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No echowald forest?


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@Blur.3465 said:

@Yggranya.5201 said:Don't worry people. Considering they are going to recycle cantha only because of your nostalgia, with enough complaining it can be exactly as it was in GW1. Makes no sense but chasing profit doesn't need to make sense.

I still find it baffling how in 250 so much of Tyria's landscape and geo changed xDBuildings get built, cities rise, but most of the landscape should stay untouched, minus Elder Dragon influence.

I'm expecting to see some nostalgic places in Cantha, I'm also expecting and hoping to see the Cathedral-like Echovald forest, because it is a unique zone, unique feel and unique story...same goes for Jade Sea.The way I see it, some parts of Jade Sea could be melted, some not...and some parts of Echovald could be blooming/green etc, while others remained as a stone.

Having yet another normal sea area and normal forest area is just plain boring, so of course people want these zones back just re-done with better graphics and expanded.I also look forward to see how the rest of Cantha got built. Kaineng area, Undercity etc.

So you don't think anet can create anything original and interesting even if they tried? That is not a very nice way to look at things.

No, they can'tWe can see that the content of the game and the maps explored are largely recycling gw1 ( in an economical version ) since the beginning of the game.

As soon as they try to innovate it goes no further than evil dragon beast, uggly and boring. And maybe scarlet and living story season 1, the most uninteresting period of gw2 with the current saga.So no I hope they will continue to use Guild wars 1 lore and environment because this is the only thing they are able to do.The old arena, the heart of the franchise is long gone.

So yes please, i want shing jea, kaineng city, jade sea AND echovald forest. Don't have the nerve to remove one of those areas that are the essence of cantha..

I agree that the won't even try. Nostalgia sells too well and you obviously don't even want them to even consider anything else.

Seems to be the thing with games that go on for too long. If it's the same, the same people will buy the game and anything added to it. If they try something new, the same people will call it the worst thing ever. If there are no new people (and it isn't guaranteed) then it will flop and they lose money, so nobody will even try. Just take the easy way, every time, because it's easy and success is guaranteed.

And here you speak as if ANet didn't innovate and create brand new maps all this time!They made a bunch of new zones. Including the old Tyrian zones which look nothing like their former selves.Almost the entirety of Tyria is brand new with nothing resembling its old former self from GW1 franchise.Things that got 'transferred over' were names and some monuments and ruins with bits of story. Other than that GW2 IS a whole different game.Heck even Path of Fire introduced literally brand new zones hardly recognizable from Nightfall from GW1.So I really don't get your point here. They've been innovating and making new things all this time.As soon as people request to see some familiarities with Cantha, some people go nuts xD

I don't care much about maps, more the fact they are just recycled old garbage. It is propably going to be more of the same old human focused expansion pretending that it isn't human focused. Could be different? Yes, but that is unlikely.

Besides, if you want to go to an old map and have it be excatly the same as it was, although it obviously shouldn't be, what "innovation" could there possibly be? I though this was about echowald forest and by extension cantha? My example was how people react to changes in their favourite thing, which is stupid.

Adding something new isn't the same as reinventing something old.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Yggranya.5201 said:Don't worry people. Considering they are going to recycle cantha only because of your nostalgia, with enough complaining it can be exactly as it was in GW1. Makes no sense but chasing profit doesn't need to make sense.

I still find it baffling how in 250 so much of Tyria's landscape and geo changed xDBuildings get built, cities rise, but most of the landscape should stay untouched, minus Elder Dragon influence.

I'm expecting to see some nostalgic places in Cantha, I'm also expecting and hoping to see the Cathedral-like Echovald forest, because it is a unique zone, unique feel and unique story...same goes for Jade Sea.The way I see it, some parts of Jade Sea could be melted, some not...and some parts of Echovald could be blooming/green etc, while others remained as a stone.

Having yet another normal sea area and normal forest area is just plain boring, so of course people want these zones back just re-done with better graphics and expanded.I also look forward to see how the rest of Cantha got built. Kaineng area, Undercity etc.

So you don't think anet can create anything original and interesting even if they tried? That is not a very nice way to look at things.

No, they can'tWe can see that the content of the game and the maps explored are largely recycling gw1 ( in an economical version ) since the beginning of the game.

As soon as they try to innovate it goes no further than evil dragon beast, uggly and boring. And maybe scarlet and living story season 1, the most uninteresting period of gw2 with the current saga.So no I hope they will continue to use Guild wars 1 lore and environment because this is the only thing they are able to do.The old arena, the heart of the franchise is long gone.

So yes please, i want shing jea, kaineng city, jade sea AND echovald forest. Don't have the nerve to remove one of those areas that are the essence of cantha..

I agree that the won't even try. Nostalgia sells too well and you obviously don't even want them to even consider anything else.

Seems to be the thing with games that go on for too long. If it's the same, the same people will buy the game and anything added to it. If they try something new, the same people will call it the worst thing ever. If there are no new people (and it isn't guaranteed) then it will flop and they lose money, so nobody will even try. Just take the easy way, every time, because it's easy and success is guaranteed.

And here you speak as if ANet didn't innovate and create brand new maps all this time!They made a bunch of new zones. Including the old Tyrian zones which look nothing like their former selves.Almost the entirety of Tyria is brand new with nothing resembling its old former self from GW1 franchise.Things that got 'transferred over' were names and some monuments and ruins with bits of story. Other than that GW2 IS a whole different game.Heck even Path of Fire introduced literally brand new zones hardly recognizable from Nightfall from GW1.So I really don't get your point here. They've been innovating and making new things all this time.As soon as people request to see some familiarities with Cantha, some people go nuts xD

I don't care much about maps, more the fact they are just recycled old garbage. It is propably going to be more of the same old human focused expansion pretending that it isn't human focused. Could be different? Yes, but that is unlikely.

