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A few questions about the Warrior


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i'm back to gw2 after a long break. My old main the power reaper dosen't do it for me anymore so i'm on my search for a new main. I already tried Mesmer but it seems also not my part of the cake.I want to play a more bruiser like class wich can just charge into battle and hit things with it's weapon. Also i like simplicity and a good hp pool. Tried also guardian for a few weeks but honestly while i like the blue flaming theme overall the reliance in active mitigation like aegis and blinds is not what i want. Looking over my collection of build up leggys, warrior caught my eye.Warrior seems to have a good chunk of hp. Defline and GS traits seems to give a good amount of passive regeneration to it. So how is Warrior doing in the OW and on solo story content? Yeah i know anything goes, but i want a more relaxed playstyle that forgive missing a dodge or standing in the red carpets of death on some story bosses. Can a warrior utilize a shield or is it a dead wepaon? Love my Flameseeker Prophecies. Also have build Howler, is there any usage for it or is it more kind of a niche weapon?How is warrior overall in all game modes? Can i play power dps everywehere or will i be forced into a condi build?

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i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012

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Power Berserker with or without banners is fine in high end PvE. I run axe/axe + mace/shield in FotM, so shield is not a dead weapon. OW warrior is strong, in WvW it is still strong in roaming and zerging. Warhorn is wanted in zergs and if you take the right sustain roaming is easier now in my experience. Max CC is what people are gravitating to in general in competitive play.

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@"Lighter.5631" said:i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012

"Banner slave" sounds as if all you do in group content is just place banners like some kind of additional support with negligible impact on anything else. Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts. So not really "banner slave", more like solid dps with additional group utility in the form of banners.

I also disagree with saying that holo is more forgiving in OW, considering how much dmg, raw hp and sustain you can have on warrior. I'm not sure why you're trying to paint it in such dark colors, but I don't think you're correct here.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012

"Banner slave" sounds as if all you do in group content is just place banners like some kind of additional support with negligible impact on anything else. Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts. So not really "banner slave", more like solid dps with additional group utility in the form of banners.

No.Warrior are bannerslave. I don't remember having them allowed to have access to utility skills other than "place the banners". Also, remove banners and warriors can kiss high end pve meta good bye.

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@Edge.8724 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012

"Banner slave" sounds as if all you do in group content is just place banners like some kind of additional support with negligible impact on anything else. Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts. So not really "banner slave", more like solid dps with additional group utility in the form of banners.

No.Warrior are bannerslave. I don't remember having them allowed to have access to utility skills other than "place the banners". Also, remove banners and warriors can kiss high end pve meta good bye.

What? Like power Berserker sans banners isn't a build.


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In all seriousness banners are great but such a lazy form if support, because extra stats for everyone is OP. But I detest the cast time and uptime versus CD ratio.

When I was running FotM with a static they made no difference in our completion times and I had more fun without them. Our DPS didn't change because the added DPS from the banners only made up for the DPS I lost placing and replacing them. Raids, where there are more bodies and longer fights, yeah they are more overall DPS.

I honestly think removing the banner bundle skills was a bad idea and a missed opportunity to revamp them into a proper support option. Maybe they will return as a new profession mechanic when expac 3 comes out.

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@Edge.8724 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012

"Banner slave" sounds as if all you do in group content is just place banners like some kind of additional support with negligible impact on anything else. Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts. So not really "banner slave", more like solid dps with additional group utility in the form of banners.

No.Warrior are bannerslave. I don't remember having them allowed to have access to utility skills other than "place the banners". Also, remove banners and warriors can kiss high end pve meta good bye.

You're objectively wrong, but nice meme I guess.

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Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

warrior dps only ranks 7th within 9 classes on small hit box and has no place on large hitbox.

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Well I was talking about FotM which is part of the high end PvE, and I could out DPS our Weaver half the time with or without banners. The condi contribution to Weaver DPS does not have time to fully ramp up in FotM, so while I can consistently push 35k to 36k DPS some fights he couldn't peak past 33k. All due to how short the fights and phases in FotM can be.

Although I haven't done FotM since time changed, damn toddler bedtimes, so I'd have to get unrusty before racing a Weaver in ArcDPS again.

