of them getting you to spend money on gems.

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