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Make mounts accessible without butchering the story immersion

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@Nazarick.9653 said:It's not the mount that forces people to do this, it's the mastery unlock for Tyria.Until this gets unlocked at reaching 80, people will continue to whine about it.

Incidentally, I chose PoF rather than HoT because it was fewer chapters to complete, and ended up with the mount as a bonus.

Someone somewhere mentioned it would be enough to enter the Guilded Hollow guild hall using the Guild panel, then exiting through the portal to Auric basin to unlock the masteries.

Have no account to test and confirm it, but if it is true and works then there is no need to do the story out of order to unlock it.

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@"krz.1327" said:Not only the thing with getting a mount needs fixing, after you hit 80 in core tyria you get annoying popup that appears over chat that tells you to go to expansions to unlock masteries, this also butchers story immersion. I had to go to HoT and finish first mission when I haven't done even 75 percent of core story. You can't disable that popup, it reappears every time you gain exp, it forces you to unlock masteries.

In a way it's a good thing because if you wouldn't unlock them then you'd waste exp but why not just make masteries unlocked by default when someone owns expansions?

THIS! Actually I ended up getting my raptor before facing Zhaitan because of this stupid notification. I had full intention of never getting a mount until PoF. I heard there was less spoilers getting the raptor than the glider to unlock the mastery system so I chose that.

Honestly, I wish there was just a little check box that said something, "do not show this notification anymore" or something. It was seriously annoying. By the time I actually finished HoT and S3, I actually just redid the first episode of PoF. I basically forgot what happened anyway, and it made little sense to me when I first went through it.

@Nubarus.9268 said:If you want a mount without spoilers get the Warclaw from WvW.

This is also another great option. But probably people would whine that then they have to do WvW.

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Mounts are nice, but they aren't necessary. I remember getting 100% world completion on my guardian like 6 years ago when I was too dumb to add a source of swiftness so I just used GS 3 to traverse the entire world. After HoT came out I would do core zones with my friends and feel like I was cheating for using my glider to complete content that was built to be completed without it. The mount is a luxury, and although it feels like shooting yourself in the foot and deliberately making content difficult, there's such a charm in doing the zones with only the tools they had in mind when they were designed.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Yes, it's why they should add a mount, probably a new one, in core, to avoid this problem.

Agreed, This is exactly why I think the Devs should make the Warclaw accessible as core world mount, specially now that it has been so badly butchered in WvW anyway.Let core only players go to WvW and unlock it like normal, problem solved.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:If you purchase POF the raptor should be given to you for free when you ding 80 on any character imo. It's really awkward to have to skip to POF story to get something that you absolutely want to have.

It would still be awkward to have your character hit level 80 somewhere in mount maelstrom and get access to a ridable raptor, who are raised and trained in Amnoon, when the character in question never visited that region.

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If they added a simple mount that didn't require PoF story you would would have people making threads that it isn't good enough and needs to be made better. Just like people complaining that the warclaw needs PvE buffs.

But I would not be opposed to a very basic mount being available to people with PoF without requiring story to be done. I just dread the complaints people will make.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Atleast just add a rental service for the mounts for the paid accounts. I mean balthazar himself is a spoiler for POF since we get to reveal him in season 3.I just want to point out that when the veterans played the game, the game didn't have mounts as such they don't see them. Now all the core maps are populated with mounts and they go zoom from one event to another and the core paid players have to walk creating a wall. This has happened in the dragon bash festival

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