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Engineer Flamethrower, appearance change!


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Hola amigos, ladies and hotwifes.For us that play flamethrower engie's and have a ton of awesome rifle skins unlocked it sure sucks we cant use them on our main "weapon".

I know u can argue that rifle isnt the same as Flamethrower bla bla bla. I know, i get that. But can u please give us something to change the look of that boooooring grey/brownish flamestick?

I have some many awesome rifle skins and tbh many of them actually looks like a Flamethrower and its a shamr i dont get to use them just because i choose to play camp Flamethrower ?

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Just want to say, this was not ment as a rant post or anything. (If it sounded like that)I just feel that there's soo many awesome rifle skins in this game. I really love the wide style this game has to offer, and it's such a shame i cant have any use for them outside when running around in town etc.


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Funny that there are even rifle skins directly taken from enemies which are wielding flamethrowers, like this one:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sabetha%27s_Assaulter_Boomstick

I don't know how to feel about this, tho.I guess this could lead to clarity problems in PvP. If you can use rifle skins for your flamethrower, then you could wield a rifle as your main weapon and use the same rifle skin for your flamethrower, meaning that there is no way for your enemy to tell anymore if you are currently wielding the rifle or the flamethrower.

Don't think that Anet wants to delude clarity like this.Also, wouldn't it be kinda weird that flamethrower would be the only kit we can pick skins for then?Maybe in the future, Anet could give us alternative skins for the kits in the gemstore. But I don't think they will make us use regular weapon skins for them.

Could actually be really cool. Imagine if they create other cool skins for kits.

Maybe an elixir gun skin with black steel and green acid tubes everywhere?An Asuran med kit that has a scanner in front of you with an image of a body you are scanning for health problems and a shoulder cannon shooting the meds?Maybe the new charrzooka skins we are using in the Cold War strike mission for our mortar?

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@Kodama.6453 said:Maybe in the future, Anet could give us alternative skins for the kits in the gemstore.

Exactly this. I support Anet at least once a month buying gems and I i would be more than happy to spend gems to be able to upgrade the looks on the Flamethrower. Now that you mention it, actually all the kits. (your elixirgun idea was pretty cool)

And your point in the pvp area i can get and see hpw it would become a issue in top brackets. The gemstore idea was actually really smart ??

With this post i sure hope engineers can leave a comment (for or against it doesn't matter), so maybe Anet can at least consider the thought.

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@"Makuragee.3058" said:Im for changing the look of our kit and technically you can already use the same skin for rifle flamethrower cause the flame thrower skin is available as a rifle skin.

I guess you are talking about the rifle skin exterminator?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/e/ea/Exterminator.jpg

It is the closest we have to the flamethrower, but it is not the same as the kit.The kit uses this skin:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Flamethrower.jpg

Notable differences:

  • the barrel of exterminator looks like a lion, the barrel of a flamethrower like a dragon
  • flamethrower has the napalm canister added vertically on top, exterminator has it horizontally underneath the barrel
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@draxynnic.3719 said:Strictly speaking, Exterminator is a chemical thrower, too - the appearance is based on the bundle items you can get in Southsun Cove.

The point has been that he said you can make your rifle and flamethrower look the same.Which is not true. There is just 1 rifle skin that resembles flamethrower a bit, exterminator. But it isn't identical with the flamethrower, you can still distinguish them.

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@"Kodama.6453" said:Funny that there are even rifle skins directly taken from enemies which are wielding flamethrowers, like this one:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sabetha%27s_Assaulter_Boomstick

I don't know how to feel about this, tho.I guess this could lead to clarity problems in PvP. If you can use rifle skins for your flamethrower, then you could wield a rifle as your main weapon and use the same rifle skin for your flamethrower, meaning that there is no way for your enemy to tell anymore if you are currently wielding the rifle or the flamethrower.

Don't think that Anet wants to delude clarity like this.Also, wouldn't it be kinda weird that flamethrower would be the only kit we can pick skins for then?Maybe in the future, Anet could give us alternative skins for the kits in the gemstore. But I don't think they will make us use regular weapon skins for them.

Could actually be really cool. Imagine if they create other cool skins for kits.

Maybe an elixir gun skin with black steel and green acid tubes everywhere?An Asuran med kit that has a scanner in front of you with an image of a body you are scanning for health problems and a shoulder cannon shooting the meds?Maybe the new charrzooka skins we are using in the Cold War strike mission for our mortar?

Just create an icon that shows when the engi is using a certain kit, just like the elementalist's conjured weapons, given that we have identical skins for real weapons.

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The game has evolved but some models and sound effects are still very 2012ish and could be replaced by newer versions without additional cost, just recycling (properly) resources already present in the game, pleasing players and making Anet's product more commercially attractive. Some example of weird sound poorly recycled; the engineer's new toolbelt heal, medkit and elixir gun skills that looks more like a toilet flush/farting cow while "Regeneration Mist" has a cool tsssss.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@draxynnic.3719 said:Strictly speaking, Exterminator is a chemical thrower, too - the appearance is based on the bundle items you can get in Southsun Cove.

The point has been that he said you can make your rifle and flamethrower look the same.Which is not true. There is just 1 rifle skin that resembles flamethrower a bit, exterminator. But it isn't identical with the flamethrower, you can still distinguish them.

Sure, I was just observing that Exterminator isn't even based off a flamethrower. Like you said, they can be distinguished fairly easily - mostly because of the head. Exterminator has a lion, flamethrower has a simple representation of a dragon head. (There are other distinctions, but it's usually the head that stands out.)

Sabetha's weapon is more clearly intended to be a flamethrower, but it's easily distinguishable from the flamethrower model.

Mind you, I'd have to say it would have been nice if some of those had been made into variant flamethrowers (or elixir guns or whatever) instead of rifle skins, but I guess that proverbial horse bolted long ago.

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Or maybe they could release themed engi weapon skin sets, either through festivals/special achievements or something or thru gemstore for something like 400 gems for a set. For ex. Pumpkin Bomb, Big Hand Wrench, Gargoyle Head med kit, Pumpkin Grenades etc. could be a Mad King's Machinist set.

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@LadyKitty.6120 said:Or maybe they could release themed engi weapon skin sets, either through festivals/special achievements or something or thru gemstore for something like 400 gems for a set. For ex. Pumpkin Bomb, Big Hand Wrench, Gargoyle Head med kit, Pumpkin Grenades etc. could be a Mad King's Machinist set.

Sounds good, if something like this happens then I still hope that we can select the skins individually for the different kits, tho.Not that we are hard locked into a set of skins and that set changes all kits to the same theme.

Mix and match just is way more enjoyable in fashion wars.

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@"Voc.7960" said:Hola amigos, ladies and hotwifes.For us that play flamethrower engie's and have a ton of awesome rifle skins unlocked it sure sucks we cant use them on our main "weapon".

I know u can argue that rifle isnt the same as Flamethrower bla bla bla. I know, i get that. But can u please give us something to change the look of that boooooring grey/brownish flamestick?

I have some many awesome rifle skins and tbh many of them actually looks like a Flamethrower and its a shamr i dont get to use them just because i choose to play camp Flamethrower ?

Completely agree, been suggested multiple times in the past. It's specially painful now that we have the shoulder cannon bundle, which would be a perfect mortar skin. It would also be a great way to bring back kit backpacks. Rangers can customize their pets, so why isn't this option avaiable for other professions as well?

And yeah, other professions could customize their mechanics and slot skills too, like warrior banners, necromancer minions, engineer turrets, etc.

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