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Top 50 NA power mirage build


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Finished grinding my way to 120 games and im 1760 elo before the season ended.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8fnELDlphNqBGMDMMjlTDzfBGBvglZgmT4gMAsACKA-jJxHAB7s/gyPBAAuIAKVGAA

The only big things I changed that helped were switching the runes and amulet. Adventurers will save your ass a lot when you run out of dodges, plus the heal gives you another evade frame when it drops the mirror. The berserkers amulet ended up being necessary to do enough damage. Marauders didn't have enough damage to really be viable in high elo.

Its not that hard to survive even in this meta, you just need to learn to use your mobility and mirage mirror properly. You have pretty ridiculous mobility on this build because of how many mirage thrusts you can do in a row. It allows you to travel between points really quickly.

You can use Jaunt to tack on more damage to your shatters, pick up your mirrors, or blink up on ledges when you need to escape without actually having to use your blink.

Deceptive Evasion is a must for this build and playstyle. You have an obscene amount of clone generation between that and self-deception. You essentially always have up 2-3 clones, and after a while you realize controlling your clones ambush skills is actually really powerful and annoying for the enemy to fight.

Split Surge absolutely murders opponents from afar when you have up multiple clones. Its one tactic you will use to end up fighting scourge since they can't move much in the first place.

Illusionary Ambush is pretty amazing as well. It has a very short cd, gives you a target break, mirage cloak, stun break, and has a super long range. A lot of times this skill throws you behind and enemy so if they are running towards you away from their point you can use it to blink behind them without them even knowing.

Easy matchups:Thief - Absolutely murders thieves in matchups if played well. Just abuse the hell out of your mirage thrust from yourself and clones and with the amount of dodges you have they will never hit you and always end up getting stunned.Necro - Stay pretty far away from them and use split surge until you get them low enough with enough vuln and then switch to sword and pile on multiple cc's to kill them quickly.Ele - Self-explanatory

Medium matchups:Revenant, Engi, Ranger

Hard matchups:Guardian(Dragonhunter or Base): Guardian besides firebrand will always be a hard matchup for mesmer.Warrior(Spellbreaker): Impossible to win this fight against a good player. Spellbreaker is a bit overtuned in my opinion, or at least its full counter is, and against a good player this is not really a winnable fight. Its either going to be a stalemate because you never can get in enough damage to match up his ability to heal back up from his signet or the fight will take way too long. On a condi build you could win this but not power.

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What do you think of the interupt build? Im talking about power mirage with pistol off hand and torch on the other.

As for this build. Illusionary ambush is not a stun break just pointing out and also, Is there a more power centric rune u can go for? And if no, do you see a chance of turning this into a hybrid build with any of the new amulets since condi mirage is abut silly as it is.

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best interrupt build in my opinion is main hand sword and Staff ,traiting Chaotic interruption. Third Traitline either Dueling or Illusions, while i prefer illusions. Traited Shatters are too good for condi. On the other hand CI + dueling Interrupt trait synergizes so nice. That was the only time in the game in which i wanted 4 Traitlines avaible, not realisticly ofc.Power, vita, condi, healing power

Oh yeah btw this build can deal with scourges and spellbreaker. Kiting with staff, dodging with staff 2 , jaunt , usual dodge, and once the big defenses and aggro tools are baited u can go in. Still a thing about skill since u need to learn cooldowns, animations etc . Elusive mind , jaunt and cleanse mantra vs those condis

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:best interrupt build in my opinion is main hand sword and Staff ,traiting Chaotic interruption. Third Traitline either Dueling or Illusions, while i prefer illusions. Traited Shatters are too good for condi. On the other hand CI + dueling Interrupt trait synergizes so nice. That was the only time in the game in which i wanted 4 Traitlines avaible, not realisticly ofc.Power, vita, condi, healing power

Oh yeah btw this build can deal with scourges and spellbreaker. Kiting with staff, dodging with staff 2 , jaunt , usual dodge, and once the big defenses and aggro tools are baited u can go in. Still a thing about skill since u need to learn cooldowns, animations etc . Elusive mind , jaunt and cleanse mantra vs those condis

Nothijg wrong about it requiring skill ^^

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The only problem I found with running an interrupt build that has double melee like sword/pistol sword is that it is lower on damage than something else thats power like GS and the utility of GS range really helped me at times.

In team fights GS can actually be quite fun because you can sit up on a ledge, summon multiple clones with 2 dodges and a jaunt, and then get at least 1 or 2 gs ambush skills in that hit all players within range of it. The split surge is nice because it hits multiple players so its like you are hitting each person in that fight with 4 split surges. The pressure is nice I guess.

It hits way harder than normal GS 1 is what i'm trying to say.

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@Refia Montes.3205 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Why Infinite Horizon? Additionally, is it actually worth sacrificing all that damage of Superiority Complex and Mental Anguish?

Infinite Horizon+Deceptive Evasion+Compounding Suggestions+Power Block = Free daze on dodge.This might be a really dumb question, but how so? Illusions will use Sword Ambush skills if they have Mirage Cloak? If so, PB also affects the Illusion's interrupt?

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Why Infinite Horizon? Additionally, is it actually worth sacrificing all that damage of Superiority Complex and Mental Anguish?

Infinite Horizon+Deceptive Evasion+Compounding Suggestions+Power Block = Free daze/stun on dodge.This might be a really kitten question, but how so? Illusions will use Sword Ambush skills if they have Mirage Cloak? If so, PB also affects the Illusion's interrupt?

yes and yes. They affect each other. But it is kinda worth noting Elusive Mind is a pretty broken trait as well.

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@Refia Montes.3205 said:

@rank eleven monk.9502 said:Why Infinite Horizon? Additionally, is it actually worth sacrificing all that damage of Superiority Complex and Mental Anguish?

Infinite Horizon+Deceptive Evasion+Compounding Suggestions+Power Block = Free daze/stun on dodge.This might be a really kitten question, but how so? Illusions will use Sword Ambush skills if they have Mirage Cloak? If so, PB also affects the Illusion's interrupt?

yes and yes. They affect each other. But it is kinda worth noting Elusive Mind is a pretty broken trait as well.Okay, so I'm wondering if Compounding Suggestions goes on ICD if an illusion stuns the target? Because it would take away the reliable stun timing of the build.
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Most of the time I camp in Split Surge somewhere offpoint on a ledge. I spawn 3 clones (or 2 clones and an iZerker) and use GS2 when it's off CD as well as GS3, and in between I'll be using Split Surge with my clones to do some nasty damage. If my endurance is low and stuff I use illu ambush and have all of us teleport around the target and spike with Split Surge.

For close range you should swap to sword, and kite around or daze your target. Your goal is to troll and spike plusses hard. With this build you're even capable of 1v1ing. Only time you should be close range with GS is when you shattered Distortion with 3 clones up. Grab the mirrors one by one and make sure you cast Split Surge when picking them up. On the last mirror swap to sword.

What I like about teamfights is when you get focused on you have a lot of disengagement tools (Blink/Illu Ambush/Mirage Thrust) and emergency buttons (Distortion/Decoy/The Prestige/Blurred Frenzy) so if you get focused, that is good since the enemy's offense is being wasted on you and not your allies meleeing them.

If the enemies don't focus you then that's good too since you can just camp off point and spike from afar.

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yes and yes. They affect each other. But it is kinda worth noting Elusive Mind is a pretty broken trait as well.

Honestly its crazy you are basicaly immune to any CC > burst combo and if the enemy uses zerker you can 100 > 0 him often while hes still in his burst animation.

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