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My Experience as a returning player.


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Started back over a week ago. Enjoyed the new story and started on my sky scale..... that's another story lol.

Can't remember what Season I stopped playing at but I was legendary for a couple of seasons in a row. ( PLEASE ADD RANK HISTORY ).So I come back I see that there has been a lot of changes to the way cc works and passive abilities. aka no more hard hits from cc. I'm like "nice this might make a difference".

Start my placement games..Wait why is this Mesmer standing still while fighting me. is that a bot? We win...... ok that's weird..Burn guardian.... check death log. 60k burn damage. but but but I was removing conditions like nonstop..Weaver. Meh, All the ranged cancels and auras get out of here free cards..Rev necro thief. all condi wait ....so was guard....... so was Mesmer.
.I was happy to see that engi, ranger and some necros where running Dmg..Where is a warrior?

Placed gold 3 .....then got plat 1. I'm done with PVP. I wish I could play but the meta is so passive. Condi is passive as hell man. I was hoping that the way cc works and passive abilitiesbeing changed would encourage people timing to interrupt on heals and to cancel certain skills to win fights but. it's just a cluster of condi aoes and classes with so much sustain.Man, I loved gw2 when it was pre expansions.HAMBOWDD ELEPower necroShatter mesmerDagger pistol thiefzerk rangertanky cant kill 1v1 engi.Bunker or medi guard.

Give me Vanilla PVP, please.

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That's because in a game like this, the saying that "less is more" is definitely true.

I remember back in core or even in early HoT, when specs only did 1 thing exceedingly well:

  • Team Fighters were good AoE DPS/CC, but not fast, little stealth, little to no extra support at all, and they lost 1v1s to more duelist based specs that had less AoE and more single target skills.
  • Supports were slow but tanky, they had JUST the right amount of support to be reasonable, and they had bad DPS output.
  • +1 Roam Decap builds had a lot of single target burst for that +, they were very mobile, but seriously lacked team fight ability and had no support. They could beat a lot of Team Fighters 1v1, but they would also lose to Side Node Duelists/Bunkers
  • Side Node Duelists/Bunkers had selfish sustain that was good for self survival but not adequate for party support. They generally lacked the damage output of Team Fighters and definitely +1 Roams. But they had weird utilities for decapping and stalling forever on a node by themselves. Other than that, it was the only thing they were good at.

^ This is when everything made sense. Properly playing a build back then was much more difficult because you really really needed to have a handle on what that class/build was good at and what it wasn't. The game required more skill back then, and it was more fun to play.

But now, there is a massive separation between builds that have and can do everything, and builds that just suck because they aren't good at anything at all. Right now we're looking at quite possibly the funkiest competitive patching that the game has ever seen. For some reason Arenanet decided to allow everything that was a good support, to somehow also become a good team fight as well. Then the plot thickened when they began allowing these certain super support bruisers to also strangely become the strongest 1v1 classes. And unbelievably enough, somehow while that was happening, they kept nerfing certain things so far into the ground that those things are not only no longer viable, they aren't even relevant for the game of conquest at this point.

In other words, there are too many classes/builds that are able to do everything nowadays. A couple things go wrong when allowing this to happen:

  1. When everything is good at everything, the meta just becomes: "The top 5 classes who have the most giant statistical attributes." There is no reason to specifically choose between 2 or 3 different classes, when they do everything. The only reason to pick a certain class over another, is if it is pumping out larger sheer numbers than something else. However, in a game environment where that effect is reversed, such as back in the core days, everything always was relevant because no matter what a patch did to the classes, certain classes/builds were still the only build that did that one thing that they were supposed to do, so they were always relevant. Example: A Thief has always in every meta been relevant and viable. Why? Because nothing in the game can move as fast a Thief, so no matter how weak he is, he is always the best decap. Do you see what I mean here? A class/build based mmorpg competitive scene needs the classes/builds to all possess very unique jobs from one another, so that they are all always individually relevant and useful in a match, regardless of the patching.
  2. The left over classes who were so graciously nerfed into the ground from bell curve & bellow complaints, end up being garbage in the game mode. They are actually no longer good at anything at all because for some reason, every support based spec in the game was allowed to become good at everything. They aren't the best team fight, not even qualifiable as a support, why +1 roam when you could play a godly bruiser/support hybrid, and why attempt to side node monkey when the godly bruiser/supports are also becoming dominant in 1v1s on side nodes? I mean seriously, why would you play a Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker when you could play a Holosaiyan that kills everything with a 2 to 3s burst and sustains like a Mender Bunker Druid while wearing Demolisher? So then we get a disappearance of some classes entirely when the balance is this bad.

The morale of the story is that "Every class can do everything" doesn't work in traditional class/build games like this. Not only is it bad for the mechanical health of the game, but it also significantly dumbs down the class flavor of the very reason why a person would make a distinct choice to select a Warrior over a Guardian or a Necromancer over an Elementalist.

End of story.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:so you were a legendary with the old meta because of the op old builds that you played, after that changed you cant even get a plat, so that means they did a good job balancing the game.you did good before because of your build not your skills.

so pvp is perfect now? I'd love to spectate a 1v1 fight between you on berserker and the op using an overpowered class. don't get me wrong, asking this for scientific reasons.