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@"Lighter.5631" said:Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

Somehow warriors were still doing perfectly fine in endgame group content when banners were disabled.Of course banner berk will be picked over non-banner berk because it buffs your squad with a unique buff, which is also why I wrote: "Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts."

Lol what are you guys talking about

warrior dps only ranks 7th within 9 classes on small hit box and has no place on large hitbox.

One of us don't understand the concept and purpose of having a seperate large box dps chart, but if you think small hitbox builds lose dps on large hitbox targets, so "they have no place there" then... I don't think that's how it works. Pretty sure it's the other way around, large hitbox builds lose out on dps against small hitbox targets.

And sure, lets forget that the difference in dps between 7 of those builds is ~1k, which LOL sure is going to impact your endgame content to the point of just getting randomly kicked out of the squad because deeps.

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@Edge.8724 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:i highly recommend holosmith, holo mode is the warrior you always wanted to be, super forgiving as well in OW, you can also use your flameseeker prophecies.and yea warhorn on warrior has 0 use across the board.

also warrior in pvp is currently trashed and pve is always banner slave meta since 2012

"Banner slave" sounds as if all you do in group content is just place banners like some kind of additional support with negligible impact on anything else. Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high, dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior will make you be near the top of the deeps charts. So not really "banner slave", more like solid dps with additional group utility in the form of banners.

No.Warrior are bannerslave. I don't remember having them allowed to have access to utility skills other than "place the banners". Also, remove banners and warriors can kiss high end pve meta good bye.

That's just a L2P issue. People play without banners in high end PVE.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

Somehow warriors were still doing perfectly fine in endgame group content when banners were disabled.Of course banner berk will be picked over non-banner berk because it buffs your squad with a unique buff, which is also why I wrote: "Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high,
dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior
will make you be near the top of the deeps charts."

Of course warrior were "doing fine" as in even the last of the dps chart can also "do just fine" in raids. what's your point.if that's your mentality, we may as well just say warrior is completely fine in pvp because it can still kill people and go plat 2 even maybe plat 3 if your duoq try hard enough.

as long as banner exist, warrior will always be banner slave, and dps will never be top competitor and regarded as second thought since 2013

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@Lighter.5631 said:Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

Somehow warriors were still doing perfectly fine in endgame group content when banners were disabled.Of course banner berk will be picked over non-banner berk because it buffs your squad with a unique buff, which is also why I wrote: "Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high,
dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior
will make you be near the top of the deeps charts."

Of course warrior were "doing fine" as in even the last of the dps chart can also "do just fine" in raids. what's your point.

My point is exactly what I said, that berk dps is high enough to not label it strictly a "banner slave" for some reason, which part of that was hard to understand?

we may as well just say warrior is completely fine in pvp because it can still kill people if that's your mentality

Seems like a pretty disconnected thing to what I said, but whatever you need to make an argument.

@Sobx.1758 said:One of us don't understand the concept and purpose of having a seperate large box dps chart, but if you think small hitbox builds lose dps on large hitbox targets, so "they have no place there" then... I don't think that's how it works. Pretty sure it's the other way around, large hitbox builds lose out on dps against small hitbox targets.

why would "have no place in large hitbox" imply anything you said, what i meant is warrior has no damage increase on large hitbox

And how exactly does it change anything that it's worth mentioning "it has no place in large hitbox"?

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@"Sobx.1758" said:My point is exactly what I said, that berk dps is high enough to not label it strictly a "banner slave" for some reason, which part of that was hard to understand?

so you saying even the last of the dps chart is fine, so warrior should not be labeled as banner slave?

even it is true, which is not. you aren't really understanding, as long as banner exist, warrior will always be banner slave, because it's the first thing a group will demand when they invite a warrior in and dps build will always be regarded as second thought. and that, is banner slave.

@"Sobx.1758" said:

And how exactly does it change anything that it's worth mentioning "it has no place in large hitbox"?

Why is no damage increase on large hitbox not worth mention in a dps chart? what? maybe some build actually does more damage on large hitbox? and warrior actually did more damage on large hitbox years back?

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:My point is exactly what I said, that berk dps is high enough to not label it strictly a "banner slave" for some reason, which part of that was hard to understand?so you saying even the last of the dps chart is fine, so warrior should not be labeled as banner slave?