Besides, if you want to go to an old map and have it be excatly the same as it was, although it obviously shouldn't be, what "innovation" could there possibly be? I though this was about echowald forest and by extension cantha? My example was how people react to changes in their favourite thing, which is stupid.

Adding something new isn't the same as reinventing something old.

And the whole point being that some of us would like to see petrified forest and Jade sea in GW2 era.As I stated in my response above, it would be great if there were parts of melted Jade Sea and parts of flourished/blooming forest, but also parts which stayed still under petrification. That's the whole point here.People fear that the zones could indeed be ruined by too much flasihness and 'oh jolly joy joy happy colors!' as is the issue in most zones.Echovald Forest was unique and we hope that it will stay unique and not become Maguuma Jungle 2.0

If you thought that people wanted a copy/paste of GW1 zones then that's taking it quite literally xDI personally want to see an updated version of these zones with new things added and secrets too, but of course to also see the map/atmosphere stay true to itself from previous series, and not what happened to Bloodstone, Ring of Fire, ugly yellow Ascalon etc.

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@Blur.3465 said:

@Yggranya.5201 said:Don't worry people. Considering they are going to recycle cantha only because of your nostalgia, with enough complaining it can be exactly as it was in GW1. Makes no sense but chasing profit doesn't need to make sense.

I still find it baffling how in 250 so much of Tyria's landscape and geo changed xDBuildings get built, cities rise, but most of the landscape should stay untouched, minus Elder Dragon influence.

I'm expecting to see some nostalgic places in Cantha, I'm also expecting and hoping to see the Cathedral-like Echovald forest, because it is a unique zone, unique feel and unique story...same goes for Jade Sea.The way I see it, some parts of Jade Sea could be melted, some not...and some parts of Echovald could be blooming/green etc, while others remained as a stone.

Having yet another normal sea area and normal forest area is just plain boring, so of course people want these zones back just re-done with better graphics and expanded.I also look forward to see how the rest of Cantha got built. Kaineng area, Undercity etc.

So you don't think anet can create anything original and interesting even if they tried? That is not a very nice way to look at things.

No, they can'tWe can see that the content of the game and the maps explored are largely recycling gw1 ( in an economical version ) since the beginning of the game.

As soon as they try to innovate it goes no further than evil dragon beast, uggly and boring. And maybe scarlet and living story season 1, the most uninteresting period of gw2 with the current saga.So no I hope they will continue to use Guild wars 1 lore and environment because this is the only thing they are able to do.The old arena, the heart of the franchise is long gone.

So yes please, i want shing jea, kaineng city, jade sea AND echovald forest. Don't have the nerve to remove one of those areas that are the essence of cantha..

I agree that the won't even try. Nostalgia sells too well and you obviously don't even want them to even consider anything else.

Seems to be the thing with games that go on for too long. If it's the same, the same people will buy the game and anything added to it. If they try something new, the same people will call it the worst thing ever. If there are no new people (and it isn't guaranteed) then it will flop and they lose money, so nobody will even try. Just take the easy way, every time, because it's easy and success is guaranteed.

And here you speak as if ANet didn't innovate and create brand new maps all this time!They made a bunch of new zones. Including the old Tyrian zones which look nothing like their former selves.Almost the entirety of Tyria is brand new with nothing resembling its old former self from GW1 franchise.Things that got 'transferred over' were names and some monuments and ruins with bits of story. Other than that GW2 IS a whole different game.Heck even Path of Fire introduced literally brand new zones hardly recognizable from Nightfall from GW1.So I really don't get your point here. They've been innovating and making new things all this time.As soon as people request to see some familiarities with Cantha, some people go nuts xD

I don't care much about maps, more the fact they are just recycled old garbage. It is propably going to be more of the same old human focused expansion pretending that it isn't human focused. Could be different? Yes, but that is unlikely.

Besides, if you want to go to an old map and have it be excatly the same as it was, although it obviously shouldn't be, what "innovation" could there possibly be? I though this was about echowald forest and by extension cantha? My example was how people react to changes in their favourite thing, which is stupid.

Adding something new isn't the same as reinventing something old.

And the whole point being that some of us would like to see petrified forest and Jade sea in GW2 era.As I stated in my response above, it would be great if there were parts of melted Jade Sea and parts of flourished/blooming forest, but also parts which stayed still under petrification. That's the whole point here.People fear that the zones could indeed be ruined by too much flasihness and 'oh jolly joy joy happy colors!' as is the issue in most zones.Echovald Forest was unique and we hope that it will stay unique and not become Maguuma Jungle 2.0

If you thought that people wanted a copy/paste of GW1 zones then that's taking it quite literally xDI personally want to see an updated version of these zones with new things added and secrets too, but of course to also see the map/atmosphere stay true to itself from previous series, and not what happened to Bloodstone, Ring of Fire, ugly yellow Ascalon etc.

Yes, as i said: If it's anything new, it's the worst thing in the world. So anet will propably just recycle the old again.

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I hope they respect the mood and architecture in echowald forest, it was so unique and interesting that it be a crime its tone, mood and culture changed beyond recognition.

Also afaik the ppl that lived in echiwald had this gothic identity before the jade wind happened.

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Everyone is taking the teaser trailer too seriously. Take it down a notch and just take it as it is not fully serious about the visuals considering most of not all of the areas from the video were guild wars 1 locations and the video description says that they’re talking about the past and future.

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