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see? i told you it's fine


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they are not balancing, they are just shaving the overperforming builds bit by bit till it touches warrior level in half a year.see, they nerfed fb/rev/necro at first by a bit, then they nerfed holo/ranger/necro as the next target, and now they nerf thief/rangerthen it's fb/holo/necro again then they probably gonna touch thief/ranger again..until they finally reached warrior levels which is gonna happen in 6 months.it's fine guys, that's what it has always been for years

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@"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:On another note. Was Warrior the first to get a "tradeoff"? What month was that? I wan't to see the gap between Warrior ( or the first tradeoff ), and Firebrand.

I would say that HoT specs had them to begin with, even Warrior. Loss of vanilla bursts during Berserk mode was a trade-off, like loosing insta cast virtues, but like loosing insta cast virtues it really wasn't a trade-off. Berk got the trade-off hammer harder than any other espec and DH and FB are still scooting past the trade-off hammer.

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@Tycura.1982 said:

@kiranslee.4829 said:GL if you see warrior in 3v3 and if u do pray its not on ur team :).

Check the na leaderboards BB. I only play war hehe

What do leaderboards really say? Nothing much tbh. I can also see bot getting high on leaderboards due to lucky team carry. How about we check monthly tornaments ? How many warriors there ? And why ?

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3v3 is definitely more tolerable for warrior, because it can actually use long CD skills without worrying about longevity.and you can solely build around team fights and don't worry about mobility and 1v1.since warrior can only build for one (team fight or 1v1 side node), while other team fighters can also side node and has better mobility, so warrior gets outshined in 5v5.but that's not the case in 3v3. tho definitely not the carry class, but with a decent trio you can easily manage good win rate, since 90% of the player base has no notion of team fighting. so can most of classes tho.

but don't forget about 5v5 once it's back it will be the same if there's 0 changes. ATs are also 5v5

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@Tycura.1982 said:@""kiranslee.4829"I'm 30 wins and 6 losses running war with some good premades. It's doable at the moment. You can't blunder into that win rate.

@TeqkOneStylez.80471553 last season was terrible for war. This miniseason is somewhat more tolerable.

I ended 52 NA. I probably could have gotten top 30 or 40 if I tryarded however.

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@kiranslee.4829 said:

@kiranslee.4829 said:GL if you see warrior in 3v3 and if u do pray its not on ur team :).

Check the na leaderboards BB. I only play war hehe

What do leaderboards really say? Nothing much tbh. I can also see bot getting high on leaderboards due to lucky team carry. How about we check monthly tornaments ? How many warriors there ? And why ?

Exactly! It's important to remember that we can use leaderboards only when they show what we want them to show, but if the leaderboards go against our narrative, we need to remind everyone that leaderboards don't matter. :)

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