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GW2 PVP is amazing, but..


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PvP in this game is the most mechanically robust system I have ever come across in an mmo and for that I love it.. but it’s a real shame to see it go so long without some change. I am praying you guys have something in store to bring people back to pvp with the expac because it would be the biggest shame ever to see a game with such incredible combat just fade out in the competitive scene.

I’m not making this post to trash talk either, I genuinly beleive with the influx of players coming from steam in November and the expac brining even more, that PvP can flourish if they fix things up. But as it stands, ratings are obviously broken and the bot problem is getting bad.

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For me personally its the lack of game modes. Conquest is old and done for,i just randomly do some unranked nowadays to get a fight or two and stop. Its a boring game mode. Death match / Capture the flag,whatever. Anything that can grant us different fights,every conquest game just feels the same to me,and has been for years. I also think we need some bigger maps,the conquest maps imo are too small.

The new players coming in from steam will feel the same way after a while of playing.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:For me personally its the lack of game modes. Conquest is old and done for,i just randomly do some unranked nowadays to get a fight or two and stop. Its a boring game mode. Death match / Capture the flag,whatever. Anything that can grant us different fights,every conquest game just feels the same to me,and has been for years. I also think we need some bigger maps,the conquest maps imo are too small.

The new players coming in from steam will feel the same way after a while of playing.

I have close to 4K ranked games played and even i agree with that. At the end of the day, pvp should be about fighting other players, THATS IT. No one wants to run around standing in circles and killing NPC’s.. we just want the player vs player experience. I actually like the 2v2 far more than the 5’s and think it should take the top spot for normal ranked seasons. With how cluttered PvP can become with marks, symbols, and the plethora of other AOE’s in the game now, I feel simply making 2v2 and 3v3 the core game modes would completely fix all these issues. Class balance would become more streamlined and things like thief can exist outside of just being a “decpaper”

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@Arctarius.2649 said:With how cluttered PvP can become with marks, symbols, and the plethora of other AOE’s in the game now, I feel simply making 2v2 and 3v3 the core game modes would completely fix all these issues.The previous mini-season had proven the opposite. 2v2 and 3v3 are all about which team has the most AoE up-time. The most boring and braindead mode ever. You could barely kite on those maps and if one of your mates is killed, you have 95% chances to lose the round. 0 comming back possible. BORING ASF.

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Nobody new is going to stick because, at the end of the day, GW2 committed the cardinal sin of trying to mix manually aimed attacks and tab-targeting in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field. The game has always been dominated by patch notes rather than innovating playstyles, and considering how rare patch notes are, you'll see populations spike (and probably crash servers) before they plummet harder than the March 2020 stock market.

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@lotus.5672 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field

ever heard of the dodge button

To be fair, even evade isn't all avoiding. Necro can interrupt evade with fear ring, Guard can interrupt with staff wall, Ele can interrupt with Weaver Earth/Water Dagger 3, staff rock wall and staff lightning ring. Plus Shocking Aura and Engi shield 5, if you have any pulsing damage going that hits either of those abilities your dodge will be interrupted.

TLDR several skills and abilities can interrupt an evade.

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@Orion.8453 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field

ever heard of the dodge button

To be fair, even evade isn't all avoiding. Necro can interrupt evade with fear ring, Guard can interrupt with staff wall, Ele can interrupt with Weaver Earth/Water Dagger 3, staff rock wall and staff lightning ring. Plus Shocking Aura and Engi shield 5, if you have any pulsing damage going that hits either of those abilities your dodge will be interrupted.

TLDR several skills and abilities can interrupt an evade.

fair enough

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@lotus.5672 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field

ever heard of the dodge button

Yeah, it's that thing that you get, on average, once every 10s and moves you effectively no distance from where the action started while the TTK in this game still manages to creep down to around 4-5s (or lower depending on the build) despite everything somehow supposedly being nerfed at some point. There's a reason why nobody likes to walk out into LoS in this game: tab-targeting is oppressive in a game which also features manually aimed or melee-range attacks. Nobody really tries to consciously use the dodge button except as a throwaway rotation-filler while pressing buttons on a point; it's value is MASSIVELY depreciated in any other PvP situation.

