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Would you play a Mesmer Bard?

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I'd play mesmer bard with music and harfe - a healer buffer build that would be on par with druid. That one I would play. Another condi dmg dealer or quickness/alarcity support? Naah, we already have that. I'd like full healer spec for mes with unique buff like druid - so people want to use it.

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Thieves are not Rogues in the traditional sense that we are used to. This isn't Skyrim or D&D, it's GW2. Thieves in GW2 are more akin to Assassins than traditional Rogues. In fact, the whole Thief profession came from the Assassin profession in GW1. It's the same thing, they just called them Thieves instead of Assassins.

Thus why the Mesmer is more likely to get a Bard E-spec rather than a Thief. Even the reveal of the Mesmer was a Bard illusion (The Minstrel) before it shattered and revealed the Mesmer. As was mentioned before, their underwater spell effects are already music notes (can be reused as the attack notes for a Bard E-spec). It just seems more fitting for the Mesmer than Thief (since Thieves are Assassins, not traditional Rogues).

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Honestly I find the traditional bard fantasy to be incredibly cheesy and stupid when it comes to an actual RPG class. I would be bummed if they took it in such a literal and classical route. However, I do very much like the idea of some sort of spec that manipulates sound and the psyche of allies/foes. Knowing ANet's creativity when it comes to concept design, I have faith that they would make a bard spec more interesting. I am sure I would play it.

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EQ (old mmo) had a good setup for bards, but the roll in general for bards and Enchanters/Mesmers in EQ was usually croud control bards could also be healers and boon support. THe idea in EQ for CC was more traditional, meaning, it had actual mesmerize skills that would be used to basically keep enemy from moving or attacking as long as the mes is reapplied.

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I really like the idea of a musical profession since GW2 is such a rhythm heavy game when you get into things like optimising dps rotations. It would be cool to have a literal piano build for Mesmer where you harmonize with your own illusions and chain skills in different orders with set rhythm and tempo to produce buffs with different intensity levels. A bit like Octavia in Warframe where you have your own step sequencer and can write your own songs. And if you activate your skills in time with the music you get buffs. The only thing I didn't like about Octavia is it encouraged "spam" songs - where people fill the step sequencer with 1/16th notes so they don't really need any sense of rhythm at all. Also the sounds were not particularly nice. Its a shame because sample libraries are so good these days, I wonder how expensive it would be to just license kontakt player.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@"Taril.8619" said:You brought up Chrono being number 1 on benchmarks.

Then it seems this is a misunderstanding. I didn't mention it because it actually matters, but because it showcases a point I was trying to make: chronomancer is already used with great success as a power spec.And by the arguments you presented in the past, if there already is an e-spec that has great success at that role, then there is no need for another. Chrono works well as a power spec, so mesmer doesn't need another power damage spec.

I used the argument that Scrapper is Bruiser/Support (But mostly used as Support) to dismiss the suggestion for a Condi/Support Engineer E-Spec.

If you were suggesting a full on Support E-Spec for Engie, I would not have brought it up (Though I would have stated that I'd prefer to see a Condi E-Spec before a full Support E-Spec for Engie, given that Alch/Invention/Scrapper is 3 specs that provide support while Condi Engie has

I get the feeling that our whole discussion is based on one thing we view differently.You have to consider that
elite spec, no matter if tank, damage dealer, support, or whatever, always will be associated with at least one of the two damage forms (conditions or power).

Because by the very nature of this game, all specs will deal some kind of damage, just like everyone will also heal since we all have a healing skill.The support specs Anet has introduced so far also showcase this.Firebrand - support based on condition damageScourge - support based on condition damageDruid - support and used in condition builds (can't really say for sure if we can call it
on condition damage, but it has traits which make it used for condi builds at least)

Other example: What I tend to call the "bruiser" specs. One big aspect of these e-specs is their focus on defensive mechanics and CC, but they also all are associated with some form of damage (mostly power).Scrapper - bruiser based on power damageDaredevil - bruiser based on power damageSpellbreaker - bruiser based on power damage

I had to bring up Heal Scrapper, because you were adamant that Scrapper isn't used as Support. When it is literally the best support class in WvW and is on par with Scourge in PvE (Who also
to get put alongside a druid to actually work for raids)

I never denied that scrapper is
as support. My point in the discussions before has always been that scrapper is not
as support. Scrapper is used in support builds because it's utilities are the best we can fit in the third slot, even if scrapper as a trait line doesn't bring much support to the table.What I am asking for is a spec that is properly designed as a support, while also enhancing engineer's capabilities to deal condition damage. They have already done it with other support specs like firebrand and scourge, so this is nothing unheard of.

My scourge runs a Snowcrows spec in groups, called a "hybrid" on Metabattle. Emphasis on Healing Power with secondary damage from Marshal and Shaman gear.

Also, you forgot Tempest. I have both DPS and full support specs on mine. The support spec is full Minstrel gear with Rebirth runes because a dead healer can't heal anybody. Over 1400 healing power, 95% boon duration (100% with Peppermint Oil), can use shouts to cover 10 people and spam auras like crazy. It's pure group support for WvW zergs and general PVE. Disclaimers: do not expect DPS, do not use in raids where Toughness matters, and "I have no formal medical training!"

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Sounds like making your own metal legion. I like the clones becoming members of the band.

Since Cantha is coming, a bard spec wouldn't be a traditional Bard, which is thematically medieval Europe. Something like Chanter, or inspired by courtesans trained in musical instruments/singing/dancing/seduction, which would fit the mesmer. Or a siren who confuses and incapacitates (though that's Greek).

In addition to mesmer and thief, I could also see bard classes in:-necromancer: part Banshee, part bell necromancy a la Garth Nix's Abhorsen-ranger: basically a pied piper for animals/nature or controlling the opponent-engineer: SONICS! Acoustical blaster! Sound wave! Mixing console!

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No, because I am not going to invest any more time into my Mesmer when they keep nerfing it into the ground because whiny children can't learn to play in competitive modes or learn to experiment and learn the raids on their own instead of copying the first "solved" builds that SnowCrows does.

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