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patch note for mes or mirage


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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@musu.9205 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:

@musu.9205 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Eh, getting nothing would be better than nerfs.

i didnt expect much like what we suggestedbut at least fix bugs for axe 2 ,3 . but nope lol

What exactly are the axe 2 and 3 bugs?

axe 3 first , when you target something that has other mob nearby , you could hit other mob instead of your target . second , the skill has 2 phase , one is teleport to random location close to your target . one is lead towards target and strike with confusion application . sometime the teleport part will cause you facing away from target and tho you still do that leap strike but it usually fails to apply confusion .axe 2 delayed attack often failed to hit anything or get blocked randomly . same goes for axe ambush .

So that's why i'm seeing inconsistent confusion stacks on one combo! And yeah i noticed the camera faces me away from mobs and it's super annoying when i use axe 3. And now that you mention it, axe 2 is delayed sometimes... I thought it was lag.

Also i noticed that if you have Infinite Horizon trait active and you do an ambush skill, sometimes your clones will do it, sometimes they won't. Don't know why that is.

and there are more . anyway axe is just so broken to a point to do any further test like axe clones .

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https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Persistence_of_Memorythis is what we got when you guys defending anet had plan for swordsman meaningless might stack .

did any of you ever use that trait after nerf ? it's more like anet simply deleted one powerful trait which is only powerful on chrono and filled that slot with excuse some of you made for anet .

in many games , when things like mirage axe and spellbreaker happen, they will do as much hotfix patch as possible to save their reputation and playerbase.gw2 pof is a product that people bought with standard expectation which includes things like a working elite spec weapon .it is fine , something are buggedit is fine , pvp is imbalancedit is also fine , today patch is not balance patch .it is not fine when company stay dead silence but we don't even know what is intended what is bug . and no hotfix , no explain not even showing awareness of some problems (best we got is ranger pet bug fix and scourge nerf which are good in my eyes for today patch .but the silence is really negative for both players and company .

and talk about careful big plan for their balance patch .did u guy see that 20% holosmith dmg nerf and how holo is behind most dps class now with weak burst lol .personally i just found things like those are funny . and whatever. i just wanted to mock anet's sense of balance with this post .not i care that much of pvp anymore ,

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@Refia Montes.3205 said:Welcome to the forums, where everyone feels so self entitled with their class that they demand patch notes even though clearly there's no balance changes intended.

can you read my posti said zero word about balance .i said bug fixsince when every single bug fix (with large amount of skill bugs ) has to be in a balance patch . i meant at this point we do have low expectation . but complaining about other people complain no bug fix seems stupid to me ?or you can check steam how other games handle balance patch and bugfix.

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@musu.9205 said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Persistence_of_Memorythis is what we got when you guys defending anet had plan for swordsman meaningless might stack .

tbh i just discovered this trait for sword/shield - staff , illu , chaos - chronoDouble shield 4 , swap to staff , staff 3 , chaos storm urself and phantasms, signet of inspiration - sharing boons with phantasms, shatter to get boons back.Basically gives u 6-7 boons for like 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on rng.

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@Daishi.6027 said:A-net released a festival update and you expected bug fixes of value when majority is working relatively well?

Where have you been the last few years?first of all last few years balance certainly didn't do much good , so i can expect something better .second even with hot , there are not classes being broken at this level as mirage . or broken op like spellbreaker .third there were more communication during hot beta .and devs did take the feedback . this did not happen to pof .

"majority is working relatively well"all axe skills + most ambush + 2 utilities + half traits bugs = majority is working relatively well ?that's a big relatively . then bugs i talked about are not something that happens once a blue moon . that your skills fail to hit anything is major bug to me and it will be considered as major bug in many games .

people expected fix in this patch . again and again , not because anet said anything or the festival update has to be balance patch .nopeople expected fix coz from beta to past weeks we got no word from anet when those things will get fixed or if they will get fixed or even for somecases we don't even know what's intended or bug . usually it is fine .devs don't have to communicate with players every week . but when an elite spec which is one of major selling point of pof got most negative feedbacks with many bug reports , either communication or hot fix is needed .so yeah that's why people expected this update do something .coz in normal standard things should be fixed after beta .

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@musu.9205 said:
this is what we got when you guys defending anet had plan for swordsman meaningless might stack .

tbh i just discovered this trait for sword/shield - staff , illu , chaos - chronoDouble shield 4 , swap to staff , staff 3 , chaos storm urself and phantasms, signet of inspiration - sharing boons with phantasms, shatter to get boons back.Basically gives u 6-7 boons for like 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on rng.

well that works but even ignore how good it would be .it still has nothing to do with swordsman might stack lol which people here defended .in short , that change is still a big joke . and gg our casting timethanks for sharing build tho .

