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Go back to the original 'Overture' on character selection


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As my first post in 8 years I'd like to bring some attention to the character selection screen - mainly in the hopes that some developers will take note.For the Steam release, please consider adding the old Overture back in for new and returning players to see. For veteran and returning players, the overture inspires nostalgia and memories of playing the game all those years ago. New players get to hear the great composition that sits with many players to this day, and I would not want to let that go opportunity go to waste.We had the HoT main theme for two years, and now the PoF theme for three. Those are amazing, but how about a fresh start to breathe new life into the game?That is all, thanks for the attention.

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There have been threads already asking for the selection screen to have some sort of overhaul. You can find them with the forum search function. While I agree that some change would be nice, regardless of whether or not the Steam release has anything to do with it (it actually doesn't), there has been no movement or indication from Anet that this is something that they are willing to spend development time on.

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@Fueki.4753 said:I don't think the $team release has anything to do with your wish.People really need to stop trying to shoehorn that release into their wishes.

I think the Steam release is important, we want to give the best impression of the game to new players and the character selection is the first thing you see.I'm not asking for something new, I want to hear the iconic music from years ago that others might remember too.

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@"RazorClawzX.9784" said:

@Fueki.4753 said:I don't think the $team release has anything to do with your wish.People really need to stop trying to shoehorn that release into their wishes.

I think the Steam release is important, we want to give the best impression of the game to new players and the character selection is the first thing you see.I'm not asking for something new, I want to hear the iconic music from years ago that others might remember too.

As suggested, please use the search fucntion. What you might consider being the best impression, is not really what everyone thinks. You said yourself the current one is fine, but we had it for several years. This is not an argument that counts for new players to the game.

Could it use an overhaul? yes!Should it be part of the steam release? No. There are more pressing matters to attend to for this release.When do I think it will change? given the commitment to EoD it likely will change then.What should change? I do not think a return to the original is what the playerbase wants when looking back at old topics. Most requests are about QoL changes and just something refreshing and new.

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@"RazorClawzX.9784" said:

@"Fueki.4753" said:I don't think the $team release has anything to do with your wish.People really need to stop trying to shoehorn that release into their wishes.

I think the Steam release is important, we want to give the best impression of the game to new players and the character selection is the first thing you see.I'm not asking for something new, I want to hear the iconic music from years ago that others might remember too.

But they aren't wrong. Your request is literally "Please put the old music back. It would be better for the steam release. Why? Because I personally like it more".

It's subjective and has nothing to do with giving the best impression of the game.

That's their entire point. There are so many thread with people saying "you need to do this before steam release or else it will go badly!" when the request usually boils down to " I personally think that.." or "I want something and this is an attempt as shoehorning some legitimacy to my claim"

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"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

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You can already make this change on your own. In fact you can change it to any song or playlist you want. Instructions can be found on the gw2 wiki:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack

Me personally, I would like to see an update/change to the login screen, but I do not see that happening until the Expansion is released. In the meantime, I have changed the login music to my own playlist of the original GW2 Overture, the GW1 Overture, and the GW1: Factions Overture. Oh, the memories.

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@"choon.6308" said:"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

While it's not on the topic, I think if you did care about new players you could turn them into experienced players rather than having disdain for those you never helped.

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@"Recon.9461" said:You can already make this change on your own. In fact you can change it to any song or playlist you want. Instructions can be found on the gw2 wiki:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack

Me personally, I would like to see an update/change to the login screen, but I do not see that happening until the Expansion is released. In the meantime, I have changed the login music to my own playlist of the original GW2 Overture, the GW1 Overture, and the GW1: Factions Overture. Oh, the memories.

I didn't know about this, thank you so much!

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@"RazorClawzX.9784" said:

@"choon.6308" said:"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

While it's not on the topic, I think if you did care about new players you could turn them into experienced players rather than having disdain for those you never helped.

It's easy to distinguish people who are just new and about to get better in a short time and people who just do their own weird thing, not reading up on anything and not taking any useful advice.

It's comical especially when you can literally share build templates and equipment or refer them to snowcrows to learn about rotation yet they still won't learn anything and do the same thing weeks, months, years later.

"I have vitality and toughness gear but I can still do dps""I like dpsing with the longbow""I like using this trait line because it gives me more vitality"

Sound familiar? These are the people who can NEVER be helped. They are stuck in random pug runs 99% of the time anyways but still annoying.

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@choon.6308 said:

@"RazorClawzX.9784" said:

@choon.6308 said:"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

While it's not on the topic, I think if you did care about new players you could turn them into experienced players rather than having disdain for those you never helped.

It's easy to distinguish people who are just new and about to get better in a short time and people who just do their own weird thing, not reading up on anything and not taking any useful advice.

It's comical especially when you can literally share build templates and equipment or refer them to snowcrows to learn about rotation yet they still won't learn anything and do the same thing weeks, months, years later.

"I have vitality and toughness gear but I can still do dps""I like dpsing with the longbow""I like using this trait line because it gives me more vitality"

Sound familiar? These are the people who can NEVER be helped. They are stuck in random pug runs 99% of the time anyways but still annoying.

I doesn't sound familiar at all, I think you're viewing this exclusively through the lens of hardcore content (which most people don't play at all).The things you're talking down on are good for open world and story content. Those players just don't have the same focus as you do, and that's fine, but not wanting new players to come into the game because you don't think they will be as elitist as you is a bad thing.Players do, and should do, what they enjoy the most. And that might be different from what you enjoy!

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@"choon.6308" said:"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

Do you WANT the game to die? Because that is what is going to happen if no new players join, the game will get shut down.

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@The Greyhawk.9107 said:

@"choon.6308" said:"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

Do you WANT the game to die? Because that is what is going to happen if no new players join, the game will get shut down.

I'm not sure that is entirely the case. If Anet can keep the current player base happy (and purchasing) to the point where it is still profitable, then an influx of new players isn't necessarily vital.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"choon.6308" said:"we want to give the best impression of the game to new players" no, unless you're an ANET employee yourself it's not your responsibility.

I for one do not care about new players or the steam release, there are already very weak, low skilled players in abundance ruining PVE endgame. Don't need more.

Do you WANT the game to die? Because that is what is going to happen if no new players join, the game will get shut down.

I'm not sure that is entirely the case. If Anet can keep the current player base happy (and purchasing) to the point where it is still profitable, then an influx of new players isn't necessarily vital.

Even in the best scenarios Arenanet couldn't keep the entirety of the current playerbase indefinitely, people eventually lose interest and spend their time and money elsewhere. Even GW1 still picks up new players, which has contributed to that game's longevity. In order to stay afloat GW2 and Arenanet has to keep the current player base interested AND continue to pick up new players to grow the playerbase.

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