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Nerf grenades, explosive entrance and sword damage on holosmith

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@Strider.7849 said:

@"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:
Holo was ooc in stealth. Nades are fine.

you lied btw, It wasnt OOC. otherwise you would have been hit by explosive entrance :)

This is why anet needs to ignore some of the cry nerf statements with random screenshots that only show part of the picture.

I mean, for all its worth if this was OOC it would be even more dmg lul

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@Strider.7849 said:

@"Svez Poizon XD.5268" said:On renegade if you go for 25 might trait's then you get so fragile to condis and any other damage. As holosmith, you get 25 might you go god mode, shield, mobility, stealth, exlixir for few sec invulnerablity etc it just needs to have weakness. It is ok for it to have 25 might but then block many defensive options from its kit. So its fix should be either damage cut off or allowed damage but defenses cut off or third option is to make its overheat damage and effect stronger in order to punish its oppresivness.

So any build that has the potential to kill your stupid bunker build needs a nerf. I hate when others dismiss suggestions based on what the OP is playing, but knowing the full context here, that's exactly what I'm going to do: all you do is play kalla/jalis bunker in the game, and all you do on forums is crying to nerf anything that even remotely counters your build.I can go play anything with similar offensive capability and end up either winning or losing a duel against them, and the outcome is based mostly on skill. The build may be overperforming(it might, I'd like to see some more proof though), but the fact that it can kill your bunker build is irrelevant at best. If anything this game needs bunker killers to prevent the return of the worst meta we ever had.

Wow...another salty teef.... Please, calling Renegade OP is ridiculous.

2/10, too obvious. Act less dumb and like you're adressing me in good faith next time and I'll fall for it guaranteed.

I'd rather not tilt at windmills. This subject has been discussed countless times, and you still fail to see how biased and one-sided your 'argument is....so....-shrug- See you in the arena,

Fyi one of the "salty" thief's as you put it, who said that the build was faceroll, is also the number 1 thief in PvP (consistently). You should check out his videos and you might see that perhaps you are one sided in your beliefs.

Flex much? Ranked is a wintrade joke these days, so being number 1 hardly counts for anything.

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5.5k damage done to me without the opponent taking a single offensive action. They dodged rolled then healed due to me pressuring them, but by doing so they get to counter pressure me for 33% of my health ONLY TAKING DEFENSIVE ACTIONS VS ME.

This is NOT the intended design of the game from the Post-Feb patch philosophy. You are supposed to have to work for damage, time your CC/burst to do damage and land kills. Classes like engineer, rev, and ranger ignore this and just mindlessly mash buttons like pre-feb patch and secure kills. These classes need to be completely re-examined, as this is not fun or proper game design for PvP.

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@"Shiyo.3578" said:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/691694648745394268/731387113538322442/unknown.png

5.5k damage done to me without the opponent taking a single offensive action. They dodged rolled then healed due to me pressuring them, but by doing so they get to counter pressure me for 33% of my health ONLY TAKING DEFENSIVE ACTIONS VS ME.

Well, healing right next to the enemy has an offensive spin on it, but sure.

This is NOT the intended design of the game from the Post-Feb patch philosophy. You are supposed to have to work for damage, time your CC/burst to do damage and land kills. Classes like engineer, rev, and ranger ignore this and just mindlessly mash buttons like pre-feb patch and secure kills. These classes need to be completely re-examined, as this is not fun or proper game design for PvP.

Ok here youre wrong, full stop. "You are supposed to have to work for damage, time your CC/burst to do damage and land kills." was NOT the intended post-feb patch philosophy. Damage is far too low, especially on CC. The intended philosophy is "damage is far too low. So you cant afford to delay even the tiniest bit of it. So forget about timing anything, just mindlessly mash buttons, thats now supposed to be the optimal playstyle". Theyre not ignoring the intended design philosophy, they fully embraced it. Youre right that its not fun or proper game design, but thats just why the february megapatch was awful.

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