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While I do agree that Axe 2 and 3 needs some bug fixes particularly they're a bit clunky. In PvP they're downright useless currently. But in PvE I never had any problems using them. It's not that bad and major as Scourge fixes or Rock Gazelle op burst currently. I say just wait a bit for a week for a proper balance patch rather than barking at nothing.

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@OriOri.8724 said:Yea but look at those changes. This wasn't a balance patch, the only changes there were bug fixes.

Expect changes when we get an actual balance patch, which will probably be in 2 months or so -_-

Eyyy Scourge is ded for 2 months. Great balane schedule anet :/

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@musu.9205 said:

@Daishi.6027 said:A-net released a festival update and you expected bug fixes of value when majority is working relatively well?

Where have you been the last few years?first of all last few years balance certainly didn't do much good , so i can expect something better .second even with hot , there are not classes being broken at this level as mirage . or broken op like spellbreaker .third there were more communication during hot beta .and devs did take the feedback . this did not happen to pof .

"majority is working relatively well"all axe skills + most ambush + 2 utilities + half traits bugs = majority is working relatively well ?that's a big relatively . then bugs i talked about are not something that happens once a blue moon . that your skills fail to hit anything is major bug to me and it will be considered as major bug in many games .

people expected fix in this patch . again and again , not because anet said anything or the festival update has to be balance patch .nopeople expected fix coz from beta to past weeks we got no word from anet when those things will get fixed or if they will get fixed or even for somecases we don't even know what's intended or bug . usually it is fine .devs don't have to communicate with players every week . but when an elite spec which is one of major selling point of pof got most negative feedbacks with many bug reports , either communication or hot fix is needed .so yeah that's why people expected this update do something .coz in normal standard things should be fixed after beta .

Although your first point is reasonable, and I agree with you. I think having that expectation is only going to lead to disappointment...As for HoT, Chrono bunk was pretty broken season 1. (although I'm in the camp saying chrono was over nerfed, Precog was enough.) SB is OP but it's not thaaat bad, I even find it better than when people were stacking cele eles.To your third you are correct again, but it's not like we didn't get buffed from the beta to a somewhat functioning class, as opposed flat line bad... So small victories?

I mean relative for GW2, how long did it take them to fix illusionary leap with no contact lol.

Really you are right about most of this, and A-net should have done more. That said I think it's good to temper your expectations considering how things have been the past years, and how much new things break when they do major patches.

Maybe I'm just flying the cynical and what nihilistic mesmer banner but like... I think a lot of us are happy we just didn't get unfairly nerfed, which is something that also tends to happen.

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@skcamow.3527 said:tbh many of the mirage bugs are there but not that bad. They aren't going to be high on the priority list compared to some of the seriously broken things on the rest of the classes.

Yeah every class can play its new weapon except mesmer...Not that bad...I'm totally supporting Mesmer bug fixes as that is my main as well, but what skcamow said is true. Also axe is actually very playable, the Mirage bugs are kinda low priority, they are not really degrading your play, just minor inconveniences. Just compare that to Rock Gazelle bug or Full Counter..

We will have a balance patch sooner or later where we probably will get some fixes as well.

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@skcamow.3527 said:tbh many of the mirage bugs are there but not that bad. They aren't going to be high on the priority list compared to some of the seriously broken things on the rest of the classes.

Yeah every class can play its new weapon except mesmer...Not that bad...I'm totally supporting Mesmer bug fixes as that is my main as well, but what skcamow said is true. Also axe is actually very playable, the Mirage bugs are kinda low priority, they are not really degrading your play, just minor inconveniences. Just compare that to Rock Gazelle bug or Full Counter..

We will have a balance patch sooner or later where we probably will get some fixes as well.

inb4 iwarden fix

axe 2 axe 3 axe ambush barely hit moving target . is not that bad ? okelite spec is one of major selling point .new weapon new playstyle is one of main benefit about elite specnew wepaon : hardly functionnew playstyle is non existing (cant complain about this part much since i'm aware clone build can be close to 3 iduelists build but still ).

if playable you mean you can press some button and flashy effects happens . yeah it's playable .nothing game breaking .while we argue it should low priority or high , anet nerfed holosmith dmg by 20% . and didnt fix scaling bug loland we all can see qt numbers : holo dps is low end and with weak burst . in pvp did you find many holo players in matches .how is heavy dmg nerf on a glassy elite supposed to be their high priority before any balance patch , but hey major bug fixes are low priority ?

anet balance and bug fix are random at best .

