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Ostricizing Thief?

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

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@ArcanistSeven.8720 said:theyre not were nothing but a b tier class in all modes and it seems thats what anet wants us to be better reroll

thief was S+ in pvp, legit any team that didnt use thief was automatically losing a game by default, after the nerfs thief MIGHT just MIGHT not be so overpowered to be a CHOICE and not a must. But I dont get my hopes up, logical part of me knows thief will still be mandatory but im open to a possibility that it might not be the case.

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Oh > @Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:theyre not were nothing but a b tier class in all modes and it seems thats what anet wants us to be better reroll

thief was S+ in pvp, legit any team that didnt use thief was automatically losing a game by default, after the nerfs thief MIGHT just MIGHT not be so overpowered to be a CHOICE and not a must. But I dont get my hopes up, logical part of me knows thief will still be mandatory but im open to a possibility that it might not be the case.

Oh look another post that says "thief was must have in pvp so nerfs are ok" without even reading the main post.Yes thief was a must because thief was turned into a ROAM BOT. Now that that has been addressed and thief can't even play it's own capture the point minigame, what fighting power does he get in return ? nerfs to survivability. Pretty epic if you ask me

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They are doing this to every Profession, not just Thief.Every single Profession has been brought down to a pitiful state with just numbers nerfs.

Don't count on anything "Strong" right now to remain so.We all saw what they did to Firebrand earlier in the year.

Thief mobility needed a nerf yea, but Anet loves to just nerf without buffing, so yep, the one last thing Thief had for them which is mobility got slapped.Like I truly wish that when something gets nerfed, some other lacking aspect gets buffed in the same patch, but I guess it's just wishful thinking now.

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@"Yasai.3549" said:They are doing this to every Profession, not just Thief.Every single Profession has been brought down to a pitiful state with just numbers nerfs.

Don't count on anything "Strong" right now to remain so.We all saw what they did to Firebrand earlier in the year.

Thief mobility needed a nerf yea, but Anet loves to just nerf without buffing, so yep, the one last thing Thief had for them which is mobility got slapped.Like I truly wish that when something gets nerfed, some other lacking aspect gets buffed in the same patch, but I guess it's just wishful thinking now.

This^ the nerf was heavy handed but with communities help their gutting every viable fun builds and further dumbing the game down which is kinda funny cuz the players of this game continue to help anet kill the pvp and its population, as if anet needs the help.It's not just happening to thief.

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:There's an expac coming. That means everything that isn't part of the expac (by which I mean part of the stuff they want you to spend money on) is going to get nerfed repeatedly until the expac drops. It's happened every time, just part of the cycle at this point.

Exactly what I've been saying. It will bring back skills/traits/utilities & dps/healing/etc that it nerfed--but now buffed, to give you a sense of 'new.'

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