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@Caedmon.6798 said:For me personally its the lack of game modes. Conquest is old and done for,i just randomly do some unranked nowadays to get a fight or two and stop. Its a boring game mode. Death match / Capture the flag,whatever. Anything that can grant us different fights,every conquest game just feels the same to me,and has been for years. I also think we need some bigger maps,the conquest maps imo are too small.

The new players coming in from steam will feel the same way after a while of playing.

this is why strongholds should be in ranked.

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@Swagg.9236 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field

ever heard of the dodge button

There's a reason why nobody likes to walk out into LoS in this game: tab-targeting is oppressive in a game which also features manually aimed or melee-range attacks.

Im pretty sure the ppl still playing enjoy how the mechanics work in this game, also they are not changing such a thing 8 years after release, you should find something else to play. Not defending the poor state of the game though

Nobody really tries to consciously use the dodge button except as a throwaway rotation-filler while pressing buttons on a point; it's value is MASSIVELY depreciated in any other PvP situation.

This is just false and a dumb thing to say

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@lotus.5672 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field

ever heard of the dodge button

There's a reason why nobody likes to walk out into LoS in this game: tab-targeting is oppressive in a game which also features manually aimed or melee-range attacks.

Im pretty sure the ppl still playing enjoy how the mechanics work in this game, also they are not changing such a thing 8 years after release, you should find something else to play. Not defending the poor state of the game though

Nobody really tries to consciously use the dodge button except as a throwaway rotation-filler while pressing buttons on a point; it's value is MASSIVELY depreciated in any other PvP situation.

This is just false and a dumb thing to say

You mean you'd rather, consciously use your dodge anywhere off point as opposed to on point while as a means of padding the time between your burst/invuln cooldowns? Considering how the map is only about 1% point, do you think that anybody really wants to use a dodge in the open field? How about the times when someone knows that they've got an enemy on their tail? Do you think the first instinct is to blow two dodges on that opponent's pursuing CC or speed control skills? Do you think a Thief is going to dodge twice rather than just spam shortbow 5? Do you think that a Warrior is going to dodge rather than just GS 3 then 5?

Dodge is garbage. It provides no mobility, it has almost no mechanical interaction with the rest of the game outside of a few traits and runes, and it's in NO WAY suitable as a means of consistently re-positioning or mitigating incoming damage. It's absolute best use--as in, DO NOT, if you can at all help it, use it except in this way--is as a 1.5s freebie delay between your skills which do all of the cheesy stuff that mostly invalidate dodge in the first place (i.e. teleports, instant damage, perfect damage mitigation, actionable damage mitigation, etc). If you asked anybody to rank where dodge landed in their build within a hierarchy of important buttons, I can't imagine that it'd ever scrape the top 5--or maybe even 10--despite its universal and baked-in nature (except maybe for Necromancer).

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@Swagg.9236 said:

@Swagg.9236 said:in a game that doesn't allow people to use a universal, skill-based means of consistently mitigating incoming damage in an open field

ever heard of the dodge button

There's a reason why nobody likes to walk out into LoS in this game: tab-targeting is oppressive in a game which also features manually aimed or melee-range attacks.

Im pretty sure the ppl still playing enjoy how the mechanics work in this game, also they are not changing such a thing 8 years after release, you should find something else to play. Not defending the poor state of the game though

Nobody really tries to consciously use the dodge button except as a throwaway rotation-filler while pressing buttons on a point; it's value is MASSIVELY depreciated in any other PvP situation.

This is just false and a dumb thing to say

it's in NO WAY suitable as a means of consistently re-positioning or mitigating incoming damage.

wtf do you use dodge for? I play Mesmer, dodges are gold for us. Thief loves to spam dodge like it's going out of style.

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