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Separate invisible bags from merged inventory


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I have a question for you guys at Anet,

Currently i'm playing with all my bags shown separatly in my inventory, but i realy would like to play with a the "big inventory" and hide the bags.The only thing holding me back to do so is that invisible bags are embeded aswel and i use them to keep all my weapons and gear that i'm currently not using in my templates, but that i need on hand to swap out whenever needed and i definatly not want to accidentaly sell them to the merchant or salvage them.When i embed these bags i have no way to see wether a bagslot is an invisible one or not, which makes the use of them realy impractical.Since you guys managed to give us the ability to separate the shared inventory slots allready, i was wondering if there was a possibility to do the same for invissible bags too


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Items in an invisible bag will never appear in a merchant window or be selected for auto-salvage.if you're concerned about manually salvaging the items you may wish to place the bag at the bottom of your stack with another specialty bag like an oiled bag(auto stores trophies and junk items) above it to act as a buffer.

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That is exactly what i'm doing, but there is no way to tell which ones are my invisible slots since they look the same as normal slots and are not separated or colored different in any way. I don't expect they want me to count the last 20 slots every time i open my inventory to make sure i put something in my invisible bag. Like i'm not able to tell if a slot is the last one from a normal bag or the first one of my invisible bag without counting them manualy when the entire inventory would be empty for example.

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I imagine it probably would be useful for a lot of people if Anet did add this option. (I wouldn't use it myself because I prefer to keep it separated by bags, but I can see how knowing which slots relate to which bag would be useful.)

But in the meantime, or in case they don't add this option would it help to do something like re-size your inventory so it's easy to count 20 slots? For example I have my inventory set to be 5 slots wide (it sits as a 5x4 grid above the chat box) so even if it wasn't divided by bags I'd know the bottom 4 rows are my invisible bag. I'm not sure how big the inventory window can get or how you like to arrange it, but maybe something like that could work for you?

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@RDEF.8513 said:That is exactly what i'm doing, but there is no way to tell which ones are my invisible slots since they look the same as normal slots and are not separated or colored different in any way. I don't expect they want me to count the last 20 slots every time i open my inventory to make sure i put something in my invisible bag. Like i'm not able to tell if a slot is the last one from a normal bag or the first one of my invisible bag without counting them manualy when the entire inventory would be empty for example.

Well for that if it's your last bag just put an item in the 1st slot you won't use/move like a lucky rabbits foot or something and you know that's the beginning and the 19 slots after are invisible.

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