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How to balance the game? Or why Zan isn't the top1 (video)

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@"Leonidrex.5649" said:guy was trying to win, first death he had a guest, later on he mention " this is what happens when you have guests"then he just chain inted, from what he said and how he played im fairly sure he tried to win but is just horrible at the game

No problem. The teaser shows just a funny moment. On his stream you can see how he plays. I was surprised that it is close to p2. And I ask myself a question: how can a pvp balance be done for similar players?

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All I saw in this clip is someone who basically threw the match from the start because he was in a semi high rated match. Prime example of why this game mode is a joke. Players like this person that come on the forum and showed he afk'd the match should be perma banned. He obviously had no intention of actually getting good and playing the match "Gets up and sits on his sofa". Appaulling behaviour.

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@"skillze.7689" said:All I saw in this clip is someone who basically threw the match from the start because he was in a semi high rated match. Prime example of why this game mode is a joke. Players like this person that come on the forum and showed he afk'd the match should be perma banned. He obviously had no intention of actually getting good and playing the match "Gets up and sits on his sofa". Appaulling behaviour.

his teammate was doing pretty well though, even ressed him during the fight, shame that he had already quit and threw the game after getting downed once

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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:

@"skillze.7689" said:All I saw in this clip is someone who basically threw the match from the start because he was in a semi high rated match. Prime example of why this game mode is a joke. Players like this person that come on the forum and showed he afk'd the match should be perma banned. He obviously had no intention of actually getting good and playing the match "Gets up and sits on his sofa". Appaulling behaviour.

his teammate was doing pretty well though, even ressed him during the fight, shame that he had already quit and threw the game after getting downed once

Thanks! Initially when i revived him i was thinking he's just gone alt tab. I got a proper rage when i found that clip

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who is Zan? I think it doesn't matter who is on top 1. I believe pvp in its current state nothing really going for it, unless the you go for fast gold gain and reward tracks.If people enjoyed it more it would have a bigger playerbase, than wvw propably. But since gw2 failed to deliver on what its predecessor exceeded I am not really concerned with how pvp is played. build diversity is low, maps are always the same without new mechanics or approaches. builds from online sites such as metabattle are pretty much the way to even have a chance to decently play the mode. In gw1 you can atleast outsmart the enemy by creating your on build with a specific purpose. you don't even need to capture a quarry to play efficient.

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@Photograph.4827 said:

@Aridon.8362 said:All I see is a streamer go in headstrong into a 3v2 and lose the fight on purpose.

this is not a fact. maybe it's skill level

That's literally what he does on the stream. On the initiation you see two of his team coming from the bridges. They even downed the engi and he was rezzed back up. Also he could've dodged roll out of their aoe but he stayed on it to cast mace 3.

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@pninak.1069 said:build diversity is low, maps are always the same without new mechanics or approaches. builds from online sites such as metabattle are pretty much the way to even have a chance to decently play the mode.

Did you know

  • Builds in metabattle were homebrews at some point, I even witnessed creation/minmaxing of many meta builds
  • Anyone can add a build in metabattle
  • You can play builds that aren't on metabattle if you are good with theorycrafting
  • Build diversity is pretty high right now, every class except warrior and mesmer has at least 1 viable power and 1 viable condi build. Not even counting bunkers.
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