While that's certainly true that "even the last of the dps chart is fine", what I'm actually saying is that berk is "near the top of dps charts" and 1k difference is next to nothing. Wasn't that literally what I wrote? Pretty sure it was.

what do you not understand, as long as banner exist, warrior will always be banner slave, because it's the first thing a group will demand when they invite a warrior in and dps build will always be regarded as second thought

I mean... at this point you just need to reread my posts from this thread with understanding I guess? Because I already wrote about it, but keep pretending I'm the one who doesn't understand something.

@"Sobx.1758" said:

And how exactly does it change anything that it's worth mentioning "it has no place in large hitbox"?

Why is no damage increase on large hitbox not worth mention in a dps chart? what? maybe some build actually does more damage on large hitbox? and warrior actually did more damage on large hitbox years back?

...so mentioning it in the way you did was irrelevant, I agree.(actually the main "problem" I've had here came from wording, I would see it differently if you just wrote "no increase on large hitbox", while saying "it has no place on large hitbox" just seemed... weird)

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@Lighter.5631 said:Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

warrior dps only ranks 7th within 9 classes on small hit box and has no place on large hitbox.

If the whole philosophy is to simply choose a class because of it's rank on a chart, then the whole thread is irrelevant ... the OP should just choose a class that is #1 on the chart and be done with it.

Of course, everyone already knows you don't need that to be successful in raids, so if the OP wants to play a warrior, then any preconceived notions of what a warrior 'has to be or do' to be in a raid doesn't make sense in that discussion to begin with. Maybe you want to push meta ... OK, but that's not answering the OP's questions.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

Somehow warriors were still doing perfectly fine in endgame group content when banners were disabled.Of course banner berk will be picked over non-banner berk because it buffs your squad with a unique buff, which is also why I wrote: "Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high,
dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior
will make you be near the top of the deeps charts."

Lol what are you guys talking about

warrior dps only ranks 7th within 9 classes on small hit box and has no place on large hitbox.

One of us don't understand the concept and purpose of having a seperate large box dps chart, but if you think small hitbox builds lose dps on large hitbox targets, so "they have no place there" then... I don't think that's how it works. Pretty sure it's the other way around, large hitbox builds lose out on dps against small hitbox targets.

And sure, lets forget that the difference in dps between 7 of those builds is ~1k, which LOL sure is going to impact your endgame content to the point of just getting randomly kicked out of the squad because deeps.

I can confirm, sobx, just like what you said, dps Zerker is my main in high end pave content. The insane continues high burst damage with a/a GS build also the CC damage warrior can provide are also decent. The key is just maintain zerker mode as long as possible, and take rage skills which provide decent cc also extend the duration of zerker mode.

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@Rodrick.1942 said:

@"Lighter.5631" said:Lol what are you guys talking about, nobody would want a dps warrior in raid without banner, unless they already have banner and they can't find anything better at the moment, they will fill with dps warrior.

Somehow warriors were still doing perfectly fine in endgame group content when banners were disabled.Of course banner berk will be picked over non-banner berk because it buffs your squad with a unique buff, which is also why I wrote: "Meanwhile berk dps is pretty high,
dropping banners in case of having more than 1 warrior
will make you be near the top of the deeps charts."

Lol what are you guys talking about

warrior dps only ranks 7th within 9 classes on small hit box and has no place on large hitbox.

One of us don't understand the concept and purpose of having a seperate large box dps chart, but if you think small hitbox builds lose dps on large hitbox targets, so "they have no place there" then... I don't think that's how it works. Pretty sure it's the other way around, large hitbox builds lose out on dps against small hitbox targets.

And sure, lets forget that the difference in dps between 7 of those builds is ~1k, which LOL sure is going to impact your endgame content to the point of just getting randomly kicked out of the squad because deeps.

I can confirm, sobx, just like what you said, dps Zerker is my main in high end pave content. The insane continues high burst damage with a/a GS build also the CC damage warrior can provide are also decent. The key is just maintain zerker mode as long as possible, and take rage skills which provide decent cc also extend the duration of zerker mode.

Can confirm. Decapitate spam, swap to maces if CC is needed, swap back, decapitate spam.

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