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@"SeikeNz.3526" said:so you were a legendary with the old meta because of the op old builds that you played, after that changed you cant even get a plat, so that means they did a good job balancing the game.you did good before because of your build not your skills.

If that's all you took from my post fair enough. But I'll have you know i don't care about my rank. I want to have fun and win epic fights. Also " you did good before with your build not your skills" ?????What ? Did you play PvP before any of the expansions ? Also you don't even know what class i played or did you guess that i was a player in the gw2 2013 invitationals ?But ok the build make me good at the game.. logic much.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:That's because in a game like this, the saying that "less is more" is definitely true.

I remember back in core or even in early HoT, when specs only did 1 thing exceedingly well:

  • Team Fighters were good AoE DPS/CC, but not fast, little stealth, little to no extra support at all, and they lost 1v1s to more duelist based specs that had less AoE and more single target skills.
  • Supports were slow but tanky, they had JUST the right amount of support to be reasonable, and they had bad DPS output.
  • +1 Roam Decap builds had a lot of single target burst for that +, they were very mobile, but seriously lacked team fight ability and had no support. They could beat a lot of Team Fighters 1v1, but they would also lose to Side Node Duelists/Bunkers
  • Side Node Duelists/Bunkers had selfish sustain that was good for self survival but not adequate for party support. They generally lacked the damage output of Team Fighters and definitely +1 Roams. But they had weird utilities for decapping and stalling forever on a node by themselves. Other than that, it was the only thing they were good at.

^ This is when everything made sense. Properly playing a build back then was much more difficult because you really really needed to have a handle on what that class/build was good at and what it wasn't. The game required more skill back then, and it was more fun to play.

But now, there is a massive separation between builds that have and can do everything, and builds that just suck because they aren't good at anything at all. Right now we're looking at quite possibly the funkiest competitive patching that the game has ever seen. For some reason Arenanet decided to allow everything that was a good support, to somehow also become a good team fight as well. Then the plot thickened when they began allowing these certain super support bruisers to also strangely become the strongest 1v1 classes. And unbelievably enough, somehow while that was happening, they kept nerfing certain things so far into the ground that those things are not only no longer viable, they aren't even relevant for the game of conquest at this point.

In other words, there are too many classes/builds that are able to do everything nowadays. A couple things go wrong when allowing this to happen:

  1. When everything is good at everything, the meta just becomes: "The top 5 classes who have the most giant statistical attributes." There is no reason to specifically choose between 2 or 3 different classes, when they do everything. The only reason to pick a certain class over another, is if it is pumping out larger sheer numbers than something else. However, in a game environment where that effect is reversed, such as back in the core days, everything always was relevant because no matter what a patch did to the classes, certain classes/builds were still the only build that did that one thing that they were supposed to do, so they were always relevant. Example: A Thief has always in every meta been relevant and viable. Why? Because nothing in the game can move as fast a Thief, so no matter how weak he is, he is always the best decap. Do you see what I mean here? A class/build based mmorpg competitive scene needs the classes/builds to all possess very unique jobs from one another, so that they are all always individually relevant and useful in a match, regardless of the patching.
  2. The left over classes who were so graciously nerfed into the ground from bell curve & bellow complaints, end up being garbage in the game mode. They are actually no longer good at anything at all because for some reason, every support based spec in the game was allowed to become good at everything. They aren't the best team fight, not even qualifiable as a support, why +1 roam when you could play a godly bruiser/support hybrid, and why attempt to side node monkey when the godly bruiser/supports are also becoming dominant in 1v1s on side nodes? I mean seriously, why would you play a Warrior/Berserker/Spellbreaker when you could play a Holosaiyan that kills everything with a 2 to 3s burst and sustains like a Mender Bunker Druid while wearing Demolisher? So then we get a disappearance of some classes entirely when the balance is this bad.

The morale of the story is that "Every class can do everything" doesn't work in traditional class/build games like this. Not only is it bad for the mechanical health of the game, but it also significantly dumbs down the class flavor of the very reason why a person would make a distinct choice to select a Warrior over a Guardian or a Necromancer over an Elementalist.

End of story.

I agree with everything you have said.Anet do this !

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:so you were a legendary with the old meta because of the op old builds that you played, after that changed you cant even get a plat, so that means they did a good job balancing the game.you did good before because of your build not your skills.

First, you don’t get carried to legendary.

Second, sPvP by no means require anymore skill than before.

Third, it is clear the OP only played a dozen or so. It is not like he or she played 100 plus games and could not make it.

Last, the phrase “carried by builds” is dumb on so many levels, considering that everyone pushing ranks will be running these exact builds.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:so you were a legendary with the old meta because of the op old builds that you played, after that changed you cant even get a plat, so that means they did a good job balancing the game.you did good before because of your build not your skills.

hahaha. yeah gw2 is more about the build than the skill.but i would argue that some meta build are even more op now than before.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:so you were a legendary with the old meta because of the op old builds that you played, after that changed you cant even get a plat, so that means they did a good job balancing the game.you did good before because of your build not your skills.

hope you realize how broken your logic is lol...

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