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Anyone else having an issue logging in?

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Yep Login server is acting strange. I got the couldn't connect to login server message whilst in game (normally I only see that when there are problems with the TP). This was in WvW. When I left WvW zone to go back to normal PVE, the game crashed with a white screen.

Left it a while and then when I came back took three attempts before it worked.

First attempt reached the character select screen, however the Play button was greyed out. Selecting another character didn't cure this.

Second attempt clicked on the Play button on the a launcher. Game icon was briefly displayed on the Task bar then disappeared and the game failed to load.

Third attempt worked.

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Whenever I go into an instance/doing my story it likes to kick me out.
Made a new character too and couldn't get past the starting quest because at the end it just kicks me out again with the same error message.

It's working sometimes on my main character/parts of the story but then more often than not it likes kicking me out more...and you have to do it all over again.

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Yep, same here. As soon as I go to another zone I get a whitescreen after about one minute of loading with the "The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time." message. Code=42:5:7:718:101. Logging back in after a while, my character is placed in the middle of the map I was leaving. Trying to log out gives a blackscreen for about 30 seconds, then the same message but another code. Code=42:4:7:279:101.

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Three times in 10 minutes I've DCed whilst going through a portal. On the first occasion, the login confirmation on going back in was extremely long (I thought it was going to fail); the other two times were normal. I was also DCed this morning (UK player) & had a complete login failure, though it let me in again on an immediate retry.

Connectivity issues are obviously not sorted out.

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I also disconnected 3 times in a row ( 5 minute internal) with the error message saying that the login servers cannot be reached.
Edit reason: I wanted to add that I am able to log in again after each disconnect. Sometimes I have to wait for like 1 minute, but it logs me in eventually.

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