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@rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@skcamow.3527 said:tbh many of the mirage bugs are there but not that bad. They aren't going to be high on the priority list compared to some of the seriously broken things on the rest of the classes.

Yeah every class can play its new weapon except mesmer...Not that bad...I'm totally supporting Mesmer bug fixes as that is my main as well, but what skcamow said is true. Also axe is actually very playable, the Mirage bugs are kinda low priority, they are not really degrading your play, just minor inconveniences. Just compare that to Rock Gazelle bug or Full Counter..

We will have a balance patch sooner or later where we probably will get some fixes as well.

inb4 iwarden fix

axe 2 axe 3 axe ambush barely hit moving target . is not that bad ? okelite spec is one of major selling point .new weapon new playstyle is one of main benefit about elite specnew wepaon : hardly functionnew playstyle is non existing (cant complain about this part much since i'm aware clone build can be close to 3 iduelists build but still ).

if playable you mean you can press some button and flashy effects happens . yeah it's playable .nothing game breaking .while we argue it should low priority or high , anet nerfed holosmith dmg by 20% . and didnt fix scaling bug loland we all can see qt numbers : holo dps is low end and with weak burst . in pvp did you find many holo players in matches .how is heavy dmg nerf on a glassy elite supposed to be their high priority before any balance patch , but hey major bug fixes are low priority ?

anet balance and bug fix are random at best .

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new> @rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@skcamow.3527 said:tbh many of the mirage bugs are there but not that bad. They aren't going to be high on the priority list compared to some of the seriously broken things on the rest of the classes.

Yeah every class can play its new weapon except mesmer...Not that bad...I'm totally supporting Mesmer bug fixes as that is my main as well, but what skcamow said is true. Also axe is actually very playable, the Mirage bugs are kinda low priority, they are not really degrading your play, just minor inconveniences. Just compare that to Rock Gazelle bug or Full Counter..

We will have a balance patch sooner or later where we probably will get some fixes as well.

Ur right ... Those bugs just Kill me when i Touch axe in pvp or wvw.

Its okay when 50% of ur deaths were Resultet by bugs. Not really degrading my Playstyle ...

U ARE trolling right?

Even in PVE i die due to mirage bugs...

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@Refia Montes.3205 said:I've played through PoF and some T4s with Axe Mirage and I never died from bugs or even Axe 2 or 3. I died some times when I sued Axe 2 near an edge resulting into falling to death. Axe 3's targetting may be clunky but it works perfectly fine with even terrain and stationary targets.

some T4 and stationary targets and easy open world .unless we play turn based games . there are not many stationary targets in fractal . its ok in raid tho i admit . but facing away from your target will still result no confusion applied.and many people experienced that axe3 failed to strike yeah you can still see that animation but no confusion applied .also axe 3 will target wrong mobs if they are close to your target .

dying from rng teleport is just part of thoes not so practical function .dying from axe 2 double skill queue isnt fun either .but those are not bugs i complaint .

and you argued about scourge nerf is due to it was heavily broken in pvp and wvw , did you use mesmer axe in pvp and wvw ? broken op or broken unplayable are same things when it comes to needed fixes .

remind you that scourge dps is also fine in pve on bar with firebrand condi weaver , soulbeast etc .based on your logic , it should be low priority as well , coz it is fine in one game mode . and don't argue that people dont use shortbow on rev or axe on guard for pvp , there are difference between being weak and not functioning properly (for mirage axe it fails to hit target . )

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@FaboBabo.3581 said:new> @rank eleven monk.9502 said:

@FaboBabo.3581 said:

@skcamow.3527 said:tbh many of the mirage bugs are there but not that bad. They aren't going to be high on the priority list compared to some of the seriously broken things on the rest of the classes.

Yeah every class can play its new weapon except mesmer...Not that bad...I'm totally supporting Mesmer bug fixes as that is my main as well, but what skcamow said is true. Also axe is actually very playable, the Mirage bugs are kinda low priority, they are not really degrading your play, just minor inconveniences. Just compare that to Rock Gazelle bug or Full Counter..

We will have a balance patch sooner or later where we probably will get some fixes as well.

Ur right ... Those bugs just Kill me when i Touch axe in pvp or wvw.

Its okay when 50% of ur deaths were Resultet by bugs. Not really degrading my Playstyle ...

U ARE trolling right?

Even in PVE i die due to mirage bugs...I'm playing mirage in spvp with axe and it works very well. You are doing something wrong really. The only annoying thing is the sometimes random teleport caused by axe 3 (and Illusionary Ambush). But it's about 10% of the time.
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